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Thanks to the help of a very kind Cajun amigo, the Dr. Robert Forum is back, better than ever, at:

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Be well,

robert's Forum
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Re: Whitewolf - why do you hate jesus?

Fair Enough.
I don't worship the Queen, I live in the country she reigns over, I don't worship her. I have pride in her, yes, but my no means do I worship her....

Re: Whitewolf - why do you hate jesus?

Thank you, Whitewolf. I appreciate your consideration in this matter, and I am glad that you have decided to stay here as well. Your point of view adds a great deal to the conversation.

By the way, religion is not a banned subject on this Forum to be sure. I only wish to discourage the silly, endless arguments about so-called "faith" that to me seem to take up time and space without going anywhere but in circles.

Be well,
