I like your responses Hexi. And no, I’m not being facetious. ;-)
My glasses are also rose-colored, just blue. :P I do think positively about life, i just prefer chaos over order. I expect the unexpcted while reveling in the thrill of it. You like to keep your house tidy, i live in utter chaos. Empty pizza boxes, beer cans, clothes etc all around. :)
This is rather more difficult to quantify than I had imagined.
One late night, nearly 2:00 am, I was working on a differential equation, a particularly nasty one. At the moment I truly grasped what I was doing, I literally felt a physical release in my mind, perceived a blinding light, and for the smallest fragment of a second, I saw, no, I knew the universe. I knew it as intimately as one would know a familiar lover. And before I could assimilate it, it was gone. But the memory of its presence was left behind.
We're bio-electrical machines. It's not outside the realm of possibility that we feel certain energies which we cannot yet measure or describe. Yeah?
Pure existence, our collective consciousness, is that storehouse of energy which we may all tap into from time to time to lesser or greater degrees. (Jung would have called it the collective unconsciousness, if I remember correctly, the function of the mind that is identical within each human and is free from personal psyche involvement. I don't think he would have attributed as much metaphysical significance to it, though.)
It is instinct. It is nature. It is thought without form. It is language without words. It is neither right nor wrong. It just is.
It is universal, collective, impersonal, and identical for all.
It is what you are born knowing, spend your whole life trying to learn, and what you pass on when you die.
It may be known as Love, Qi, Chi, Prana, or even Ifa ... though none of those terms goes far enough to describe it, I think.
No psychedelics were harmed in the formation of this post - but boy does that all sound kinda dumb.
I thought I went to Heaven once. Turns out your brain just releases some chemical that makes you feel happy as you are dying. But in those few moments I was truely happy. Then felt this terrible surge of energy rip through my body. And poof... back in this God forsaken planet with you people again.
Ever since then I've wanted to die. Not commit suicide but just die. Just to feel that true feeling of actual happiness again.
Magic is just a trick you don't understand.
I guess the Void is like the anticonstant. Rips away the meaning of your life and cheapens your existance. I think antisocial people are more likely to become dangerous rather than social ones. We may use them but we have more purpose in our daily life and less prone to meltdown.
Interesting. To go antisocial is to more likely become dangerous. Where as those who are active in society are more likely to use and abuse people but less likely to lost stability.
I think normal people who lack a sense of belonging just become depressed? Probably drug and alchol abuse?
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
Imagine you experienced the greatness of Heaven. For the first time ever... you feel truely alive and full of happiness. Then they bring you back and you hate them for it. This life... has no color to it. No matter how much I enjoy it... I'll never fully experience it. That knowledge is the Void. To know no matter what.. you will never be complete.
Some things are worth dying for. All these people talking about Heaven. None of you are ready to die though are you?
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
If you believe the Bible, you would now that it doesn't teach dying, then going to heaven, does it?
I am not disputing the existence of heaven, or hell.
The Bible teaches that when people die, they're dead, Ashes to ashes - dust to dust.
Back to the earth, were we came from.
Then on the day of judgement we are judged, the decision is made to whether we stay forever in gods kingdom, or we die, the "second death" dead forever.
Heaven is Gods domain. We don't enter, and we never shall. Gods "kingdom upon earth" is were we will be allowed to live if we are judged as worthy of living there.
Remember John, Matthew, Luke etc. were only people.
John 11:11-14; Deuteronomy 31:16; Job 7:21; Job 14:12; Jeremiah 51:39; Daniel 12:2.
They label death as a "sleep" and upon Jesus' return, we shall all be woken from our slumber at either the first or second resurrection according to how we lived prior to 'death' :D
It's not my particular interpretation, it's what it says. It's the one thing all Christian branches can agree on.
A 'sleep like' death
Resurrection on the 'Day of Judgement'
Then either permanently dying the "second death"
OR Living in the 'Kingdom of God upon Earth'
Everything above is directly from the Bible, there is no 'heaven' or 'hell' that you're sent to straight after death, that's explicitly mentioned nowhere. Sure you can point out the word 'hell' in every book of the bible, but the greek word 'hades' means dump, and the 'dump' is the second death. A HUGE misinterpretation.
But, if that is what you choose to believe, then that's fine, who am I to say it's right or wrong. :)
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
The one time I reply to unknown and all he does is look for ways to misinterput and be an ass. ..but you know what... He wouldn't say it to my face. I remember that when I chat with people. For all the crap they talk they don't really do much. Just little annoying dogs.
Toby, people like Unknown are the ones we hate. People who just pop up and think they can talk to you and judge you. Subject you to their ignorant ideals. Who is he to me? I concern myself more with what you think than a total stranger. Seriously, if this was fudil Japan and I was a samuri... I could totally cut him down in public and it would be compltely acceptable. Or if this was the wild west... I could just shoot him. All these times in history when cowards were not safe. Great times as history looked over their voices. Now.. Pfff.
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
I'm sure there are a few. Of 6 billion people 1% is 60 million. All those psychopaths and so few serial killers.
I tricked my best friend into getting in a chicken coop as a kid. Then locked him in it.
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
Well.. it seemed like the right thing to do.
I washed my aunts dog in gasoline as a child. That dog hated me till the end of time. Then he thought my uncle was me and hated him.
Gas is the ultimate pyro fuel. I love watching it burn or igniting fumes and watching the explosion. Drifting again...
Anyway gotta go check on a friend. His wife took their two kids and left him yesterday. Kids shouldn't marry.
Website: www.myspace.com/zwhitewolf
I misread that. I thought you said you washed the dog in petrol and then burned it... That would've been evil.
You should've taken the coop (if it was moveable) and put it in a stream. :)
Anyway, enough with the ways to kill coop-stuck children. :D