Wolfie, here is another saying i've read somewhere. "Courage is not to act without fear, but despite it" Which is how i see it aswell. Courage and anger both make you act despite fear. You might be afraid of someone with a gun but if you're angry enough about him you will still act, same with courage.
So, are you saying that you're not courageous?
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
"Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow."
"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
They go on and on proving that you're right, courage cannot exist without fear, or it's not courage but stupidity.
No, because that same act performed by an emotional person is considered courage.
Courage is a natural act under the codes of Bushido. To be brave just because it is your code. A different mentality.
I think it's an old Welch proverb: In a fight, anger is as good as courage.
God created the conditions where free-will creatures would be able to make a choice between obedience and disobedience to God. This existed when God created an angel called who was without sin yet, apparently, had free will. The angel chose to rebel against God and sin. Likewise, Adam and Eve, having been made by God without sin, listened to the fallen angel and chose to sin against God
But God didn't cause them to sin . In the freedom of their wills, each decided to rebel against God and sin entered the world. God simply allowed the condition to exist where sin was possible.
He allowes free will, and sin is one of the possible consequences of that.
So free-will is the reason that sin exists, and satan took advantage of that as a fallen angel.
As for hating - God hates sin, and we are taught not to hate the sinners themselves, but to hate the sin.
Good job Toby. Another prime oxample of not thinking, just reciting what others have told you. (i would have posted a facepalm pic but i'm not sure how you manage that here)
I'm thinking alright. I make up my own mind, I don't blindly follow what others tell me.
All of that which I said is in the Bible so I have no idea what on earth you are talking about.
Facepalm - Because expressing just how dumb that was in words just doesn't work.
I'd like to know what your opinions on the Bible are? LOL!
God feels love and hate. There are numerous passages of the Bible saying so, but I wont bore you.
He experiences Love, Hate, Jealousy and all of that.
Once again you just point out that you accept things without considering the why of it or the implications. Oh, and you always bore me, Toby.
How do I point that out? You're a weirdy aren't you? :)
You claim to be a Christian, yet you disregard our holy book.
You aren't one of us, you can't be unless you acccept the Bible.
Foolish and stupid are relative terms. Aka the Bible didn't say crap in that passage you want to quote so badly.
Why not read the old testiment? Because it conflicts with the new testiment. In fact... Jesus was do unlike God that the Jews killed him for insulting their God.
What was Gods son's name again? Hercules? Oh wait Greek mythology happened way before the Bible did. Funny how I can relate the two. My favorite was Athena.
But how sad at the sametime. Like what happens to all the people born before the Bible? Did the Greek just go to hades? Interesting... both the Bible and Greek mythology mention hades. But Hades belongs to Greek mythology not the Bible. Sue for copyright infringement!!
I admit the Bible has a good purpose but for the most part it's crap. The stories are crap. The fact 4 different people wrote nearly the samething is crap. The fact that their stories differ and their perception of the laws is slightly different... means it's crap. These people who followed Jesus around all this time... had different perceptions on what he did... Hmm.
I still prefer Greek mythology. Cause the Gods had their favorites. Besides the Bible says some people will become as Jesus. That they would see him as a brother. Basicly people turn into Gods like mormons.
I'll debate and prove you wrong all you want.. on myspace.
LOL It's 3:00 AM here in Britain. :D
I have read the entire bible, Old Testament and New.
Actually Hades is Hell... not Satan. For all your claimed knowledge of the Bible.. how shameful.
Your knowledge is only surpassed by your stupidity. Like I said.. The Bible contradicts itself. To argue this further.. is pointless. You lose by default.
No, Whitewolf, you're wrong.
Hades (Άδης or Ἀΐδας; from Greek ᾍδης, Hadēs, originally Ἅιδης, Haidēs or Άΐδης, Aidēs, meaning "the unseen" refers both to the ancient Greek underworld, the abode of Hades, and to the god of the underworld, Satan.
Ahh, how does it feel to be wrong? :) Now who's 'stupid'?
You're wrong again, although It doesn't really matter.
Gehenna, Hades and Tartarus are all hell.
Sheol is the "grave" referenced in the Old Testament.
Why am I always on the phone in your thoughts?
I'm not too sure.... :D
I remember you saying that you don't 'waste your time' with A TV or computer so I assumed you were always using a phone.
I don't watch tv. I most certainly have one.. and an xbox360. I got rid of the wii and sold the PS3.
And I love computers... I have a degree in computer networking systems. LOL you didn't think Dr Long thought I was some great threat just because.. did you? Nah he's afraid I'll bring his site down. Probably by creating a mass ddos attack which floods the server until it crashes. But I'm not that kind of person at all. People always think the worst of others.
I'm going to bed.
Invest in an ipad.
Oh right. I thought that you must've gone to alot of effort to write that huge post from a phone. -_-
dDos attacks are handy if they pass your hosts limits, then you have to pay your hosts excessive fees. :D
You don't watch TV... I still can't believe that. LOL
Unknown - I wanted to quote a respectable source... Something he would believe and not just think it was me being 'blind'.
Trust me, I know the Bible. I know Hades refers to both Hell, and it's guardian, Satan. After studying the Bible for years, I know I haven't got it wrong.
Why don't you go share these thoughts with all the people of the middleeast who would love to see you dead? In fact go there and push your religion on them.
That way you can annoy them with your personal beliefs and they can stone you to death for being an infidel.
Homosexuality is a mental illness or at least it used to be but people said "hey thats not right. We like the gays." so it went from mental disorder to poof.. normal behavior. No psychological explanation why it was removed as a mental illness. Which tells me it's BS.
Anytime you can just remove a mental illness. Well thats a flag.
Oh also NASA payed for the research that clearly says the solar flare/storm is coming. Look up the 1859 carrington event. 15 hours after the sun released it's discharge it hit Earth. Usually it takes 4 days for it to even reach Earth. When it hit all electronic systems instantly failed. Which was only the telegraph lines at the time.
In fact the aurora lights were so bright over some areas of Earth that gold miners started getting up and making breakfast because they thoughts it was day.
Also part of the Myans calander accurately predicts sunspots. And they believed that this would be the most devastating time the Earth has ever been hit by sunspots.
A world wide EMP that could hit 15 hours after launch and be completely unstopable and underectable by any NASA early warning system.
You can talk all you want, Toby. It's already happened before and it'll happen again.
I'm excited about it. To watch humnity fall on it's face. All you materialistic people... die. Oh what a thrilling feeling to watch this order fall. Knowing I have hooked up with two other psychopaths and the moment order ends... this world is mine. All your rules and laws will be nothing but a memory... "and once more the psychopath will rule the galaxy!" err.. Earth. :-)
Toby, in Iraq alone there are Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.
The Sunnis and Shiites don't like eachother but they both hate the Kurds. They hate the Kurds so much they got Saddam to help kill them and all of Iraq praised the Kurds demise. As in they praised Allah for allowing Saddam to kill Kurds.. just because their version of being a Muslim offends the Shiites and Sunnis.
These are all Muslims mind you. They just practice their faiths slightly different from one another. Like the Catholics and Christians have their differences. Only Muslims will kill you for it. Because they believe you are being offensive to their God.
So you're telling me that these Muslims who kill eachother over small differences... aren't going to kill you? You know how stupid you sound?! I promise you.. a Shiite would kill you in a heartbeat if you waved that Bible at him. In fact Muslims are so offended by the Bible, in the middleeast, that US troops can't walk around holding a Bible cause they might get shot.
Toby, I dare say you know nothing of the world. Europe is a small and insignificamt influence in todays world. The US is the largest English speaking nation on Earth. There are more of us than you. It's our language now... like you could do anything about that either.
If nothing else I'm just saying this. If Muslims are willing to commit genocide against eachother over the way they practice their faiths... they'll deffinately kill you.
I am aware of the sects of Islam.
But they're not Muslims! They aren't following true Islam!
You are wrong wolfie, EU is one of the 4 powers in the world. Saying it's insignificant is ignorance on a fundamental level.
Why are you defending the EU?
Oh yeah... right.
The EU has the biggest economy in the world, and the biggest defensive force. Why you say it's "isignificant" is beyond me...
The EU's population is 731,000,000 while yours is 309,000,000. We could destroy you by walking at you.
Oh please. All your good for is running your mouths. Btw good job doing nothing when Georgia was invaded by Russia. Polland part 2 go!
Toby, I'm an ex army soldier.
But fat people bother me. At least you said cheeseburger. LOL
PS you sound funny when you talk.
****! I meant burger! :(
I don't talk about things I don't know about.
And actually, Whitewolf was right.
Georgia invaded the breakaway nation of South Ossetia and Russia vowed to defend it. Georgia didn't give up despite being told by cowardly Americans to surrender, the fought on and Russia and Georgia eventually signed a peace treaty.
Russians were trying to annex south ossetia via "peacekeeping" actions, Georgia wanted to take it back by force and Russian soldiers were killed, first, by Georgian troops. You can discuss politics untill you die but when you kill foreign soldiers, it's an act of war. Let's say the Turkish would invade Iraq and just started killing American troops, would that not be an act of war?
You guys can argue that all you want. Neither of your nations or your half retarded EU did a thing about it.
You are both why! Look at you. Neither of you agreeing on what happened so neither of you take action. Paralyzed by your internal bickering.. Combat ineffective.
Thank you for demonstrating my point, gentlemen.
All your base are belong to US.
So, in your wisdom, we should have started world war 3 based on lies and propaganda? Actually... answer me this, do you believe that the US could take over the world if they so choose?
EDIT: Another point. "Agreeing on what happened"? Really? What is there to agree upon? It's not really a matter of opinion who shot first now is it? The facts are quite easy to find if you bother to look for them. But i suppose that is too much effort.
The EU aren't as trigger happy as the US, and it's good thing too. We would retaliate with tremendous force if a EU member was attacked, and so would NATO.
I don't think Whitewolf quite understands, you're supposedly great with 'logic' so answer me this... Do you really think starting an even bigger war, with even more dead and still reaching the same conclusion would be good or helpful? No, that would be an American response. Take your head out of the sand, man.
The war started when Georgia made it's final attempt to retake South Ossetia, and Russia being Russia decided to go in all guns blazing in 'defence' on South Ossetia.
There have been numerous attempts by Georgia to retake South Ossetia since it's independence in 1990.
Well you argue who shot who first and ago deserves what.
I'll maintain my borders and those of my interest. You watch the borders of friendly nations fall. But Georgia was beneficial for the US. Did you see how the Asians all denied support to Russia? No one would stand with them and for the first time... Putin realized he is alone. Russia.. that nation of *******s trying to crap on the free world.
Missle defense system. More like.. anti you shoot back at us while we obliterate you... system. Why did we put some in Europe? Seems a waste to me. Rather let them get killed some so they dedicate themselves to... oh thats right.. they'd just get killed. Euros don't know how to fight. They're all just brawlers. The moment a body hits the ground they all freak out and have WW2 flashbacks and start crying how terrible war is. Pussies.
Thank God for the US. We're the dicks that fix this crapped on world. We created the Internet. It was our military. We created everything or had it created in our nations.. for the most part. Funny isn't it. We represent so little in terms of population but in culture we absorb all. And from this has come many life enhancing things. We've made the world a better place.
But you bloody wimps.. always biting our ankles. Too bad we get wiped out in 2012. Like all great societies before us.. we are unable to prevent our own downfall. Nah I'm just kidding.
I give you gold and you give me Custard?
Toby, we make fun of custard. Both the food and the moron. And we gave those savages their just desserts didn't we.
Because we learned from the British how to be tyrants. We watched them sell opium to the Chinese and when that Chinese emperor tried to stand for his people... 2 opium wars happened and the British beat those poor Chinese into submission.
The world has learned a great deal about how dirty and ugly the British really are through history.
See how I give you gold? I use the unspoken truths everyone thinks of and I say them. You give me crap. :-(
I still think the blankets thing was excessive. French people getting hit by mustard gas is funny but I think highly of native American cultures. There is wisdom among them.. unlike the French.
At least we don't gas eachother like those Europeans. Heh... I can go on and on. Part of bring prior US Army is enjoying stories about how pathetic other militaries are and how we keep killing them. Bad for statistics. :-(
Say what you want but the entire world mocks you and laughs at you behind your back. :D
I came to this site because a friend suggested it to me. He said the doctor robert website and this site are worth a look. I have read through several of the threads, and I just finished reading this entire thread.
I have only one thing to say:
Toby, you are a total idiot. I cannot believe how truly stupid you are. And the very worst of it is that you believe yourself to be clever. Your religious ideas are totally naive, poorly worded,and completely imitative. You don't have an original idea in your head. It's all hearsay. You believe the way a child believes--no skepticism at all. The rest of what you write about is even worse. You just blab and blab. I wonder why you keep it up when all of the others in this thread seem so intelligent by comparison.
Sorry, Toby, but that's just the way it is.
Can't you two forget this nationalist crap for just once? None of the **** you spout have anything to do with anything, it's just to distract you from the REAL god**** issues. Ahhhhh forget it, it's pointless. Carry on.
I am not the only idiot?
Thank God!
I don't really care what you say to be honest, and I doubt Whitewolf does either.
Yeah, I'll just let it go. It's pointless. It really is. I can hold a better conversation with a tree. :)
One last thing... THE EU IS BETTER! :D
Ok, fine.
I can only speak for myself, so I don't care.
Well if the world turns to zombies I'll make sure to have a katana sword.
Toby, if someone tried to hurt you.. I'd protect you. I forgive you for bring human. :-)
Tsurugi sword every time. :)
I don't own a sword. :-(
My parents have all my guns.
The cops took my last set of knives...
But Toby.. could you really live with yourself knowing you would be killing zombies that used to be people? Wouldn't it conflict with your morals? Imagine everybody turned back to normal a weak later butyiu slaughtered them. What would you do then?
I don't own a sword, although here it's perfectly legal with a permit.
I also don't have a gun. :(
If I knew that my act of killing zombies would save people, people that would be terrified and fighting for their lives, women and children then I would get myself a sword and kill some zombies. :)
Hehe, my nodachi is on the wall, over my bed. If some fool would break in they would be in for a surprise. :P Oh, and it's an actual sword and not an ornament. You can cut people in half with it, if the nescessity arises. I got it for my 20th birthday from my cousin.
The surprise being they break in to steal your phone and get decapitated. :D
Unlucky *******. :)
What if it was to fall on you in the night?
Yeah, they sell swords in my nearest town, you have to get a permit though. :( And I don't think my wife would like me to have a sword around my children...
I doubt it would even come to that, to be honest. Considering the size of the nodachi, no sensible person would try to attack me if i was wielding it, especially since i know HOW to wield it. They would just run away.
If someone jumped through the window with a pen-knife and they saw you with that... well that would be just hilarious. :)
Nice comeback, I didn't see that coming.
Got anymore? They're AWESOME.
I enjoy reading about Armageddon, the 2012 thing is also interesting when you read about different people scientific views instead of only guesswork.
Things like the Big Crunch interest me too, because they're purely scientific, It's the supposes collape of the universe...
LOL I give up. *shakes head*
Good for you!
You have acknowledge your arguments were baseless and your insults were infantile!
Yes Toby, i'm sure you would forgive me if I came and murdered your family infront of you, after raping your wife and setting your house on fire.
Paedophilia is not a mental disorder you ignorant ****. It's a sexual preference. Unless you consider homosexuality a mental disorder aswell?
You keep arguing over what the bible says, instead of discussing what the purpose of the message is. It's the same pattern i see in everything you write, ignorance and stupidity with 0 consideration to the why's and what then's. This is gonna be the last time i respond to your garbage so i'm outright flaming you. I suppose you should feel good about yourself, you got an emotional response from me.
I'm sorry, but I am going to quote the DSM.
"Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children"
It is a mental disorder, and yes, I do consider homosexuality a disorder. It's something that's gone wrong in there brains chemical make up. As much as they don't like to admit it, it's not just another sexual preference. I have nothing against gays, btw.
I'm still wondering where in the Bible it says it is wrong to use your head for more than a hat rack.
And once again Hexi's last comment is on point. Self deception is where all deception begins, in my experience.
Why would someone pretend to like someone they hate, besides the obvious things, like conning someone for money, sex, etc? Or seeking someone's approval? Or *fill in the blank* self delusionally self centered reason?
Yeah, your right.
I don't pretend to like people I 'hate' but I am nice to people I 'hate'... Most the time... :)
Being kind or nice to someone you 'hate', does that constitute pretending to like them?
Thanks for the input, everybody! You gave me a lot to think about! :)
Sorry for the late response, btw--my sister wanted her laptop back. (She's such a good sibling, letting me use it as much as she does!)