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Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

Sorry, guys. Maybe these texts were funny to you. But to a lot of people involved, there were quite offensive, and those people didn't like it. And neither did I.

Not to mention that the last one that was posted (that I just read), was really really not funny, just full on low bathroom jokes, as I call them. I didn't erase, Steve did, but believe me, if I had seen it, I would have erased it as well...

Sorry to be so direct, but it's really not the style of the house.... But I'm sure there are other sites that will be delighted to host that style of writing.

Why do you think humour must be directed at others? The first person I laugh about is myself. I try and not laugh at somebody else's expenses, especially if they can't defend themselves...

Sorry, like I said when we started this forum, I told you I would be in charge of what goes on or not. Call me Dictator if you wish. I have no intention of leaving on it messages that are not funny and offensive to some people. That's my feeling. That's I what I feel that goes. Sue me.

And just to finish, Steve, Linda and I are working blipping hard on this site, day and night, and I think we have got the right to say what goes on it or not.

Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

Oh dear. Something somewhere is ALWAYS going to upset someone, no matter what it is. The last one was funny; hardly 'toilet humour' when satirising politics, and insinuating rather than stating! I agree with the guys above, this is purely a bit of fun, at least the guy is actually interested in squash, unlike 99.9% of the world's population!

Re: Willstrop diaries

Framboil. There were not a lot of people involved, I think I included 8. I would be very suprised if JP, John White, Alex Gough, David Campion, Greg Gaultier and Derek Ryan are aware of this particular diary. So how can they be offended??

Also, the Willstrop clan does have a kind of mafiosi-like influence over England squash, I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing; it is merely an observation. If they cannot take being lampooned they need to acquire a sense of humour.

Just for the record, I have no problem with the Willstrops at all, James is fantastic at squash and clearly his father is an equally good coach.

Is any criticism at all allowed on this forum?? Can I for example say - Lee Beachill is one of the most boring players to watch in the world? Or must I say that Lee Beachill possesses an exceptionally smooth technique and I would like very much for him to father my babies??

With regard to what is offensive... if an elderly lady who hardly knew me was publishing comments about my bum, I would be disgusted and probabaly offended that she was taking liberties of this manner. Are you unaware that this may be the case or do you 'ok' comments about people's bums with them before you publish them?? These kind of comments are far closer in reality to 'toilet humour' than anything I have written.

In future I shall not be using this site for anything other than a laugh (mainly at the way in which what was an interesting forum has now been totally and utterly ruined, with the maximum number of replies to a post being 5! Before i think it was nearer 50. Well done guys!) Oh dear I'm being critical.

By the way, saying that we may call you ''Dictator'' is extremely offensive. I don't think you should be revelling in drawing parallels between yourself and such figures as Hitler (because this is certainly how it reads). Of course, that's just my point of view (which ironically is what the old forum used to be called) and I could be wrong. But then again you could be wrong in your assumption that the Diary is offensive.

Re: Willstrop diaries

So that no one misunderstands the intentions of my comments I have written a little explanation after each.

I seem to remember these being posted on another web site. At the time some of them seemed very funny, some not so, to me. But that's a characteristic of humour. To suggest that humour is only relevant if it's about ones self, is such an amazingly narrow view I can't believe anyone who both understood what they had said, and was more than 1 day out of infant school would say it.
That's just criticism, written I hope in a slightly humorous way.

What is bathroom humour anyway? is it a pc version of toilet humour? or should that be bidet humour, Framboise?
That's a little bit if humour, directed at you Framboise, not me!

Just as Framboise is the first person SHE laughs at, I suspect a lot of other people will be doing the same in this case!
That's another bit of humour, directed at you, Framboise, not me, don't take it too seriously.

By the way, my label, 'LetPlease', that’s a little bit of humour direct at me.

I haven't seen the latest diary entry, apparently my eyes and sensibilities must be protected from it.
That's a bit of sarcasm.

I am disappointed that Steve Cubbins removed it as he was in charge when the last diaries were published. I don't remember him removing them then.
No humour intended at all.

Could it be that Malcolm Willstrop has had an influence? Conflict of interest comes to mind.
Just an observation, only a suggestion of a possibility, please don't take it as a fact, it's not, I don't know Mr Willstrop, from what I can gather he is doing a fantastic job, keep up the good work.

So long as the diary does not try to present it's self as a serious, believable news channel then let it be, its just humour, not Framboise humour, of course.
There's some sarcasm in that, but mostly just an observation.

Surely the people concerned are not so insecure that they can't take a little bit of caricaturing? they’re famous for heavens sake. I wish I was famous enough for someone to spend time writing a spoof diary about me, I know I would laugh.
A bit of fake amazement, coupled with some self deprecation.

I know this is not 'our' web site, it 'belongs' to those who run/administer it. They can publish what they like and refuse what they like. I can only vote with my feet. I just might go back to
Irony perhaps?

Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

Mate, you do what you want. You've got the right to go on any site you want....
Like I said, it is my decision. Sorry if you don't like it.
And sorry if my English is as good as your French and if sometimes, I do not use the right word, or the right expression.

And that's humour as well, dear....

Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

It appears we can write what we want so long as our opinion is the 'correct' one!

(a poor attempt at humor... I apologize for such a lame effort)

Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

I personally enjoyed the Willstrop diaries, but respect Framboise & Steve's decision to 'moderate' this forum as they see fit. They set it up and we should play by their rules. If we don't like those rules we can always leave. Gotta love freedom!

As a fellow squash enthusiast I am embarrassed to see attacks on Framboise's nationality. It is shocking to me with all the $#%$# going on in the world today that we need to resort to something so low and divisive on a SQUASH site of all places! Agree or disagree, let's at least show each other some respect. We're all here because we love squash, right?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

If I insulted Framboise or anyone else because they think I have attacked a nationality, then I apologise unreservedly, I did not have this in mind at all.

It may not have been funny, but that was all I intended. A bit of ribbing at misuse of language is a game played by many people, the French are not excluded, they protect the integrity of French much more vigorously than we do English.

However, if I overstepped the mark then I am sorry.

Re: Willstrop diaries

This is getting silly, nobody was having a go at anybody's nationality! That would be 'the French are stupid', not tongue-in-cheek 'Framboise you should get an editor'. Anyway the Willstrop diaries should be allowed Steve, harmless.

Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

It looks like a few of the personal attacks have been 'moderated'. There was a post that must have been removed that included amphibian references and other naughtiness. I agree, the Willstrop diaries were light-hearted, harmless and probably funny to many (inlcuding me).

Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

yeah pretty silly if you ask me. I'm all for free speech. The moderators have a right to stop people from abusing and swearing on this forum but controversial issues should be allowed an airing and light hearted banter too. For example, i had questioned Darwish's commitment by asking why he was playing in another no-name tourney...and the moderators removed it in double quick time. It wasn't anything personal against Darwish at all, his countryman Shabana is in fact my favorite squash player.

Its nice to say stuff like 'we don't care, if you don't like it go somewhere else' etc. etc. but at the end of the day its the squash players/fans who keep the interest in the game alive and keep this website alive, so you DO have a commitment to them.

Framboise and Steve, please lighten up and go easy on the moderation!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

Just looking down through the postings it's amazing to see just what is tickling everbody's fancy.
From the Wilstrop diaries, the 'censoring' that is or is'nt very fair.
But there is a posting "How to construct a National Coaching Program by Jamie" in my opinion a good topic but as yet no public responses. Could this be part of the reason why we cannot get squash to the forefront, people are buzzing off each other about what is in fact something which is in fact a joke, its untrue and does not really benefit squash in any way. Ok its a laugh & lighthearted to an extent I did enjoy them when they were there.
I'd much prefer to read thoughts on a National Coaching Program and the reasons on why did Steve and Framboise leave the Squashplayer and set this site up.

Maybe if people puy their thoughts and opinions toghther we might be able to help Jamie out.
Go on say it 'why have I not done so'!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

I like ur reply so much.We must not forget that this is a squash site for info,discussions & exchange of views about SQUASH .The game requires more !!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Willstrop diaries

Dermot check this link out.

some good ideas here.

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