Nah, i have no desire to, to be honest.
Whitewolf... I am not seeing faces or whatever, I am seeing lots of dark dots...
Whitewolf, We are all seeing dots! Not faces, or anything. We are seeing dots. :D
Why do I think Hexi is intelligent? Because I have learned from him. I know more about myself today than I did last month, in part, to insight gleaned from him. He appears to have carefully considered his beliefs, weighed them in the balance, and held on to those which make sense only. This is the mark of a rational and intelligent mind. Critical thinking is a talent and is unrelated to education.
Why do I think you are not intelligent? Because I've learned nothing from you. Nothing you say seems born of introspective thought but rather from repetition of someone else's ideas. You do not appear to have internalized what you believe.
Does that mean I think he is a better person than you are? No. You're just differently abled to reason. I don't think it has anything to do with your mental states or psychological definitions. I'm sure you have a talent, but critical thinking isn't it.
Discourse and debate are tools which should be employed to analyze what you think about what you know and to find areas where you need to do further research or thinking to solidify, augment or change what you know.
And, if he Googles, it is to broaden his perspective and understanding and not to just cut and paste a wiki article as if it were his own response.
You remind me very much of my 17 year old son. He thinks he knows everything. He's a good kid with a great heart and a very good person, but he certainly doesn't know all there is to know. No one does. Whereas it's normal for a 17 year old to think that way, it isn't for an adult.
I wonder why you feel the need to be right so often. What do you do for a living, Toby? Some kind of low-level government statistics taker or accountant or something? Must you pigeonhole every little thing into a neatly labeled box?
I answer people's questions the way I do because this is an interesting intellectual exercise. The whole point of therapy is not to ask someone what to do to fix something but rather to find a way to discover the answers one needs on his or her own with just a bit of guidance in the right direction. What I actually think about the person or the situation is completely irrelevant and so I leave it out of my answers, for the most part. I live my life by a very strict set of rules because I choose to do so. Well, actually it's really only one rule, but I digress. If someone is looking for an answer to better himself or herself, why not point them in the right direction? Sure, they're probably not going to really evolve, but some will, and those few make it worth it.
Why would you assume a sociopath can only behave like an arrogant ass? I see no purpose in that, personally.
And, while I am possessed of a far superior intellect than are most individuals, I don't see it as a particularly valuable thing. It is neither advantage nor disadvantage. I am no more worthy a human being than is anyone else. I have to put my pants on one leg at a time. I have to make my mortgage payment each month. I have to eat and sleep and poop. I just happen to be "smart" in the way that some people happen to be artistic or athletic. Once you assume you know everything there is to know, you prove yourself a fool.
There is: You, DragonTongue, Whitewolf, Hexi and Psycho1.
You and Dragontongue are completely fine.
Whitewolf is under the delusion he's "superior" for his lack of humanity.
Hexi's enjoys insulting people for their religious views, and telling people to end their lives, but apart from that he's alright.
Psycho1, well, from the emails he's been sending me since I told him he wasn't superior, I can safely say he's got problems.
When doing A level Law in college we were being taught about a similar case in the US, of homosexual sado-masachism, there were a bunch of men and they took it in turns to nail their penises to a board, and other disgusting acts. But they weren't found guilt of anything because It was between a bunch of aduly males, and each had given their consent.
Is that a common ruling in America? That if it hurts no-one who hasn't given their strict consent then it's legal?
I don't know if I agree or disagree with that ruling, but it makes sense, doesn't it? So long as they're adults of sound mind, and have given their consent of course.
Whitewolf leave him alone, you twist his words and try and turn what he says back on him while he remains calm and refuses to insult. Showing you anything? Try and be nice, yeah?
Eh, I thought it was funny. I can appreciate it was inappropriate humor for a forum of this nature, but I literally chuckled when I read it. I took it to be dripping with sarcasm rather than literally instructive.
If the kid's looking for help, maybe he will evolve, but it's just as likely he'll grow up to be as narrow minded and thoroughly thoughtless as, well, never mind.
im DOES thinking your IS true man and BRAVE to actualy argues with MANY peoples SAME TIME when they TRY bully you and hold to yours BELIEFS TOBY. im is THINKING you is right in say that IT bad to say KILL YOUSELF to person who is in BAD MENTALLY STATE. im is THINKING that if you IS thinking LOGICAL then even THEN it not GOOD THING to say but doesnt GET mad at HEXI im is thinking that probably SOCIOPATH dossent really EXISTS but they just is DOESNT knows about it themself and DOESNT understand themslef because HATE and other THINGS. this is just MORE proofs to mine THEORY because im is THINKING you can only say that to PROOFS that "im is SOCIOPATH i can SAYS this but you isnt CAN" but not REAL REASON to say it but maybe SHOW he is sociopath like with ONLY reason to tell that he is sociopath not actually anything LOGICAL maybe. im also THINK that maybe they should try PRAY to God because that CAN helps. im is ALSO can always help just asks for HELP.
im IS THINKING that all people is INTELIGENT in own way we is ALL SPECIAL you can says someone is INTELIGENT because he does BELIEFS in same thing you DOES beliefs in or because you THINKS inteligent PEOPLES is like that and is what you TRYES to be too or is MAYBE. so it BE stupid to ARGUMENTATION about who be INTELLIGENTER. and remembers that ALL people is special you DOESNT needs to be CERTAIN people like SOCIOPATH to be special or enything you always is SPECIAL even without that. TOBY is special HEXI is special WHITEWOLF is special ROBERT is special all is special in own way... why you care who is more special when you cannot EVEN calculates that.
and you should not GET ANGRY at TOBY hexi and TOBY you should not GET ANGRY at hexi. people is DO mistakes but they can APOLOGIZES and you ISNT helpping someone be BETTER PERSON if you does just say they is BAD. im is THINKING all people is have GOOD HEART but also BAD side im is here to TRIES help CURE it.