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Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I think you would have to get creative with torture. It's been a fascination of mine since my early teens, torture i mean. I'm well aware how it works. Allthough... i would tell you, or anyone for that matter, anything they want to know, without torture. I have 0 loyalty to anything. Why do you want an emotional response from me, wolfie? :(

Anyways, Aperson, i don't know if you're a psychopath or not. If you really want to know, go see a psychologist. There are many reasons for emotional numbness but you seeking the approval of others seems alien to me atleast. I don't give a **** if people love me, hate me or something in between.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

i would tell you, or anyone for that matter, anything they want to know, without torture.

What are the last four digits of your credit/debit card? :D

Why do you want an emotional response from me, wolfie? :(

Maybe he expects an emotional response..? Or maybe he thinks even psychopaths can have emotional responses sometimes?

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I don't have a credit/debit card. It's probably the only thing my mother taught that stuck. If you don't have the money to buy something, then don't. Besides, i rarely pay rents/bills on time, even if i have the money, i just can't be bothered to so imagine what would happen when i missed the credit card bills? :P Besides, you would have to threaten me with torture first, and i would have the perceive the threat as being real.

No wolfie. I would have no trouble doublecrossing my family, country, friends or whatever. I'm only loyal to myself and my own wellbeing. If someone invaded Finland and i got captured, i would offer to join them in a heartbeat and tell them everything i know that they want to know.

EDIT: I've watched some real torture videos. It's quite fascinating to be honest. If only people would condition themselves to understand that pain is an abstract and with the right conditioning, you can shut it off.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Wolfie, you should (if you already haven't) watch the Hellsing anime, specifically the new OVA's. I believe there are 8 episodes thus far. The character Alucard is the psychopath that i identify with most, when it comes to fictional characters. I simply "love" the anime and the characters in it. It's also made VERY well, you really should see it if you haven't. No, i don't think i'm a vampire with crazy powers but the way the character reacts and acts is just so... familiar. It's also a great way for those interested to understand me :D

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Dead bodies don't really interest me. They're dead...

Hexi, no loyalty. Why you so worried about dying that you would betray? I'd rather die fighting than give an inch to anyone but thats my mentality... indomitable spirit. You'd concede to others? So you have no ego?

Btw I could make you percieve me as a real threat to your existance in a torture scenario. If indeed you are simply logical than stimulation used to invoke fear in animals should also bring about your own sense of mortality as you breach thresholds of pain. I honestly don't think you can resist true pain as well as you imagine. I believe that to be a fallacy created by your ego.

But I don't have a taste for torture. I understand it's purpose and varying degrees of affectiveness. I'm more logical. Kill them or don't. No need in making them into calateral damage unless it gives you a tactical advantage to have injured. After all you fully admit you'd just give me any information I wanted. Hell you'd give mr technical assistance for recon. I'd never trust you. Probably just shoot you when it was all said and your service was no longer required. It's the logical choice is it not? I could never trust you. So what value would there be in allowing your further existance? You'd just betray me as well.

Your lack of loyalty is a logical fallacy. He believes in nothing is nothing. Don't be that guy.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I should have said that you can turn out pain to a degree and disconnect yourself from it, i worded it poorly. Anyways, yes you should just kill me because i would betray you later BUT a large majority of people would take the chance out of greed or whatever. You also misuderstood me. I would also fight to the end BUT if i was defeated, yet not killed, i would surrender but only after i would know defeat would be inevitable. I myself would never take prisoners either but again, i'm not most people. Even if someone would surrender, i would most likely kill them anyways because i wouldn't trust them either.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Lol my thread turned into some sadomasochist fetish discussion |:

Anyways, about the psychopathy, I recently entered a one sided mirror chamber for a psychology interview.

I was the only one who had no problem talking, and i remember saying that i had no empathy. I was kind of weirded out because i hadn't noticed this myself.

I told the friend who invited me to the interview about it and she was already specting it. Like I thought, everyone noticed that declaration I did.

She said she didn't have enough psychology knowledge to tell me anything yet, but that everyone is different. As long as i can tell right from wrong and keep up with society and friendships...

But that i still needed to go to counseling to prevent me from further damaging more girlfriends.

The weird part is that i tought i would feel weird about all this, but i don't really care.

Otherwise, "just enjoy".

Anyways you have some interesting conversation right thar lol.
Tho i have 0 interest on torture or pain, so i can;t really give an opinion about it lol.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Wolf, what is it with your insistance that everyone thinks and acts the same as you?

Your mentality seems to be that you are right in your thinking and everyone else is wrong.

He wouldn't every much like to die, what's wrong with that?

honestly don't think you can resist true pain as well as you imagine.

Are you saying you could resist torture?

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Wolf, what is it with your insistance that everyone thinks and acts the same as you?

Your mentality seems to be that you are right in your thinking and everyone else is wrong.

He wouldn't every much like to die, what's wrong with that?

honestly don't think you can resist true pain as well as you imagine.

Are you saying you could resist torture?

My way of life is for me.. not you. Find your own truths in life. I'm sorry if you feel I'm projecting my truths on you. Thats just a fault in your perception.

I do believe people should be conditioned to have more individuality and I do believe antisocial conditioning such as voluntary isolation for a duration of time to allow the person to study and more or less "find themselves"... well there's a lot of potential to create people with more individuality and independant rationalizations. A wiser society if you will.

Toby, is always try to distance me from the rest of humanity by attacking... my independant reasoning?!


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

All I meant was throughout our entire interactions, you havn't once seemed to of considered anyone elses opinion or viewpoint, you seem to stuck in your ways.

Thats just a fault in your perception.

And just when I was going to congratulate you on having the balls to say sorry, without adding a quick comment you did this, shame.

Toby, is always try to distance me from the rest of humanity.

I think you've already done that yourself, without my help.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I think you would have to get creative with torture. It's been a fascination of mine since my early teens, torture i mean. I'm well aware how it works. Allthough... i would tell you, or anyone for that matter, anything they want to know, without torture. I have 0 loyalty to anything. Why do you want an emotional response from me, wolfie? :(

Anyways, Aperson, i don't know if you're a psychopath or not. If you really want to know, go see a psychologist. There are many reasons for emotional numbness but you seeking the approval of others seems alien to me atleast. I don't give a **** if people love me, hate me or something in between.

Have you found nothing to be loyal to? Nothing worth defending? I don't really want an emotional response from you... just part of a joke. :-)

Btw I also had a facination with torture, gore, and vore for years. I've seen these videos online where girls get in leather and then subject themselves to various tortures fir erotic purposes to enhance their orgasums? Anyway I've seen it all. Girls putting needles through their breasts, being suspended in bondage, a lot of spanking... water torture ect. They seem to rather enjoy the sensations. But it's all taboo. People do these things but most of them don't want to talk about their more animal desires. Which is to avoid the harsh judgement they cast on eachother. neighbor is moaning. She always moans so loud during sex. I can't help but stop and listening for a moment. She sounds like a freaking pornstar. This is awesome.

Anyway I believe aperson just has a low sense of self value/selfesteem. People have probably conditioned him to act this way.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?


Anyways, Aperson, i don't know if you're a psychopath or not. If you really want to know, go see a psychologist. There are many reasons for emotional numbness but you seeking the approval of others seems alien to me atleast. I don't give a **** if people love me, hate me or something in between.

Btw I also had a facination with torture, gore, and vore for years. I've seen these videos online where girls get in leather and then subject themselves to various tortures fir erotic purposes to enhance their orgasums? Anyway I've seen it all. Girls putting needles through their breasts, being suspended in bondage, a lot of spanking... water torture ect. They seem to rather enjoy the sensations. But it's all taboo. People do these things but most of them don't want to talk about their more animal desires. Which is to avoid the harsh judgement they cast on eachother.

Anyway I believe aperson just has a low sense of self value/selfesteem. People have probably conditioned him to act this way.

As it for the torture, i have seen a video or 2 or things like guro, and while it doesn't make me feel anything, it doesn't fascinate or interest me in the minimum...there was a time where i used to go to gurochan, but just out of curiosity. I don't like anything about it.

But the low self esteem would only explain the approval seeking right?

I am not sure of what my self esteem is...i don't seem to be really conscious of it. I used to be insecure about my capabilities but once i fixed that i am even more clueless about it.

And yeah...maybe i do need to see a psychologist to be sure...wouldn't tell my parents tho lol

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

For the record it was anime vore and gore. The concept of a real person experiencing that crap is completely different. I often would rather see anime than real people as I have an associative difference. When I watch real porn... I just think they're all drug addicts or something. Totally ruins the perversion part. Then I end up laughing at how she fakes it and how her **** are so fake. It becomes comedy. :-( Thank Japan for proper perversion. LOL


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Sorry i didnt meant to quote my own answer lol

Ya i've seen anime like that.

I never liked it :

Wow can barely believe there are real live versions of that...

But yeah i guess the bad acting would ruin the perversion of it..

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?


Btw I figured our why people fear psychopaths. You know how cleptos steal? Well they think psychopaths have the same tendancy towards murder. Like you just sometimes get the urge to kill and underworld a village of people or something.

Yes. Since some killers are psychopaths they think they all are. It's a bad rep.


Not to use a Scitzo analogy but I feel like James Kirk and Hexi is Spock. This is my 33rd attempt to solicits an emotional response from him.

Hexi, is it possible for me to physically torture you into having an emotional reaction? Say I chemically burned you. Wouldthe pain make you cry? Would you continue crying tears of grief? Would you "let it all out"? Do you find the techniques used in Fight Club to help people appriciate their lives had a valid place in society in any manner?


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Why do "Am I a psychopath?" topics always get a lot of attention? It's old and uninteresting(even from the start).

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Well i've tried to cut back on responding to threads since Dr Robert asked us to but it seems no one bothers to reply to threads anyways. He asked for an opinion and i gave it. I agree thought that discussing psychopathy is quite boring but it's the most common thread that pops up. Should we just ignore them?

Oh and toby, you are wrong about wolfie not taking others views into consideration. Maybe just not yours? :P

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

While I have no doubt Toby knows things I don't and it is possible to learn from him... quite frankly I hate him. He's everything I despise in people. Well not all but a living example of what I percieve as a mentally inferior human. His lack of imagination and creativity... he is so limited in thought.. he can't even figureout simple diagrams of rubix cubes or how to fold a box.

I believe people with originality, creativity and dreams about stuff and ideas or better ways to do things... interesting people are just cool. They will explore theories with you and they truely seek to feel good. They don't want to talk about eachother all the time. They have passion and fire. They have drive and desire. I can feed off their energy and they mine. People who create synergy. People who are more than the sum of their parts.

Real people with real individuality. People who seek their own truths and dont just accept what others tell them to be the limits of their reason.

I hate small minds.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Psychopathic... ...small minded... ...chronic masturbater, there's something wrong with all of us, it really doesn't matter. But h ell, let's talk about it anyway.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I'm not small minded! Jeez....

No one can call on anyone elses perceived problems, everyone has their own, including Wolf.
Judge not lest ye be judged. :D

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

/snoby British voice.

"It's a rule. I just made it up."

You can't dictate anything to me. I am more logical than you. You believe in stupid fairtales. You pay a high tax so some old woman of no significants can play with herself in the bathtub with her (I kid you not) Royal Rubber Ducky...

You can't even say the word c-unt in public. I can. I have freedom of speech. In no way will I let a church tell me how to think because I have freedom of religion. I do not have a supreme ruler like England or Iran. My leaders are elected and then expire. So any tyrant they can cause is limited. It's preventive maintence the US did.

Perhaps you are confused. I stand for many things that you disagree with but I stand with 300 million. We prefer our ways of life over your singular way of life. I say "ways" because in my country it is to each their own and we know that because we are exposed to it. Perhaps in England you lack the cultural diversity, freedom of religion... meaning no church rule can supress my individuality of faith, freedom of speech... actually be allowed to say what you think, and other freedoms I take for granted at times.

Yet when I see Toby.. I am almost humbled by how tragic an impact his cultivated raising has had. To lose so much inner self. To accept irational reasoning as reality... To just submit to the will of others... to acknowledge dome old lady as socially superior to me just because she was born in a certain family?! Hell no! I'm Ameri-CAN. My bloodline killed your bloodline. They hated you. Wanted you and your stupid ideas to **** off. Cause in America we'll be ****ed before we let that Queen B-itch tell us how to live.

Oh and Toby.. I do know you. See this forum? This is where your personality interacts with mine. We are all the same here. No fancy cars or nice houses to segregate us from one another. Nope it's just you and me and I'm talking to... who you are not what you look like or own. I am judging you on your personality. The purest form of judgement logic can provide and... I don't like you.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I could spend all day arguing how I stand with over 2 Billion, and how British people are better, but I can't be bothered, it's really like arguing with a child.

I am more logical than you.

What is this? My dads bigger than your dad? You don't know that to be true, just because I can be emotional doesn't mean I lack logic.

You can't even say the word c-unt in public. I can.

Actually, Wolf, you can't. If someone is offended by your profanity, it becomes illegal, both in the UK and in the USA.

I don't like you.

The feeling is mutual. :)

Also, we don't see the Queen as superior, we believe in egalitarianism, no one person is superior to another.

I do not have a supreme ruler like England or Iran.

Or Japan, or North Korea, or Saudi Arabia, or Canada, or Australia, or New Zealand and about 44 more countries.

Just because our monarchy isn't elected doesn't make us un-democratic, just like Iran isn't made un-democratic by the presence of the Supreme Ayatollah.

Royal Rubber Ducky...

And she has an Ipod, and a Nintendo Wii, and a Mobile Phone, an Email Address and an Xbox 360. She's more... average than you'd think.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I only talk to you for the sake of amusing others. Like it or not.. you sound stupid to an American. Often I make you display this to the point that lurkers, who would never in a million years post, end up posting just to try and desperately plead to you how ignorant you are and how it drives them crazy.

And yes, I do know I am more logical than you. Perhaps 20 years ago I was an emotional child but that was a long time ago. I've experienced so much that I just can't get truely upset over the little things. You may think I'm being insensetive but really I'm just desynsetized. It comes with experience.

Toby is either doing one of two things.

A) Having an emotional reaction that reinforces my statement or
B) baiting me with his ignorance.

Either way his pointless ignorance offends me. He argues for the sake of socializing. Just like all the other small minds. I don't care that I could profit socially from our interactions. You annoy me. No, I'm not emotionally upset and even when I do get aggrivated... it's short lived as I lack the capacity to sustain emotions for any period of time. Thats why in the middle of a fight with my ex I would always bustout laughing. I'd be angry at her, emotionally fueled but for some reason, in the middle of an intense arguement... I just lost it. I wasn't angry anymore but she was. And everytime I just suddenly stopped being mad... it mad her furious.

Thats where we are. You act the fool trying to upset me, I laugh and mock you, you get boring, I love interest... now I want a divorce.

I don't care how popular you are or whatever fancy things you have. You are socially inferior.. or rather incompatible with me. Whichever your ego can better grasp. Prat off.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

A) Having an emotional reaction that reinforces my statement or
B) baiting me with his ignorance.

You still don't completely understand emotions, or emotional responses, but that's fine, you've no need to understand emotions really.

I was merely saying that you don't seem to listen, or take into account others view points, I should be able to say that to you without turning it into an argument, like I can with anyone else.
It was just me calling it as I saw it, you shouldn't take everything so seriosuly. :)

To be honest, I don't really have time for any of that, not everything must be an argument, we should be able to debate and share opinions without this being the result.

And please stop calling me small minded, you're in no position to be judging others, even though it's not true.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

A) Having an emotional reaction that reinforces my statement or
B) baiting me with his ignorance.

You still don't completely understand emotions, or emotional responses, but that's fine, you've no need to understand emotions really.

I was merely saying that you don't seem to listen, or take into account others view points, I should be able to say that to you without turning it into an argument, like I can with anyone else.
It was just me calling it as I saw it, you shouldn't take everything so seriosuly. :)

To be honest, I don't really have time for any of that, not everything must be an argument, we should be able to debate and share opinions without this being the result.

And please stop calling me small minded, you're in no position to be judging others, even though it's not true.

I may not understand your full range of hysteria but I understand normal emotions very well. How can you say otherwise? Under what authority can you make such an acusation? Ever feel like supporting your ideals with reason? Give me a reason to listen and I may just do that. It's part of speaking to your audience. Makes you seem like a reasonable person and not the loon you are.

If you proved to be more than small minded, I won't lie, I would be impressed. As I have no logical or emotional belief that you are capable of such without hampering your true nature... well I don't want you to change who you are for my benefit.

You are a representative of the supreme racist empire of the old world. Your views are of the old world. Your values share such influence. Your individuality replaced by rules without rational.

I could just give you the cold shoulder and ignore you like I did my ex. But turns out that does trauma and on humane levels.. I don't intend to hurt others. I also believe you are exploiting my charitable nature.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

If you proved to be more than small minded, I won't lie, I would be impressed.

That's great, but I shouldn't need to prove I'm not small-minded, rather you should prove that I am.

may not understand your full range of hysteria but I understand normal emotions very well. How can you say otherwise?

Because you seem to be under the impression that any sort of emotional reaction(s) can be caused by anything you write on here. Not once have I had any sort of emotional response to anything you've written on here. Besides sympathy.

[/quote]Under what authority can you make such an acusation?[/quote]

The authority of experiencing emotions every single day. I can only speak from experience and what I feel personally, but emotions don't differ by person, so I know what I feel is what the majority does.

You are a representative of the supreme racist empire of the old world.

Britian is rascist? America & Britain both have elements of rascism, but you can't label both countries rascist.

Your views are of the old world. Your individuality replaced by rules without rational.

The geographical location of Britian, essentially a rock in the sea, doesn't somehow alter our views...
Neither does the fact that you're still a new country, who's so far not even got there own language. Oh by the way, I'm really asking, what goes into your museums?

Define sympathy and empathy... It will be interesting to hear what you say...

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Well I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total female member of the canine family.

I'll just ignore you now.


Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

I'll just ignore you now.

Good move, I know I can be irritating what with my superiority and all... :)

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

im DOESNT like all them FIGHTING on the forum maybe does SETTLES it with you both IS good and SMART and special and apologizes to BOTH. im IS THINKING that you be very smart person whitewolf and toby you be too and you does be special in OWN WAY.

Aperson im DOESNT thinking you is SOCIOPATH maybe because sociopaths dosent exists but also because im DOES thinking you doesnt talks very much like one. DOES you be confident person? im DOES thinking you is yourself and nothing else you DOSENT needs name for how you DOES acting.

You is you and that how you should decides what you SHOULD or NOT SHOULD do. im does THINKING that if you does DECIDE that you doesnt wants to tries serious RELATIONSHIP then you maybe DOES misses much when you COULD maybe even be CURED by be in RELATIONSHIP and find yours inner piece. it like saying im DOSENT likes snowboarding because i COULD be bad in it without try it.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Talking to you, it's like on big giant hug. :)

I gave you that Rubiks cube as I'd figured it out and wanted to see if you could get it.

quite frankly I hate him

I have no time to spend hating people, and anyway, I thought you didn't hate? Or did you make that acception just for me? :D

Tell me Wolf, what've you done creative or original?

I've said this so much it's annoying: You've never met me, seen me, really talked to me, and you can't judge someones personality, traits, thoughts or anything based on a few forum posts.

Your welcome to keep thinking I'm close minded, or live in a box, it just gives me something constructive to use to work on and better myself.

Re: Could i Be a psychopath?

Oh and toby, you are wrong about wolfie not taking others views into consideration. Maybe just not yours? :P

I havn't seen him take one persons view into consideration he whole time he's been here.

I take everyones into consideration, somewhat regrettably, even his. :)