I thought I went to Heaven once. Turns out your brain just releases some chemical that makes you feel happy as you are dying. But in those few moments I was truely happy. Then felt this terrible surge of energy rip through my body. And poof... back in this God forsaken planet with you people again.
So, you're an alien. Which galaxy, what planet are you from?
Ever since then I've wanted to die. Not commit suicide but just die. Just to feel that true feeling of actual happiness again.
Magic is just a trick you don't understand.
I guess the Void is like the anticonstant. Rips away the meaning of your life and cheapens your existance. I think antisocial people are more likely to become dangerous rather than social ones. We may use them but we have more purpose in our daily life and less prone to meltdown.
Interesting. To go antisocial is to more likely become dangerous. Where as those who are active in society are more likely to use and abuse people but less likely to lost stability.
I think normal people who lack a sense of belonging just become depressed? Probably drug and alchol abuse?
Sorry, I just don't hear anything at all when you speak.
Ok. We could call it (I am assuming you are referring to my understanding of consciousness) awareness. Or we could call it nothing, as no-thing. But I think you are defining consciousness differently than I am. You are, if I have it right, referring to thoughts, beliefs, ideas, opinions, emotions, etc as consciousness. Right or no? If I am right about what you are saying, then no, I am not referring to any of that. That is what I would call the contents of consciousness, which indeed are always changing. I am referring to something more fundamental than that. Literally, the am in I am.
Free will is an illusion
On the most basic level of analysis, free will is indeed an illusion. It has been my observation that there is no doer who has free will to exercise. On the other hand, on a more conventional level, we can speak of a person who makes choices and decisions and acts.
What i'm trying to say is, that "you" can be "you" but also it can be what *i" want thus not being really you, but an illusion of you that i created.
If you don’t mind, say more about this please. I don’t quite get what you are saying here.
I like your responses Hexi. And no, I’m not being facetious. ;-)
Must one have a constant to function?
I have a constant. It is consciousness. I am defining consciousness as the space within which everything that can be experienced (including thought, emotion and action on the personal level) arises. It is constant in that it never changes, is never altered and never ceases. When all my definitions of self fall, this remains. It is the "am" in "I am". But that’s just my experience.
Ah. I can say that. I am. I will consider if it is enough just to be. Intellectually, this suffices. I am. And there is no blank to fill in. Just. I am.
And on an existential level, this response resonates with me. I would describe existence similarly. I guess I'm hung up on having an identity. What you describe as consciousness, I have always described as soul. That thing which makes you uniquely you, that exists before you and persists after you. Consciousness is a better word than soul, maybe. I think there is some a priori knowledge that connects each of us with the sum total of human consciousness since the dawn of time until the end of it, and it is this a priori collective consciousness that man continually and habitually defines as some deity or another.
This I understand all too well. Virtually everyone is hung up on this. What makes you different is that you see the falseness of it, while most others are firmly committed to believing in it with all their might. It’s their true religion.
What you describe as consciousness, I have always described as soul. That thing which makes you uniquely you, that exists before you and persists after you. Consciousness is a better word than soul, maybe. I think there is some a priori knowledge that connects each of us with the sum total of human consciousness since the dawn of time until the end of it, and it is this a priori collective consciousness that man continually and habitually defines as some deity or another.
Yeah, it’s the place where everyone is literally one. Well, it is the place where oneness begins.
It is so… fundamental. I can’t think of a better word. It’s like asking, who were you before you were born? What is it that is within you that has remained the same throughout childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, becoming a parent, and so on.