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sibling expirmentation

when i was younger about 11 me and my brother started to expirment sexually for about one year. My brother was about 1 to 2 years younger than me. It stopped when i was 13 and i felt so bad after. I still feel really bad to this day and after the last time we did it we never talked about it again. What should i do. It was never forced it was voluntary by my brother and i. I am also a male and i am not home sexual. I feel so bad yet i don't know if he even remebers. I am now 17 and it still bugs me.

Re: sibling expirmentation

Are you sure that you are not home sexual? After all, you did this stuff with your brother at home, right?

Re: sibling expirmentation

well u do have a point there, but what do u think about the question

Re: sibling expirmentation

I think that doctor robert wrote a lot about this already, and you should search his site to read his views on childhood sexual experimentation.

Re: sibling expirmentation

I would refer you to my reply I made to a poster with the exact same worries. -