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Photo Gallery Added to CaretakersNetwork Website

Hello Gang!

We have added a new page to the site. For now we are calling it the photo gallery. You can find a link to it from the welcome page, or right now by clicking on the computer icon underneath "Webmaster" and the link shows up at the bottom of this message -- neat huh?

This gives everyone a chance to post photos of their farms, properties, communities, or inns. Caretakers feel free to post pictures of yourselves, or projects you have worked on. Employers, it is a good spot to show the housing to curious applicants.

So far we have 6 categories: Property Photos, Caretakers, Farms and Ranches, Intentional Communities, Special events, and Phun Photos.

Photos must be jpg. or gif. and of a filesize less than 150 kb. The way these albums are set up -- all submissions will be reviewed and may be added to public albums (or deleted) at the discretion of the staff at CaretakersNetwork.

Just a helpful note. Pictures tend to be huge in filesize unless 'photo-shopped' to be web-ready. So don't get too frustrated the first couple of times you submit. And if you don't get a thumb size confirmation of your photo, it didn't attach.

Re: Photo Gallery Added to CaretakersNetwork Website

How do I shrink my pictures to load up?

Thank you

Re: Photo Gallery Added to CaretakersNetwork Website

If you right click on your image that you want to upload it will display the size of the image, if its too big go to your photo editor that you usually use and crop it to the allowable size.

Hope this helps?