Someone with the name Dr. Robert (possibly the real Dr. Robert) asked me to explain why I wrote Dr. Robert's opinions were lacking and biased , saying that a generalization such as this is worse than useless , and I dearly want to reply to him, but I need to know that I did everything I could to let, at least, one of the persons, who were on the receiving side of such opinions, know that things are not as grimm as they seem from the doctor's evaluation. This is why I am answering in a new thread: I profoundly wish the person in the example I give will read this and see the other side of the coin. I will answer directly to Dr. Robert because it is good manners to do so, but I wish other people observe this. I will write as if I were speaking directly to the Dr. Robert who wrote the replies that prompted me to write the negative sentence I did.
Dr. Robert:
You are, obviously, right, but, since I couldn't explain that point extensively in such an introduction, I had a reason to make the mistake of being ambigous.
What I said was truly pointless but the reason I wrote it was that I was in shock when I saw some of your replies: many of the positions you are defending are not considered even remotely plausible (or ethical) by most psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, geneticists and anthropologists and the way you express them is very counterproductive in some cases. You are not talking to one of your friends, you are talking to people who are seriously confused and in need of a very balanced reply to their questions. You don't know them minimally to go as far as to reply in the way you did. You make replies that a therapist wouldn't even consider or would at least base on a thourough assessement of the person in question, not in a few paragraphs written in an e-mail.
Of the many replies you made to some, more or less, desperate persons, there was one that marked me because it pertains to a very volatile point in life (adolescence) and the topic is very controversial (sexuality). It is the one about the boy who thinks he is a pedophile: he starts his text with "I am a sexually confused boy living in the UK, and am writing to ask if you think sexuality is flexible or can be changed" and the link to your reply is
I took the time to re-read your statements and I found that I was wrong in some ways but, in others, I was on the spot. I will agree that my expression was hasty, but it is not totally inaccurate. I will follow your text gradually, only jumping when it is truly necessary, to explain in a clear way what I feel is right and wrong about what you said.
For example, the nature vs. nurture conundrum still doesn't have a complete answer, but at least one thing is commonly accepted: neither extreme holds water. Almost everyone in the relevant sections of the scientific community believes that, for the large majority of situations, the answer lies somewhere in the middle ground, more to one side or the other, depending on what exactly the behaviour in question is. Of course some things, like autism, are not a problem of nurture, but nurture can still have a relatively positive or negative effect, even on those problems (such as with autism itself).
I realise you did not say you believed sexuality is only genetic or congenital but, taking the side of genetics and congenital influences, even superficially and ambigously as you do, is as bad as taking the side of behaviouralism. Of course culture, by itself, doesn't explain one's sexual desires completely, but the environment does help. It is not just the example of the father/mother figure that makes someone follow a certain sexuality (children in the care of homosexual couples aren't more given to becoming homosexual, as far as studies have been able to determine, just a lot less homophobic) but some more subtle influences can have a serious effect on what a person becomes sexually, specially their early sexual experiences. Someone doesn't simply decide to be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, but it is not accepted that it is completely genetic either.
What you replied to the boy, who was afraid he was a pedophile, is dangerous and can become a malign influence in his life. You probably sent him down a path towards depression without giving him any escape route. If he follows your advice completely he may be headed for a major depression . If he was a pedophile, even if it was caused by purely genetic reasons as you say, there is therapy that could help him live with it. I'm not saying it could change what he feels completely and I'm not saying you can change one's sexuality, but he is still forming his sexual identity and there is much that can be done to adapt his desires or, at least, to help him learn how to live with them without doing something unethical, damaging and dangerous because of them and without feeling guilty all the time, avoiding depression!
The (not so) funny thing is, it is unlikely he truly is a pedophile! He is just too young to know for sure. Children and adolescents go through a lot of sexual discovery before defining their true sexuality. There are those who know exactly what, and who, they are from early adolescence but that is the exception, not the norm.
Using emotionally charged words like "bull****" , when what one needs to do is make the answer induce the least level of anxiety, is completely out of the normal behaviour of any professional. There are times when a therapist will have to shock the patient to force her to move past an ensnaring line of thought, but do you actually believe this was the case, or that the word you used was adequate when you know next to nothing about the person in question?
And where did you find the inspiration to tell the boy he is gay and thoroughly advise him to seek homosexual relations? Heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality are constructs of society, every psychologist and psychiatrist knows this almost since the 70's: that's thirty years ago! For the sake of Jung: the word heterosexual was invented after the word homosexual !!! There is homosexuality, bisexuality and heterosexuality, in some sense, but not in the strict manner you implied!
The percentage of persons who are completely and absolutely homosexual or heterosexual is very small. There is only sexuality , nothing else. A person can prefer men but still feel atracted to women: if this boy is romantically attached to a girl, even if his sexual interest for her is less than what he would feel for boys (of any age), it is absolutely ridiculous and medically wrong to tell him he is gay! He can be gay but he can have a mix of feelings and desires that do not qualify him as such. He his a very troubled person in a shifting personality: there is no reason why his sexual identity, which is not yet defined, cannot change even if only slightly, at least, not because someone tells him to do so or he simply desires it, but because he is still open to changes created by his own sexual experiences. Who knows if his interest in younger people won't diminish as a result of his new found interest in an heterosexual relationship?
I'm sorry, but if you are a medical doctor what you did is malpractice! If you are not a medical doctor what, in the name of all that is reasonable in human thought, were you thinking when you started playing with people's lives and feelings? One thing is to give an opinion with the pre-established caveat and warning that one is not qualified to give a completely safe answer (not even therapists will make the error of assuming that what they are doing is perfect even though they, at least, have the authority to make directive therapy or analytical therapy), another is to speak ex cathedra as if you were an authority in the subject when you clearly are not!
This is why I always take the care of making clear what knowledge of the subject I have, or where that knowledge comes from, and always, but always, tell people they should find a good therapist if their question is about concret aspects of their (or other people's) lives (and not abstract like "what is normal").
I hope I made myself clear about this, and I hope you start to think twice, no, make that thrice, about what you reply to these persons! It is perfectly ethical to give one's opinion if one clearly states how much background one has to support it and expresses it in an appropriate manner, but what you did is unthinkable! Where are the pathos, ethos and logos of your replies? Do you really think you know what he is feeling, you made a discourse adapted to his circumstances or you used a valid reasoning?
If he trusts completely in what you said, even if he is as intelligent as he seems to be, his new beliefs will harm him and ruin his emotional life for years to come, if not forever, unless he finds truly qualified help!
I have spoken already too much about what was wrong in what I read so, I think it is only fair I write at least one paragraph about what I agree with in your text. You said very sound things at some points: the skewed vision that religions often have of sexuality, the fact that nurture alone dosn't seem to be the reason behind every aspect of sexuality: even the images you used were relevant. You do have some insight on what you are talking and you do seem intelligent.
I will try to write another response explaining further what else I find problematic in what you say, but I must say onething. I really don't care if you have a PhD or not: what you are doing is unethical, biased, unsupported by accepted scientific views and contrary to the general belief of the scientific comunity.
Thank you.
I will continue this thread at a later point.
-- What am I doing here? --
I am currently doing research on several topics for a few books and articles I am writing. I would like to make a positive contribution to fora (plural of "forum") about such topics in order to get constructive views on those matters for a better perspective on them. This is why I came here. I will not indulge myself in flamming and will not respond directly to any clearly non-constructive replies.
I have read some of Dr. Robert's responses to certain questions and I find them lacking and biased. Still, I truly wish to know what people who come here, and even Dr. Robert himself, think about my points of view for three reasons. First: I know I can, very easily, be wrong and I should keep an eye out for other opinions. Second: all points of view are important to have perspective on any matter, specially the ones one doesn't agree with. Third: wisdom can come from very strange places and one should not underestimate anyone as far as knowledge and wisdom are concerned.
Please, give me honest and constructive replies: I will return in kind.
"Why make the same mistake twice when there are so many too choose from?" - Unconfirmed author
i DOES understands that you does be angry about that and others maybe does BE too i not knows.. But i DOES thinks you should SENDS this in PRIVATE even thoug dr robert DID sayed to you that you DOES should explains youselfs in FORUMS. it does being little NOT FAIR because i does at least THINKS you not uses yours real name here but still litle OFFENSSIVE language..
i does WRITES this because i DOES thinks that he not CAN says "please uses private" himself because you does says this to him and maybe because he did sayed that you musts explains what you does means.
but this only DOES be sugestion.
Be well
I have been meaning to thank you for welcoming me to the forum, and I intended to do so on the same thread where you replied to me, but since it is more important that I reply to you here I will thank you now.
Thank you for your warm welcome.
It is true, I was harsh and agressive in my post, but remember this: someone in Dr. Robert's position has an enourmous power over those who trust him. He has so much power over those who truly believe he is an authority in what he says that his will alone can make or break a person's emotional well-being. This is too much power to be used carelessly.
In the example I gave, he may have caused severe emotional distress to a 15 year-old boy who seems to be extremely intelligent and to have a lot of potential. Who do you think was more unfair: I to Dr. Robert or he to that young teenager? It is a responsability every therapist and person who proposes to aid others in such delicate matters must always carry.
Before replying to these e-mails in such a directive way, one should carefuly consider the implications. If the opinion was made from an analytical point of view, it could be unsettling and nothing more, but Dr. Robert goes as far as to explicitly direct the boy towards damaging actions and trains of thought.
I have no intention of disparaging Dr. Robert, specially not in public, but what would you have me do? Stand by the sidelines and watch this kind of things happen without interfering if I can? What would it mean if yet another person was hurt by Dr. Robert's special brand of therapy and I had allowed it to happen through my innaction? Do you believe it would be ethical to do so?
If I could, I would have replied in private, but a public reply was asked for and I am truly preoccupied for that boy: I know what it is to be a confused, yet intelligent, teenager and it pained me to think what that boy must be going through. The main reason I posted this reply was not to answer to Dr. Robert: it was a desperate atempt to contact the boy and remedy the damage that was done to him.
I am sorry if I went too far, anyone with the power to do so should feel free to eliminate this thread, but I think it was necessary. I am not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist but I know, from years of suffering, what this kind of carelessness can do to a confused person. This was what my conscience demanded and my ethics dictated. I regret the stress under which I am putting Dr. Robert but this was the lesser of two evils.
Thank you Lega, your point is very important, and I'm sorry Dr. Robert, but my concern is always for the weakest link and that, in this case, is every single person who sends an e-mail to Dr. Robert asking for help.
“The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.” - Oscar Wilde
P.S. - Oscar Wilde was an homosexual and was sentenced to two years of forced labour for this. He later died a destroyed man, not very long after leaving his imprisonment and exiling himself in continental Europe.
Your approach to me was a poor one, lacking both ordinary civility, and the respect which my work deserves. I see that you have backed off some of the offensive language, as well as the blanket condemnation of my website, and that is enough of an apology for me, so let me get to the essence.
I take all criticism seriously. Even if it is couched in rude and abusive terms, as yours was, a criticism might be important in showing me where I have gone astray, or how I might improve my work. In that spirit of openness, I carefully read the particular question and reply which offended you so much. After consideration, I completely stand by my reply to that boy, and find your criticism totally and completely without merit. Not only have you misunderstood the boy's questions to me, and so, inevitably misunderstood my manner of helping him, but you have presented your opinions, many of them misguided and mistaken, as if they were facts. You have a right to your own opinions, Alexandropos, but not to your own facts.
I don't think your attack on my work merits a long reply, so I will not waste my time constructing one. Instead of going through your entire series of letters and pointing out the many errors of fact, let me take just one as an example.
I wrote this: "Basic sexuality is formed by both nature and nurture (and, for that matter, the intrauterine environment), but nature predominates strongly in that mix, and makes itself known regardless of cultural conditioning. Of that, there is little doubt."
This statement apparently touched a sore point in your own psyche as you spent many words—most of them foolish and mistaken—criticizing it. You also attempted to negate it by simply making stuff up: "Heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality are constructs of society, every psychologist and psychiatrist knows this almost since the 70's: that's thirty years ago!"
My statement is completely accurate; yours is nonsense. Let me back that up with some science. If heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality were constructs of society, as you want to think, then children of gays should turn out to be gay at a much greater rate than children of straights. This is obvious; after all, parents are the first and most powerful influences in the lives of most children, and are the representatives and transmitters to their young children of the values of society and the cultural surround. As the brilliant child psychologist, Donald Winnecott wrote, "Home is where we start from."
Well, Alexandropos, it turns out that children of gay parents are no more likely to grow up gay than children of straight parents. So your idea that basic sexuality is socially constructed is just wrong no matter how much you want or need to believe it. Since you have no facts to back up your idea, you pull the old trick of appeal to authority ("every psychologist and psychiatrist knows this"), but your appeal to authority is simply bull****. (Yes, I know you hate that word, but it is apt). If you doubt my facts, here are a few references (there are hundreds):
Golombok, Spencer, & Rutter, Children in Lesbian and Single-Parent Households: Psychosexual and Psychiatric Appraisal, 24, J. Child Psychology and Psychiatry 551, 568 (1983)
Green, The Best Interests of a Child with a Lesbian Mother, 10 Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry and Law, 7, 13, (1982)
Green, Mandel, Hotveldt, Gray, & Smith, Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparison with Solo Parent Heterosexual Mothers and Their Children, 15 Archives Sexual Behav., 167, 181 (1986)
Kirkpatrick, Smith, and Roy, Lesbian Mothers and their Children: A Comparative Survey, 51 Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 545, 551 (1981)
Bozett, Children of Gay Fathers, in Gay and Lesbian Parents, F. Bozett ed. (1987)
I could go on with a deconstruction of your attitudes and faulty "facts," but, as I say, I do not choose to spend time on this. Correcting yourself should be your work, not mine. To begin that work, I strongly suggest that you ask yourself why it is so important to you to believe that sexuality is socially constructed when all evidence points to the absolute contrary. If you get anywhere with that inquiry, you might find that you and the boy to whom I replied have something in common: Denial is more than the name of a river in Egypt.
Be well.
I slept on the matter and I have changed my mind.
No matter how controversial it may be, to deeply believe someone with enough power is causing severe problems to other people implies an ethical duty to expose the situation (to avoid further damage) and to atempt to help those who were mistreated.
Obviously my opinion can be totally wrong: that is why this should be a discussion and not a monologue.
It is people like you who will help me understand if my own reasoning and conclusions are more or less accurate.
If someone reads the e-mail and response that started all of this (the link is in the first post), please let me know if my analysis of the reply and Dr. Robert's position is completely, partially or even slightly wrong, without forgeting to justify your position, of course. If you find I am right in any respect, point it out so I can have a general idea of what I did.
Thank you.
I have been following this thread since it started. I have waited to comment until hearing what the doctor thought. Now I will say what I think. Apparently you feel some regret for your first attack on the doctor but this last post confuses me. Do you now admit that your entire attack was mistaken or are you still trying to maintain that the doctor somehow abused his position? You certainly seem unclear about this. If you feel he abused his position you should explain why, not in generalities, but in specifics as the doctor asked you to do. Since the doctor has pointed out that your ideas about sexuality are simply incorrect and has demonstrated it with references to numerous studies and since he has shown you that your idea that all psychologists believe sexuality is socially constructed is just incorrect do you not owe him a profound apology? I do not think saying that you have slept on the matter and changed your mind is sufficient. In fact after all you have written it is cowardly. Also, asking someone to delete your posts is cowardly. I do not think the doctor will delete them. I have never seen anything deleted from this forum and I read it every day. Instead of asking for your words to be deleted you should correct what you wrote and apologize for your errors and your nasty tone. He said that he does not need any further apology and that is generous of him but I think you must apologize totally or else be seen as one of the crazies on this forum. Personally I fail to see anything wrong with what he wrote to the boy which as I understood it was mainly aimed at getting the boy to accept his own sexuality, stop denying it and stop trying to have sex with a girl since he is obviously gay. Basically the advice was to stop trying to avoid his sexuality and to find a way to live his actual sexuality in a healthy way. I cannot see how you can find fault with that advice. By the way, accusing a professional of malpractice is a very serious charge. You should either back it up which I do not believe you can do or retract it unconditionally with a serious apology right now.
I said I was not interested in flamming but, when one is criticised in public, I believe one has the right to defend himself in public too. There are so many, many things I would like to write at this moment that I feel overwhelmed... Let's take it easy.
First of all, although it is not my real name, my pen name is "Adam Alexantropos" not "Alexandropos". The difference is significant for one reason only: "Aleantropos" derives its meaning from the ancient greek words "alexis" and "antropos". If you search for the meaning of those two words and, will be able to fully apreciate why I use that name and why I reacted to what you are doing in the way I did. You can use the internet if you like, it will do fine, but, if you want to, you can get there by searching the etymology of the name "Alexander" ("Alexandros" is the closest you can get to the original ancient greek word) and that of the word "anthropology" (I use "antropos" instead of "anthropos" for historical and linguistic coherence).
This is just a side note in, what will be for me, a very interesting post...
One interesting thing is that I placed my last post right after the previous one, to make my point clear, and, lo and behold, suddenly a post from Dr. Robert appeared between the two of them. What a strange coincidence that such an event would change the clarity of the meaning of my last post completely.
Such a marvelous thing the internet has become... If I wasn't fully versed in computer science and engineering I would be bafled with this turn of events. Could I have placed my post after Dr. Robert by mistake while the page was being updated with his post? Could Dr. Robert's post somehow have a higher priority as the server updated itself with the information I placed in it when, according to the clock ticking at the top of the forum page, it wasn't even morning there when I posted my confession?
And what of the miraculous metamorphosis of the article I so staunchly attacked for its lack of scientific accuracy and for its damaging effect on the poor boy I was so eager to defend? Did my eyes deceive me when I read what was written there for the first, second and third time as I tried to thoroughly, unbiasedly and rationally evaluate what exactly was written there as not to produce baseless accusations against someone who I, at first, considered a man devoted to a noble cause?
I liked your condescendent, yet balanced and elaborate, tone as you desperately tried to hide the sun with a sieve... Shall I debunk your deceivement for you or should I give you the oportunity to admit your error and get out of this with at least some of your dignity?
"Remember, remember the fifth of november..." or remember that there is such a thing as an internet archive that keeps copies of many, many websites as they evolve through time. Remember also that there was at least one more person who read my post and then replied. If I had known you would stoop as low as you did, I myself would have kept a record of the original text. Thankfully the internet did that for me.
There is a saying in my country: "You will catch a lier faster than a limp man."
I will await your reply eagerly.
As usual I will end my post with an adequate quotation or aphorism, and this one is specially thought for you, my dear doctor, spoken by the greatest master of deceit in the twentieth century.
"The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one." - Adolf Hitler
Post Scriptum: I read your reply just has I posted this message, Lega, and I agree this is turning out bad but, the same way I abhor violence but find it a necessary evil to defend oneself against physical threat, so too do I believe one's dignity must be defended with some cost as long as that does not cross the borders of what is ethical and advisable to do in such situations. You should try to understand what Dr. Robert did to understand how serious this has become. Sorry for getting you in the middle of this.
Nonsense Adam, this is just getting good. *hands out popcorn to fellow readers* This is exactly the kind of cheap entertainment i indulge in so do continue.
I do not know if you are jesting in one sense or the other, but if you find it in you to give my a more straightforward opinion about my current dilemma, between defending my intelectual dignity and not provoking a discussion that can result in a veritable war, I would be very grateful.
I understand how silly this may seem, but please, try to see my point too: how can a person be idle in the presence of injustice? I don't mean just to me, I mean to all of us: me, all the readers who trust Dr. Robert and that boy who may be having the worst time of his life.
Please, if you think my method is incorrect, if you believe I do not have the right to defend my dignity in this way, tell me and tell me why you believe it is so.
"A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means." - Sallust
I hope you're not asking me. I told one person here to just kill himself now in hopes that he wont make the world worse due to his offspring.
I don't actually care, one way or the other about you, the boy in question or the doctors reply to him. I find your exchange amusing. Not because it's interesting but because it's amazing how some can write so much and say so little. I need to take note so i can appear to be more intelligent than i am by writing an essay every time i want to convey a single thought to another person. So please, carry on.
You see? That was helpful! You indicated that you find my posts to have little or no substance, specially for the size they have...
I would like for you to be less... laking in good faith (perhaps?) because I would like you to discuss this issue with me so I can understand your point of view.
I understand that that is not the role you see for yourself in this forum, it was just an idea, but at least you were straightforward this time...
As strange as it may sound to do this:
Thank you for your contribution.
Post Scriptum: I am really too tired to keep this up at the moment. If you feel the need to do anything that recquires a response, feel free to do so and I will reply tomorrow.
I am sorry to have to come back to this, but the more I think about this situation the more I think it is intolerable. This has completely become a public matter so I will express myself in public. If you decide to take any action against me and/or my position, please feel free to do so in public too, just as you replied to my original post in view of everyone, and I will be prepared to suffer the consequences of my actions.
This is what alexanthropy means: to defend all those we can, within the limits of good sense, from any threat we percieve, and be prepared to risk, at least some of, our well being as a fee to do so. This word as been created by me because I found none that completely described the thorough concern about other human beings other than the word "compassion", and that particular linguistic unit does not express all that I which to convey in a single word.
Dr. Robert:
Either you admit your error in dealing with the boy's problem, the things you did to hide your mistake and the blatant atempt to defame me by resorting to very unethical methods or I will take this matter as far as it is necessary to defend myself and other people who come to you in search of a reasonable and authoritative insight.
I will go to any forum where this kind of situation is debated, I will try to expose you in related online journalism sites and I will try to contact the relevant authorities in your home country (presumably Canada) that may interfere in this matter. This includes any authority that governs the medical community in your country, something that will is severely negative for a member of that group. If you atempt to remove this post from your forum or change it in any way, I will give you a single chance to rectify the problem, in the event that you did not read my answer completely and have not realised how serious I am, but, after that, I will report this to the entities I have mentioned or whoever has the right to interfere in these matters.
I will not defame you in any way, I will use only confirmed references, palpable proofs and what I truly and unequivocally believe is true, but I will see to it you are held accountable for what you are doing to all who trust you, if you do not change your position immediately. Remind yourself that you had plenty of time to defuse the situation: you could have argued that you were wrong but that it was simply an honest mistake due to what could be any number of things. What you have done now has confirmed everything I said about you and more. Such a cowardly display of a lack of ethics is beyond what I ever thought I would encounter face to face.
Although how much we are willing to sacrifice to defend others depends on our own strength, and I am not willing to destroy my entire life over this, I urge not to underestimate my willingness to proceed further into this matter: the end result may not be completely to my satisfaction but it will be much worse for you if you do not stop this process before it reaches a critical mass. You have given me more than enough reason to to risk certain things. The first post I made was entirely based on my desire to help the boy, the following were provoked by a wounded ego, but at this point you have completely unleashed my desire to see to it that you will not continue your dangerous activities. Whatever my reasons are now, the consequences of all of this will be the same: you will (hopefully) no longer hurt any living soul in this way as long as you live. I wish absolutely nothing from you with the exception of what I have just written. This is what will, from now on, feed my need to pursue this matter.
Keep in mind three things: even though there is a certain time gap between the moment when a site is archived and the moment when it becomes available to the public (in more than one internet archive), your original response to that 15 year-old boy will, almost certainly, eventually appear in said archives and there will be no way for you to deny your responsibilty. Even in the extraordinary event that said article eludes the algorithms used by the archives to keep track of changes in the internet, I have confirmed that there are many pages from your site still in record in at least two internet archives. Even if I cannot prove to the authorities that the article in question supported my outburst, there will be plenty of material from which to assess how exactly you interfere in other people's lives.
Remember, while your reply was based on false accusations, my claim is based on facts that are available to any authority and there are witnesses to what has been transpiring. I have been keeping records of everything I have written, what the forum contains and the content of the article at the center of this problem ever since I realized you would go as far as to deliberatly change your article to come closer to what I defended so you could claim I had no justification to write what I did, and even manipulate your forum to help you support your (skewed) point of view.
Even if you completely change this forum to suit your needs, outside the obvious records I have mentioned there are still some people here who have seen my complaints and, although they may not agree with my point view or methods, specially since you changed the article I so strongly opposed and did so in a underhanded manner, they do know what happened and, if this goes any further, I don't believe there will not be at least one person with the courage, honesty and good will to denounce such an event.
Take into consideration a couple of final details: I never intended for this to go as far as it as gone and, as much indignation as I expressed in my first post, I did not make any false accusations or distort what I had seen. My view on the article may be partially incorrect, but it is very doubtful, from what I have learned in more than twelve years of contact with mental health professionals, that it is completely wrong an that you did not do, or are doing, anything damaging to those who come to you with serious problems. This may not mean much, but the text you are reading was archived by me under the name "last resort" because it is exactely that: this is the last thing I would want to do to anyone who has such an important role in other people's lives. I do it only because it must be done and because I feel damaged and offended by what you have done to me personally. In fact, I must sincerely thank you, even if you do not deserve any praise, for creating this situation in the first place. If you had stopped this process at an earlier stage, I would have quietly returned to my normal life without realizing the enormous problem you are continually creating in your site. Only recently have I commited to alexanthropy in this way: I have helped many in my life but I never went this far or this public. This may be the first time I truly live up to my ideals. An idea as no flesh to pierce and no bones to break: even if you defeat me, there is no way you can destroy this idea or anyway this matter will remain hidden from others for long.
I am not knowledgeable of international law or my country's foreign policy towards your own, so I don't know how far you can go to atempt to wound me outside the internet, but I will risk receiving your reprisals, even at a legal level, if it comes to that.
Regretably yours,
Adam Alexantropos
"The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never appealed to me; a system of ethics built on this basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle." - Albert Einstein
I read this site often, and have read most if not all of Dr. Robert's website, but I seldom comment. But lately there is a new kind of nut case on this forum, and I must ask, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?
First we had Zenemy who attacked Dr. Robert, demanding that he offer some scientific proof for the idea that humans overestimate their capacity for free will. When the Doctor showed the proof, instead of apologizing, Zenemy ignored him entirely, and just kept on ranting.
Now we have Alexantropos who not only imitated Zenemy, including completely ignoring the proof the Doc advanced, but has taken it a step further by adding absurd threats to his rant.
These two have a lot in common. Both imagine having a high level of intelligence which obviously both lack. Both love to rant and show off. Both ought to get a life.
Alexantropos, you are a special kind of idiot. You must be hallucinating if you think the Doctor changed his website to suit you. The article about sexuality is one I read long ago. I just reread it, and I see no difference at all. If you think he changed it to suit you, show the proof.
Dr. Robert, is there a name for this kind of insanity? Would you say that these guys are paranoid? I am amazed that you allow these people to use space on your forum.
I read this site often, and have read most if not all of Dr. Robert's website, but I seldom comment. But lately there is a new kind of nut case on this forum, and I must ask, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?
First we had Zenemy who attacked Dr. Robert, demanding that he offer some scientific proof for the idea that humans overestimate their capacity for free will. When the Doctor showed the proof, instead of apologizing, Zenemy ignored him entirely, and just kept on ranting.
Now we have Alexantropos who not only imitated Zenemy, including completely ignoring the proof the Doc advanced, but has taken it a step further by adding absurd threats to his rant.
These two have a lot in common. Both imagine having a high level of intelligence which obviously both lack. Both love to rant and show off. Both ought to get a life.
Alexantropos, you are a special kind of idiot. You must be hallucinating if you think the Doctor changed his website to suit you. The article about sexuality is one I read long ago. I just reread it, and I see no difference at all. If you think he changed it to suit you, show the proof.
Dr. Robert, is there a name for this kind of insanity? Would you say that these guys are paranoid? Would you say that Alexantropos is a schizophrenic with a savior complex? I am amazed that you allow these people to publish their insanity on your forum.
This is from the topic multiple personalities. I thought I should post it here in case it is missed. It is a part of a reply I made to Adam Alexantropos.
Wow! Good work, Richard. I saw an immediate connection between Zenemy and Adam, but your take on this is much more interesting than mine. I thought only that we were being plagued by a couple of idiots who like to throw around accusations and unsubstantiated claims. Then, when the claims are refuted, they ignore the evidence and continue on ranting and raving. At most, I thought Greek Adam was only imitating Zenemy, not that they might be one and the same. I was seeing them both as a couple of paranoid schizophrenic types, but perhaps it is only one crazy with two names.
The Doctor appears to have two attributes which really piss these people (or this person) off. First, he is the type of person who has time to listen and to care about others. (These jerks should realize that he is sharing his wisdom, as well as providing this space, gratis). Second, he is well-informed and brilliant. Zenemy/Adam would LIKE to be brilliant, or at least would like others to consider him brilliant, but he barely qualifies as a second-rate mind. How do I know that? Simple. Any truly intelligent person when he asks for evidence, and then has it presented to him, says thanks for the new information, and incorporates it into his world view. That is how intelligence grows and prospers. This guy asks the Doctor for evidence, and when it is presented simply ignores it.
By the way, Alexantropos, if you are so bloody proud of being Greek, how about imitating the intellectual rigor and honesty of your ancestors instead of playing these childish mental masturbation games?
Alexantropos or whoever you are:
I have been a fan of Dr. Robert ever since the time several years ago when I wrote to him for help with a serious family matter and got some advice that saved a bad situation from becoming impossible to save. Not only did he reply to me online, but then carried on a private correspondence with me until the matter was healed. I am incredibly grateful to this excellent person who you have been attacking.
I am appalled at the way you have polluted this space with your ridiculous ideas and with your claims to be a saviour of humanity. Your threats against Dr. Robert are worse than unfair. They are bizarre. In the first place, he states on his homepage that his opinions are not psychotherapy or any kind of treatment:
"Please be aware that the information on this website is not intended to replace the personal relationship between patient and physician or therapist, and that Dr. Saltzman's replies to "ask the psychologist" questions are not a substitute for psychotherapy or consultation with a physician. Indeed, there is absolutely no substitute for such a relationship, so if you are troubled, please get the personal counseling you need."
So all your nonsense about malpractice is just that, nonsense. The doctor is not doing psychotherapy online, and has said so. He is giving his personal opinion informed by his training and experience, and, just like any other person, he has that right whether you like it or not. Even you have that right, although, unlike the doctor, you have been abusing it. Will you now apologize to the doctor and withdraw your foolish accusations. I doubt it.
But you are obviously not just a mean spirited, unhappy, lonely person, who, as someone else just wrote, just needs to get a life. No. It is clear to me that you are seriously unstable. Do you realize that a few days ago you were asking that your first attack on Dr. Robert be deleted because you realized it was incorrect? Now, a couple of days later, you have launched a new attack on the doctor, full of wild threats and libels. You are just bouncing back and forth with no center at all except your crazy idea that it is your job to save humanity.
Stop writing on this forum and get some help. You need it.
He did probably GOED too far but i not THINKS you does should INSULTS him still... You does not even TRYES understands why he does do it. i DOES be sure he did had reason for DO that but it DOSENT be still right to lie about things and does do something bad. I does still THINKS we does should apologizes to everyone so enyone not BE sad.
and adam i DOES thinks that you should APOLOGIZES to dr robert for say bad things. if you does HAS thinking bad things about someone then you SHOULD discusses to them about it. maybe you can TELLS what you does thinks DOES be bad and explains why and then MAYBE peoples does understands why you DOES be angry about it? i NOT thinks that THINGS like this does be good thing.
and i DOES thinks that you peoples should apologizes to adam too for insulteing him too. im DOES thinks you does maybe not MAKES things beter too.....
I have read many of your posts and I understand that you are a sweet and kind person who just wants everyone to be happy and get along, and often I agree with you, but I think you are wrong about this. Adam has not just "GOED too far." And why do you say "probably"? This guy, whoever he is, has made all kinds of serious threats against Dr. Robert who I am sure you know is a kind and good-hearted human being. Even though Adam's first approach to Dr. Robert was already nasty and disrespectful, Dr. Robert politely replied to Adam, correcting Adam's misunderstanding of human sexuality, but Adam just ignored him and went on attacking.
Adam needs to apologize to Dr. Robert. Until he does that, and sincerely regrets his abuse of this wonderful, generous person, I have no interest in Adam or anything he says. And I certainly will not apologize to him for anything.
Alright WhiteWolf just give it up this is too pathetic to watch. Time to stop this farce already. If you want to do something like this for heaven's sake do it properly! Not with some dramatic theatre crap all around and Hamlet lines in every second sentence. Post Scriptum this Post Scriptum that do you even realize how much you failed with all this? On top of it all you should have realized by now that nobody bought it. But you still cling to your frail story, it looks more pathetic than a wounded stray dog humping a street lamp.
Have some dignity and at least leave that failed name behind; you can come back with a new one once you've figured out a plan that doesn't have Sparta and Shakespeare in it. I mean come on, your whole plan relies on the fact that you claimed someone secretly edited posts! Woo-hoo. You may as well have said that you have a photos of mischievous Dr. Robert stealing candy as a kid. That would be an equally pathetic excuse to make threats like that. Have you lost your common sense? Or is it that you had none in the first place?
Please, I beg of you, come up with something better next time. This is just sad to watch. Another donkey theatre play like this and I may stab myself. Seriously.
Hi, Toby,
Long time since I have seen you here. Do you really suspect the Wolf is this f--king idiot Adam?
Adam, you are an idiot. On another thread you asked me to stop flaming. The person who started that other thread said he needs help and asked me to take my comment over here so that my argument with you would not interfere with the help he needs. OK. Richard, I will comply.
Now, you Greek jerk: You are an idiot. This is not flaming. It is a simple fact. You criticized the doctor in a rude and disrespectful manner. He answered you politely, and pointed out that your ideas about sexuality were mistaken. He demonstrated your mistake with a number of references (which I doubt you ever even checked). You did not even have the courtesy to acknowledge that he had replied to you with new information, much less the intelligence to respond to the new information.
You are on some kind of vendetta here, and that is obvious to many of us, not just me. You don't make the rules here, so stop trying. I suggest you leave this forum where you really are just a useless pain in the ass. If you want to parade your absurd ideas about sexuality, or if you want to slander Dr. Robert, why not get your own website to do it, or start your own forum.
This forum is not about slandering Dr. Robert, it is about open minded discussions of serious topics among people of good will. You obviously are not interested in that kind of discussion since you lack even the common decency to have replied to the doctor properly or to acknowledge that he presented you with new ideas which required serious consideration.
You talk about flaming--my god, man--your entire communication with Dr. Robert has consisted of you flaming him. No wonder he cut you off just like he cut Zenemy off. You are just like Zenemy, and I suspect you are him in disguise. Why should the doctor have anything to do with you? Why should any of us, for that matter?
As I say, you are an idiot. And it is even worse than that, Adam. You are an idiot who thinks he is smart (you aren't). You are the kind of puffed up idiot, who uses the word "fora," and then feels obliged to explain it to us inferiors out here just in case we aren't brilliant and educated idiots like you.
Adam, you are a raging narcissist, and that's not flaming but pure fact. Not only that, you are a liar, and those of us who have followed the doctor's website know it. In a pig's ass he changed that reply to the boy to evade your scrutiny as you keep implying. I read that piece months ago, and I know better. It hasn't changed a bit.
You really are lost. Get a life.
He probably won't quit until Hexi calls him on it. Seriously, I think that's why he's keeping this up; he wants Hexi to turn up and say something like 'look, everyone knows it's you, everyone knows you're just trying to get a bunch of people mad by picking a fight with Dr. Robert, cut it out'.
Just so people know, I was the first person here to post as "Toby".
I don't know who you are Toby, but already I love you. :3
The crux of this matter seems to be whether or not Dr. Robert changed his original text to hide his blunder, and everyone is ignoring the fact that in either case he did make a serious, and unethical, mistake. I am only wondering why Dr. Robert hasn't spoken himself to defend his professional image if I am so wrong.
Even if I think the current text is still surprisingly flawed, if the text was not altered I will make a public, even if humiliating, apology to Dr. Robert and to those who have expressed their indignation.
However, if I did not make a mistake, I expect the same from those who have been so derogatory in their analysis of me.
The majority has spoken and I will only return when I have the means to prove my statements or if I did deserve these answers and must try to redeem myself.
I have just one thing to say:
"E pur si muove!"
Alright WhiteWolf you do realize certain flaws here, don't you?
a) You were asked to prove your identity, you didn't
b) You are still not doing this through e-mailing
c) You are not giving any specifics and instead just continue on with your theatre.
d) You have been connected to Zenemy from two completely different sources.
e) You are threatening Dr. Robert because according to you he edited an e-mail, not because you think something is horribly wrong with the original e-mail.
f) You are disregarding this:
Please be aware that:
1. Because this space is open to posting by anyone without need to prove identity or otherwise qualify as
a reliable source, Dr. Saltzman is not responsible for any of the comments on these pages save his own.
2. The opinions expressed by Dr. Saltzman do not constitute any kind of psychotherapeutic treatment,
and are not intended to substitute for personalized counseling or psychotherapy which, if needed,
must be provided in person by a qualified counselor or psychotherapist.
I suggest ignoring him, he is doing this to get attention. Although I suspect he will then just add another phase to this comedy by making a comeback as Zenemy. Ignore him then, too.
I have an impersonator? I'm flattered; but this is not me.
No that is not the crux of the matter. The crux of the matter is that you came to the forum and included a denunciation of the doctor in every one of your posts. When he asked you to back it up, you could not. He proved that your so-called "knowledge" about sexuality was totally and completely incorrect. Then, instead of apologizing for your error the way a decent and intellectually honest person would, you escalated your attack on the doctor, including slander and threats against him. After all that do you really imagine that he would reply to anything you write? He cut Zenemy off for the same reason. When he proved Zenemy wrong, that idiot totally ignored the doctor and just went on with his rant. Same as you. Dr. Robert has cut you off, Anthropussy. Do you get that? You are considered too egotistical and dishonest to merit any reply from him. We all saw it happen to Zenemy who disappeared after being cut dead and has never come back. Now it is your turn.
OK, Anthropussy, get ready to apologize. I went to the web archive called waybackmachine. I found a copy of the doctors letter to the boy as it appeared on May 28, 2010. I compared it to the present text. I found no difference at all. It is a long piece and I could be mistaken, but I FOUND NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. NOT A SINGLE WORD.
Now you, knowing that you were about to be unmasked as a liar, would like to make an apology only for your error in claiming that the doctor changed the text to fool you, but that will not be nearly enough. That would be the kind of apology that an intellectual wimp would make.
If you are any kind of man at all, you must apologize for:
1. Questioning his standing as an expert
2. Questioning his integrity
3. Claiming he is guilty of mal-practice
4. Accusing him of hurting people
5. Accusing him of doing something unethical, damaging and dangerous
6. Polluting this space with the totally incorrect claim that "Heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality are constructs of society, every psychologist and psychiatrist knows this almost since the 70's: that's thirty years ago!" and then failing to correct yourself although several of us asked you to do so
7. Accusing the doctor of speaking "ex cathedra as if you were an authority in the subject when you clearly are not!" when he IS an expert as everyone here knows.
8. Accusing him of being "unethical, biased, unsupported by accepted scientific views and contrary to the general belief of the scientific comunity." when he clearly showed that YOU are the one who is unsupported by scientific views.
If you are ready to make THAT apology, you will be redeemed. And if you have any decency at all, you might also apologize for behaving here as if you are some kind of savior whose job it is to protect the world against Dr. Robert.
Now, Anthropussy, will you apologize or not? If not, please just leave with your tail between your legs like Zenemy because without a serious and complete apology, you have no standing here at all.
Prediction: he won't apologize for anything, just disappear. "Anthropussy!" Love it.
Probably right, ROR. Good post, Doug.
Adam, are you really THAT thick?
When you questioned the doctor on a statement he made, he immediately backed it up with facts. This came as no surprise to the many here who have seen his ideas challenged before and seen him back them up, not with opinions but with robust evidence.
You PRETENDED to have expert knowledge ("Heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality are constructs of society, every psychologist and psychiatrist knows this almost since the 70's: that's thirty years ago!"), and then when asked to back it up, you could not because it is just something you made up.
Maybe it would help if you read a couple of the good old threads on this forum which involve intelligent and open debate instead of the self-important, judgmental name-calling which appears to be your modus operandi:
Don't you realize that your outrageous overestimation of your own capacities, knowledge, and most of all, IMPORTANCE, is cutting you off from the flow here? Don't you realize that in attacking the doctor, a wise and educated person (who is liked by us here, including "psychopaths," just because he is knowledgeable and open) you are cutting yourself off the kind of discourse carried out in those threads? Are you really so armored or so non-insightful that you cannot see this? If so, all that great therapy with drugs and talk you told us about might require a slight touch up I think.
OK. This is beginning to feel a bit too much like piling on, and I would like to call a halt to it. I would prefer this forum to center upon meaningful conversations about psychology, philosophy, meaning and/or the lack of it, relationships, etc. instead of devolving into battle over whether dr. robert is any good or not, or whether Adam is a fraud or not. I understand that Adam in a sense asked for it, but enough is enough. I don't think he will be able to apologize. He began his negotiation about apologizing by saying this:
"Even if I think the current text is still surprisingly flawed, if the text was not altered I will make a public, even if humiliating, apology to Dr. Robert and to those who have expressed their indignation."
Translation: "Even a grudging semi-apology would humiliate me."
If that is the case--if he feels that having to eat some words is that painfully humiliating--the broader apology that you all expect of him seems out of reach entirely. That's OK with me. I do not need or require any apology, and anyway why try getting blood out of a stone? I believe, as many of you know, that people are not responsible for their personalities, the organization of which will be revealed, willy-nilly, for better or worse. This implies that we are not responsible for the maturity or lack of maturity of our habitual ego-defenses either. Believe it or not, everyone is actually doing the best he or she can. At least that is the way I see it.
I suggest making this post the last item in this thread. Last time I asked for an end to ad-hominum attacks, everyone came through, and the entire tone and meaning of this forum jumped to a higher energy level where it has remained almost entirely. I hope this forum can continue its development into a valuable center of intelligence and openness, so I am asking the same thing again. Just let Adam be Adam.
Tomorrow when I have a moment, I will start another thread on the subject of the illusion of free will and how that illusion can lead to an over-defended ego.
Be well.
Dr. Robert did say one thing right, but this is just getting too silly for me: since when does showing humility constitute an admission of guilt?
Did any of you actually read anything I wrote besides the accusations I made near the end of my first post? The reasoning, the back story, the foundations... anything at all?
For example, Dr. Robert defended gay couples don't raise gay children. Has anyone noticed that in my first post I wrote:
"It is not just the example of the father/mother figure that makes someone follow a certain sexuality (children in the care of homosexual couples aren't more given to becoming homosexual, as far as studies have been able to determine, just a lot less homophobic)[...]"
Doesn't this sound even remotely familiar? "it is NOT just the example", "children [...] AREN'T more given to", et cetera?
If your reply is "no" then you have truly and utterly defeated me intelectually because of one simple truth: "There is no worse blind person than that who refuses to see."
Sorry for breaking my vow, but, although I believe a promiss must be kept to whoever we make it, even those who hate us and you now the rest, I am still human and I couldn't help it.
A couple of people who I respect have read what happens in this forum and have advised me to keep away... they are trying to convince me it is just not worth it. A gay friend of mine was speachless when I showed him everything...
I just don't know anymore... am I being too subtle? If there is one thing I learned is that, whenever we try to explain something to someone, if they do not understand, the first person in whom we must try to find a flaw is not the person to whom we are trying to explain the idea, but us. I have thought this over, I have tried to understand what I did wrong, but there is very little to make me reach a conclusion, other than the obvious one.
Other than the three accusations I made of Dr. Robert, did I ever write a single word that was, by itself, offensive? Did I call anyone something childish and disrespectful like people seem to be enjoying calling me?
They say those who speak softest usually win an argument if they are right. I did speak too loudly in my first posts but that was because they were addressed at Dr. Robert and I still want him to admit what he has done, but now, now that have been speaking softly, has anyone taken the time to try to listen? Why is everyone fearing any point of view other than that which is safe and comfortable?
It is like showing the mathematical proof of Euler's theorem to first grade children and watch them trying to prove it is wrong...
You have indeed taken me beyond the surreal... I commend you for being deeply and thorougly... human... I mean, at least I know you are all Homo Sapiens... but how many of you are Homo Sapiens Sapiens?
(sorry, Doctor Robert, but I can't stand this idiot) But you have not SHOWED any humility. You are involved in a massive, sick, delusional ego trip. You are the great mathematician and we are the children. And all the "gays" are on your side. Right?
Did you see anything other than that which you wanted to see? Like, for example, anything from the third to the fifth paragraph of my post?
How much clearer do you need me to be? I read Dr. Robert's reply three times, after I had already read it once, before I posted my criticism, to make sure I would be making no false accusations. Can you say the same about my posts?
Post Scriptum: the grammatically correct expression is "you have not shown" and not "showed". You could say, however, "you didn't show" or "you showed" if you would like... Oh, I forgot, I shouldn't talk to you as if you were first grade students, sorry...
Please people, start working: it has been minutes since someone has tried to insult me and my intelligence... come on, I have something important to say and I don't wan't to say it unless I'm provoked! It would take the fun out of it.
Oh, shoot! I'm going to sleep now... I hope by tomorrow someone else has done something intelligent like completely ignoring most of what I've written just to defend the axis of their perception of reality... You know how fashion is, it always comes back: this fashion was all the rage with the holy inquisition, I guess it is time for it to come back.
This thread, and few others, is a perfect example what happens when petty people infest a website. It's been fun people, enjoy the spam and one idiot posting with 75802457283 names, arguing with himself. I'm out of here.
Now if everyone leaves, I am stuck with.....?
Looks like you were right, ROR, he left the stage without any kind of apology at all. In fact, he was attacking my grammar on the way out. What a jerk!
The only thing I will apologize for here is for having used grammar as a pretense to get back at somone. A long time ago, it was done to me and I thought it was stupid, but I didn't even think about that in my last post. I was just too angry.
I am fed up with all this matter: I took the trouble of mentioning the exact sentences in my first post that showed why Dr. Robert's response was pointless and futile and no one even thought about it. Everyone is ignoring the facts out of a misguided loyalty towards a person that pampers them psychologically into total acceptance of anything he says.
Do as you wish...
Alexantropos, you are a fool. I do not imagine that reading what follows will enlighten you in any real way. You seem far too lost in your dimwitted fantasies of intellectual superiority for that. Nevertheless, other readers of this thread might appreciate reading the letter of thanks I just received from the young fellow you claimed would be damaged and wounded by my reply to his question. I quote it here in its entirety:
Dear Dr. Robert,
I'd first like to thank you for taking the time to reply to me, I deeply appreciate it. I apologize for taking over three months to reply, but I needed to thoroughly think through what you'd said, and I think I have done now. The first reason I write this letter is to explain my thoughts since our correspondence. I'm not sure why I feel the need to explain - or indeed, why I presume you'd be interested - but I do, so there you are.
I realize now how incorrect my ideas concerning sexuality really were - in fact, I think I knew from the start. What you say simply makes logical and scientific sense. I've read through your response many times and after a long period of self reflection, I've come to the conclusion that by confronting my sexuality in a theoretical, intellectual manner - or as you put it, by "filling my letter with my own answers to the questions I asked as well as logical arguments defending these answers"- I was trying to stay distant from the reality of the situation, and avoid dealing with my true feelings. My argument did hold very little water, and I think if I'd wanted to I could have easily seen just how flawed my beliefs were, but unfortunately I simply didn't want to, preferring to stay in denial instead.
Thankfully however, you've now stripped me of these false beliefs, which has meant I've now had to deal with my sexuality as one should, forthrightly and personally, with all the emotional stress that entails. I broke off the arrangement with Emily. What really got to me was when you said "I have seen that kind of thing tried many times, and it almost always ends badly, often with two people who really do care for one another having to separate, perhaps after having children together, or having made some other kind of major investment in the relationship." I know first hand the pain this can cause; as I said before, I have two gay family members, one of whom is my Dad, the other a cousin I don't know so well. When my Mum found out my parents divorced and now refuse to even speak to each other. They have shared custody, leaving me and my siblings torn between the two homes. The point is, I shouldn't have really needed you to remind me of why these relationships don't work when I have such a perfect first hand example right in front of my nose, but as I said before, I obviously preferred to stay in denial. I care too much for Emily for for me to knowingly hurt her when I can easily prevent it, whether my feelings can be called love or not, which is why I have ended it.
But it was also something more than that. By focusing all my energy into trying to maintain a heterosexual relationship I was again trying to deny my true sexual feelings, and if I am ever to be comfortable with and accept my own sexuality this is clearly something I can not be doing. I'm not saying that I want to pick the gay side and stick to it either, as to do so would just be another form of me denying my sexuality, just the heterosexual component instead. Rather, I just think that maintaning any sexual relationship with the sole aim of denying another part of your sexuality - which is I think, what I have been doing - is quite frankly backwards.
Intriguingly however, once I ended the relationship with Emily - and therefore began to accept my sexuality for what it is - I found that my sexual urges towards underage boys were diminished slightly, and my attraction towards men and woman of an appropriate age has increased. I don't mean to say that my pedophilic attraction has disappeared, as it hasn't, and it still remains predominant. What I mean to say is that now I've begun to accept my sexuality and have stopped denying my sexual feelings by forcing myself into an unhealthy sexual relationship and "projecting my own struggle for sexual self-acceptance onto a false controversy about nature vs. nurture", I've been able to experience sexual attraction seperate to that of my denial.
I'm not entirely sure what this means, although I've considered many possible theories. Perhaps in trying to deny one part of my sexuality I accidently denied it all? Maybe it was the fear of possible homosexuality that led me to displace my sexual feelings towards a less threatening target of children? Possibly I have sexual feelings towards men, women and boys, but my anxiety at the less acceptable pedophilic urges overrode the others until it became my primary desire? Of course, this speculation is all completely irrelevant until it could be proved for certain. What I do know however, is that this new information could be crucial into explaining why I harbour this paraphilia in the first place, which I can now explore further with a qualified psychotherapist.
Yes, I said psychotherapist. The thought of sex with children sickens me - from an ethical viewpoint at least - and I don't think I could live with myself if my urges ever forced me to abuse a child. I don't think I would ever willingly commit such an attrocity, but I'm smart enough to realize that the sheer power of the human sex drive may not give me a choice. For this reason I've decided the best thing I can do is to get psychotherapy, or some other kind of treatment. I've since looked up treatment for pedophilia and it's been shown to vary largely by patient, but if there's even a slightest chance that it could prevent me from doing something so awful then it's worth a try. Unfortunately, at the moment I obviously can't seek out therapy, both for financial reasons and not wanting my family to find out. However, if the problem hasn't resolved itself by the time I gain independence - which I very much doubt it will - then I will make sure to get the help that I do need.
The second reason I write is to ask a favour. In my letter I quickly mentioned another small list of problems just in case it had anything to do with my main problem. As it turned out you didn't find it relevant, and I realized after sending it how stupid it was of me to include it, as it makes me easily personally identifiable to anybody who knows me well enough. I'm therefore asking if you could possibly remove the small section in brackets containing these personal details from your website? I realize that you might not want to, if only to preserve your website's reputation, but I would really appreciate it if you did. I'd hate to think of this coming back to bite me on the arse in years to come once I've moved past it. So please, I'm almost begging you here, could you please possibly do me a small favour and remove the small section I thoughtlessly included, and then maybe combine the rest of the paragraph with the one above? And whilst you're there, you could omit this paragraph too? It would really mean a lot to me if you would.
Anyway, the final thing I want to do with this letter is to thank you. You've been an absolute huge comfort to me through your letter and have been a massive help towards my own sexual self acceptance. It's weird to think that one E-mail sent by somebody living thousands of miles away who I'll never meet could have such a dramatic impact on my life, and yet it has. I never could have predicted how much of a difference you would have have made to my life when I first wrote to you, but I am sincerely grateful for it. I do sound so cringeworthingly cheesy and melodramatic right now, but I really do mean it. Your website has been a huge help to me and will continue to be so for everyone worldwide who would not otherwise have access to this kind of support. You should feel truly proud of it.
Be well yourself.
So, Anthros, have you "showed why Dr. Robert's response was pointless and futile," or was your entire line of argument pointless and futile? I think the forum deserves an honest answer if you have any honesty in that weird brain of yours. If you cannot participate honestly here, why not get lost? You would be doing the rest of us, who like to take these conversations seriously, a big favor. Or, this could be the moment of your awakening. . . if you have the humility to realize that there are people in the world who know a lot more than you do.
You know, the Doc said it pretty well on his website, although he was not writing about Anthropussy at that point:
"Intelligence demands an open mind, not a bunch of premature, cynical judgments which call themselves "facts," so I hope you will understand that your point of view is not nearly as intelligent as you like to believe. Admitting to yourself that you know a lot less than you have been imagining is the doorway to intelligence. Right now you have that doorway blocked off entirely by a bunch of sophomoric, half-baked ideas."
That's really a beautiful answer to that would-be psychopath. Love the cartoons. Very glad I discovered Dr. Robert's website and this forum too.
OK, OK, I give up. I am sorry I offended you, Dr. Robert. I had no right to come on your forum acting like an expert when obviously I know far less about these matters than you do. You were completely correct in your advice to the boy, and I was foolish to question it. You are a trained professional, and I am not.
I have learned a lesson here, and I will do better in the future. Please accept my apology and allow me to keep participating on your forum.
Yours truly,
Adam Alexantropos
I'm curious AA. What were you hoping to gain with this little game you played?
It wasn't a game. I am Greek. Something about the Doctor's answer and all the Greek history. I just don't like it. Anyway, we Greeks are passionate people.
Well I was one of those who "defended" the doc, and I think both you and Daniel are right. The doc certainly can stand up for himself if he needs to. What offended me so much was the total irrationality of Anthropussy's attack. I was OK with his initial disagreement with the doc. Everyone has a right to disagree. But even after the doc adduced facts and studies to refute Anthropussy, he would not stop attacking, and even got more far out with it. It is often said that you have a right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. Anthropussy just went on inventing "facts." I just became irate, I guess.
BTW, I am a long time admirer of Dr. Robert's website, but I certainly do not see him as a cult leader, nor myself as a cult member. I think for myself and do not look to others to decide things for me. My attraction to Dr. Robert stems, I think, from a rare combination of traits he seems to embody: high intelligence with openness and compassion. Intelligence alone is not all that rare. But many if not most people with high IQs seem judgmental or cold. The doc is not like that at all. He seems to be someone I would like to have a drink with or sit down to dinner, which gives his writing a flavor I rarely find elsewhere.
Anyway, I am glad the apology was given and accepted. Perhaps I took the whole thing too seriously, but it feels better this way.
I also am someone who came to the doctor's defense and demanded the apology from AA, but I certainly don't see myself as a cult follower. Not at all. Several years ago, during a severe personal crisis, I wrote to Dr. Saltzman for advice, and, at no cost to me, received a long and comprehensive reply. The doctor's point of view on my problem opened my mind immediately, and since then I have experienced what I can only call a profound spiritual awakening. I understand that readers might be skeptical of this, skeptical that some words in an email could trigger such an awakening to inner realities, but that is my true experience.
When I read the libelous and mean-spirited attacks on the doctor's qualifications, abilities, and integrity, I knew the doctor would never demand an apology for them, and that is why I stepped in.
I agree with you, BT, the doctor does not really need to be defended. As he said in his letter to me, "I am nobody special, and either are you. We all just are, and only for a brief instant." With an attitude like that, why would he need any defense? Still, when one receives a profound teaching, one feels like honoring the teacher, and that was my intention. Simple as that.
Personally, I am happy that AA finally did apologize, and also glad that he apparently has stopped spamming the forum.
Take care all,
That is a beautiful line.
Thanks for your gracious apology. I accept it completely.
By the way, it never was my intention to ban you from the forum. All voices are permitted here.
Be well.