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Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

Ah yes. This is what I do. Helping others is what Daniel Birdick lives for! ;-)

Seriously though, no problem. Robert Greene's books make for interesting reads.

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

You are an absolute doll!

Please participate you are an interesting read and a cerebral pleasure<3

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

I too have read this book and enjoyed reading it very much. Its simply well written and the stories around the laws are great. Its however a total handbook for selfish/psychopathic behavior if you apply it as such. I know DB gets this.And I would think only a very naive person would read it any other way. Have fun!

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

You say tomato, I say tomawto, Disney. You say it's psychopathic. I say it's pragmatic.

Let's call the whole thing off!

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

Due to his obvious displeasure at being labeled, I prefer to say that it is a good read.

Never in my mind would I think it is anything other than a way that works! I have respect for logical thinking.

And although I guess I am labeled a Normal, I respect all types based on their behaviours. I don't use anger or generic labels to classify others.

Just like this forum, Mr. Birdick's writings, and thinkers in general. Everything sociopathic does not have to refer to bad. It is natural I guess.

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

I don't know if by "his" you were referring to me, but just in case you were, I was not displeased. Me and Disney have had online conversations before. She'd know that I was making a pop-culture reference with the "let's call the whole thing off" thing. I was and am amused though by her moralistic sounding comments.

You could think of all of Robert Greene's books as self help for the cynical (read realist) set. It's just another perspective, another way to view the various social/political circumstances we all find ourselves in. Naturally I don't think of these things in terms of good or bad. I think of them as useful or not.

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

Well then we would have things in common. Lets chat soon. You have earned my respect if that matters...if not, I just want to have an intelligent soul to converse with:-)

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

'lets chat soon'? oh man, you gotta love these forums.

again, the book is an awesome read but also has conflicting laws but it provokes thought and maybe here and there some delusional dogmatic ( and thus failing) following?

Re: Message for Daniel Birdick

Disney, anyone who takes this or any other book dogmatically deserves whatever they get, especially failure.