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basic human interaction

Is there some minimum level of physical human interaction one needs for proper health?

I am not anthropophobic, but neither am I at all interested in being around people. I rarely leave my house other than to pick up my children or grab something from the market.

My family is concerned. I think I'm fine. Who's right? (I know that's not a right or wrong kind of question.)

I'm curious. How much time do you spend in the presence of other humans?

Re: basic human interaction

i personally don't like people much either. generally the moronic behavior of mankind annoys me.
the way i see it, the amount of social interaction "required" is the amount that makes you happy, if you don't feel lonely, then i guess your getting your daily dose of chatter.
hope this helps. :)

Re: basic human interaction

Social interaction is vastly different for sociopaths, you have to take into account the fact that you really don't get much from it as the pack mechanic simply isn't present. I don't want to get into it actually, just wanted to point it out. I've wondered this myself, actually. I go out with people i know maybe twice a month, but not much else. What exactly is considered a "healthy" social life?

Re: basic human interaction

Social interaction is vastly different for sociopaths, you have to take into account the fact that you really don't get much from it as the pack mechanic simply isn't present. I don't want to get into it actually, just wanted to point it out. I've wondered this myself, actually. I go out with people i know maybe twice a month, but not much else. What exactly is considered a "healthy" social life?

Basicly the opposite of you.

I believe good social interaction involves the development of strong and enriching friendships that are mutually beneficial. From which you should have a good foundation of trust.

If you can't trust people.. they aren't really your friends. Just associates. It's hard to find people worthy of trust but I find that if you project personal virtue... others will see it and strengthen themselves as well.

That and I actually have another friend IRL who is like me and I get along with most social groups.

A healthy social life would be something like what I did today.

I was laying in bed waking up and a friend calls me up to hangout. So I get dressed and we go to the smoke shop. Then we sit around and talk and laugh about life. There's a few scraps of gossip in the conversation to add flare but nothing over the top. Then another friend comes over to socialize. We make plans to go drinking tomorrow. Then one friend leaves to go take care of todays goals. I go swimming with the other one. Afterwards we go get a late lunch. Then we go about our own activities and meet up later.

Thats healthy social interaction. It's important to stay connected and not disconnect.. like Hexi. He seems to not be able to derive enjoyment from others as much as he should.


Re: basic human interaction

Thats healthy social interaction. It's important to stay connected and not disconnect.. like Hexi. He seems to not be able to derive enjoyment from others as much as he should.

I don't like being around people either. I hardly talk to anyone IRL. I don't want to. I like being by myself better; much better. Is that bad? It's just the way I am. What terrible things will happen to you if you don't interact with people enough?

Re: basic human interaction

Thats healthy social interaction. It's important to stay connected and not disconnect.. like Hexi. He seems to not be able to derive enjoyment from others as much as he should.

I don't like being around people either. I hardly talk to anyone IRL. I don't want to. I like being by myself better; much better. Is that bad? It's just the way I am. What terrible things will happen to you if you don't interact with people enough?

You'll probably sit on your butt and get fat and ugly. Not to mention becoming a sex deprived pervert that creeps everyone else out.

Basicly... go to walmart and take a good look around. Those people, and we all know who I mean by those people, are socially dysfunctional. The better your social skills.. the more likely you can get your way in life. Like a confident and smart tech with good social skills will get further than a geek that has a hard time talking to women.

You choose to enjoy interaction with others. It's a choice in your head. If you choose not to embrace them... than enjoy your trip to the void of oblivion. Because you will never truely be happy. The Internet isn't as good as true social interaction in person.

I've always thought people were interesting creatures to study. Can't play videogames all the time.


Re: basic human interaction

You'll probably sit on your butt and get fat and ugly. Not to mention becoming a sex deprived pervert that creeps everyone else out.

Ha ha! I know it's mean, but you said it in such a funny way! :D Aaah... you crack me up. :) I won't get fat, at least. I go running at night and so on.

Basicly... go to walmart and take a good look around. Those people, and we all know who I mean by those people, are socially dysfunctional. The better your social skills.. the more likely you can get your way in life. Like a confident and smart tech with good social skills will get further than a geek that has a hard time talking to women.

Oh, I can talk to people. I can even be quite charming. I just don't particularly want to. It's tiring, and quite often depressing. Don't you find people depressing sometimes?

You choose to enjoy interaction with others. It's a choice in your head. If you choose not to embrace them... than enjoy your trip to the void of oblivion. Because you will never truely be happy.

Happiness is a choice in your head. If you choose to make yourself dependent on others for your happiness, you will never be truly happy.

I've always thought people were interesting creatures to study. Can't play videogames all the time.

People are interesting to watch. Some of them are even worth talking to. I don't play video games, so I don't know how much time one could spend playing them. Some people seem to practically build their lives around them, though... so I'm guessing a while.

Re: basic human interaction

I forgot to mention that my older brother is living in my apartment temporarily, so i don't just sit in my home every day alone haha but yes, i really should get out more. I'm also starting college again soonish, so plenty of opportunity there. Thanks for the input.

Re: basic human interaction

I forgot to mention that my older brother is living in my apartment temporarily, so i don't just sit in my home every day alone haha but yes, i really should get out more. I'm also starting college again soonish, so plenty of opportunity there. Thanks for the input.'ve got to be kidding me.

Your brother. Really?! Thats your excuse for a social outlet? Why don't you consult the family dog while you're at it. Or I have this magic 8 ball you could use. "60% of the time... It's right every time." :-p

I saw the "I'll do it soon" response but not the "it's getting done" response. Hey let's play a game.

How many days does it take a Fin person to get off their butt, go out to the local -insert social event- and socialize? Do you not care what others think of how you appear? Are you selfconscience? I know I look good to others in public. People enjoy my company. I seem genuine and to some degree am. I've built these great friendships that serve to enhance my existance.

Why do you care so much about them? You seem so bothered by their actions. As if you expected.. better from them? Are you projecting your expectations on people? They always end up failing you if you put too great a strain on them. I embrace Zen. Or rather I live without certain expectations.

How much should I try to make you bleed before you bite anyway? Are you direct or confrontational? Are you implosive? (I love those people)

Tell me of your IRL social skills. Being antisocial isn't a healthy lifestyle. It's important to use people. Gives meaning to their lives.


Re: basic human interaction

You seem really angry, don't you?
...Well, let's take it one at a time.

Whitewolf've got to be kidding me.

Your brother. Really?! Thats your excuse for a social outlet? Why don't you consult the family dog while you're at it.

What's wrong with socializing with your family? Are they not people?

Do you not care what others think of how you appear? Are you selfconscience?

I know these questions aren't meant for me... but I'd go with number one. :)

How much should I try to make you bleed before you bite anyway?

Oh, is that why you seem angry? You're trying to be hurtful? That's interesting!

Are you direct or confrontational? Are you implosive? (I love those people)

So you're just trying to bait Hexi... interesting. You surely are not expecting her to actually answer these questions, right?

It's important to use people. Gives meaning to their lives.

Does being used give meaning to your life? (No, I'm really curious.)

Re: basic human interaction

Hexi doesn't seem like a female to me. Jaane. How was that pronounced?

Wow this person really quoted the crap out of me. Then made a lot of stupid assumptions.

I won't justify the misinterputed crap but I will say this. Being used justifies these existance of everyone. We are all serving purposes. No need to assume being used is a bad thing. Thats just your emotional mind trying to interpt my blunt force reality.


Re: basic human interaction

Hexi doesn't seem like a female to me. Jaane. How was that pronounced?

Mmm, you have a point there. It's probably just because 'Hexi' makes me think 'Lexi'....

Being used justifies these existance of everyone. We are all serving purposes.

Okay, thanks for answering my question!

No need to assume being used is a bad thing. Thats just your emotional mind trying to interpt my blunt force reality.

I didn't say it was a bad thing, did I? That was your assumption. I just thought that maybe your justification for existence involved using people, rather than being used. You probably made this assumption because you tried to attribute emotions to me that I don't have! ;)

Re: basic human interaction

Oh, and by the way....

Wow this person really quoted the crap out of me. Then made a lot of stupid assumptions.

Does my quoting bug you? Sorry, I just really like this feature!

And 'assumptions'? *sigh* There I go again, making assumptions even when I'm trying my hardest to avoid them. I say things like "You seem..." and "...don't you?" and "is that why...?" and put question marks on the end of everything I'm not sure about--and I still end up looking like I'm making assumptions! What am I doing wrong? English is hard!

I will admit that "So you're just trying to bait Hexi" was an assumption, but... was it incorrect?

Re: basic human interaction

Being used justifies these [sic] existance of everyone. We are all serving purposes.

While I agree that we all serve a purpose, I fail to see how being used justifies the existence of anything.

Perhaps we all exist. And that, in and of itself, justifies (if there is such a thing) our (collective) existence.

Even if you mean being used as in put to some purpose, I don't get this statement. To whose purpose? The one being purposed or the one being served?

Using another person to accomplish your own ends, regardless of whether you consider how it impacts that person or not, to me, is the basest sort of human behaviour and counter productive to one's own development as well as the poor sod's being used development.

Call it light, call it truth, call it the divine, call it beauty, call it love, but if we are not daily choosing to live up to some universal ideal of "good" human behavior, what is the point of life?

Wake up, you slack-ass teenager, and type something! ;)

Re: basic human interaction


Call it light, call it truth, call it the divine, call it beauty, call it love, but if we are not daily choosing to live up to some universal ideal of "good" human behavior, what is the point of life?

Tell me, why does there have to be a reason? Why does everything has to have a meaning? That to me seems like arrogance, thinking we are important enough to assume there must be a reason. There are plenty of things that serve no purpose whatsoever.

Re: basic human interaction


Tell me, why does there have to be a reason? Why does everything has to have a meaning? That to me seems like arrogance, thinking we are important enough to assume there must be a reason. There are plenty of things that serve no purpose whatsoever.

You know the old saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder? So, too, is purpose. A thing can serve any purpose assigned to it.

Consider a daisy in a field. If the daisy is not there, is there any impact on the world? Not really or better said, not necessarily. If your mother is dieing of cancer and in the hospital and you are driving to see her, and you see the daisy in the field and stop to pick it for her, doesn't that daisy have a purpose? If your mother's favorite flower type is a daisy, doesn't it have a greater purpose albeit only in your/her eyes?

Are we arrogant to find meaning wherever we look, or are we imbeciles to be blinded to the potential meaning in everything?

It's just as true to say the daisy means nothing. That particular daisy is irrelevant in the above example. Were there five daisies in a clump and you took the third rather than the second, would it matter at all? What matters, then, is that you have selflessly considered another human and acted in a way to enrich her life. It could have been a clover or a flower from a florist - it is an insignificant thing whose only purpose is to produce a smile, no matter how fleeting. In other words, in so much as that daisy serves to produce a positive flow of energy in the universe it is significant and full of meaning - but all of its significance comes from a human being's conscious choice to see it as so.

I don't know everything. In fact, I know nothing at all. And today I am rather more introspective than is generally good for producing finite answers as opposed to unearthing more questions.

Dragontongue, dear, no not you - I was talking to Whitewolf there. ;)

Re: basic human interaction

Well, I kind of see what he means. If you're being used by someone, then you are useful. And if you are useful, then there is a reason for your existence... you're serving a purpose. (Any purpose should do, if you're looking for a reason to exist!)

But I see what you mean, too. If we exist, then we exist. If we need a reason to exist, the fact of our existence should be enough... I guess?
Okay, maybe I don't see. *rueful laugh*

I don't mind using other people to get what I want. As long as I'm nice about it, and make them feel liked and needed, does it matter that I'm using them? I don't know... aren't you using someone when you ask them to get you a glass of juice or something like that? Maybe there's something wrong with my definition of "use", but that doesn't seem so bad to me.

Call it light, call it truth, call it the divine, call it beauty, call it love, but if we are not daily choosing to live up to some universal ideal of "good" human behavior, what is the point of life?

Huh. Good question. I guess it'd just be 'survival'. But then, why survive? Hmm.... Maybe to have fun? Anyway, that way of thinking doesn't seem like it would make the world a very nice place, does it? Being "good" just works!

Wake up, you slack-ass teenager, and type something! ;)

You don't mean me, I hope? (I was in bed....) :)

There are plenty of things that serve no purpose whatsoever.

There are? What things? (I know, I'm so clueless. :)

Re: basic human interaction


There are? What things? (I know, I'm so clueless. :)

Let's take blue whales as an example. They have no natural enemies and they don't regulate the population of any species. Humans have almost hunted them to extinction but to think that something that has existend for so long is purely to be hunted by us, now, is quite absurd.

Take the moon as another example. Life has adapted to the tides that it produces, not the other way around. One might argue that it protects us from meteorites but then, why does jupiter have 63 moons? There is no life there to protect from meteorites.

What is the purpose of comets in the first place? To randomly cause extinction?

Or are humans and earth somehow special with special purpose? I think this is arrogance.

You posted while i was typing. Yes, i do belive that is arrogance. If you believe everything happens for a reason, why do you look left and right when you cross the street? Surely if you were meant to be hit by a truck you would regardless so why bother?

Re: basic human interaction

Hexi - can you define purpose?

Let me just tackle the comet here.

Maybe a comet's purpose is to give rise to curiosity? Mankind has been fascinated with comets since the dawn of time. Not every man sees the comet in the sky and wonders what it is or how it got there or where it's going, but some man does. That comet has a purpose for him - to spark his curiosity. If he is curious, he is likely to seek further understanding of the thing he sees. If he studies science, space, etc. he is more enlightened than he was before.

Twenty years ago, I would have said nothing has any purpose at all only what we give it, and who the hell are we to think we can give meaning to anything. Today, I do not like that answer.

Re: basic human interaction

Hexi - can you define purpose?

Maybe a comet's purpose is to give rise to curiosity? Mankind has been fascinated with comets since the dawn of time. Not every man sees the comet in the sky and wonders what it is or how it got there or where it's going, but some man does. That comet has a purpose for him - to spark his curiosity. If he is curious, he is likely to seek further understanding of the thing he sees. If he studies science, space, etc. he is more enlightened than he was before.

Define purpose? To enable something else to occur.

I think that is finding meaning for the sake of finding meaning. By that logic our whole universe is here for us, in one capacity or another but the universe, according to the current dominant theory, is billions of years old. Humans, in ANY form have existed for a miniscule fraction of that. Don't you find that absurdly arrogant? Don't get me wrong, i understand completely what you mean, i just don't agree with it personally.

Dragontongue. The moon protects us from celestial objects, like meteorites and tides are due to the moon but like the example above, it was there long before there even was life, or oceans for that matter, on the planet.

Oh, and i meant that unknown posted while i was typing hehe.

Re: basic human interaction


I think that is finding meaning for the sake of finding meaning. By that logic our whole universe is here for us, in one capacity or another but the universe, according to the current dominant theory, is billions of years old. Humans, in ANY form have existed for a miniscule fraction of that. Don't you find that absurdly arrogant? Don't get me wrong, i understand completely what you mean, i just don't agree with it personally.

I understand completely what you mean, I just don't agree with it personally.

I think it is only arrogant if we do not recognize that we, too, are here for the purpose of the universe.

Re: basic human interaction

Let's take blue whales as an example. They have no natural enemies and they don't regulate the population of any species.

Hm. I don't know much about blue whales. They eat krill... so maybe they're regulating them?

Humans have almost hunted them to extinction but to think that something that has existend for so long is purely to be hunted by us, now, is quite absurd.

Well, maybe now the reason for their existence is to be hunted by us. It could have been something else before, I guess....

Take the moon as another example. Life has adapted to the tides that it produces, not the other way around.

Hmm, the moon... (mind wandering) I heard it's getting farther away from the earth... does that mean that if you went back in time, it would get closer?
Anyway! (Focus, Dragontongue, focus!) Doesn't the moon serve a purpose now?

Or are humans and earth somehow special with special purpose? I think this is arrogance.

Of course it is--if we aren't special. I wonder which it is? Special? Or not special? I like special better, but... *shrug* even if we aren't, I still want to know.

If you believe everything happens for a reason, why do you look left and right when you cross the street? Surely if you were meant to be hit by a truck you would regardless so why bother?

Yeah, the idea of fate is depressing. I prefer to believe that the future isn't already decided.

I... posted while you were typing?

Re: basic human interaction

For Hexi:

You may find this article interesting.

Re: basic human interaction

Being used justifies these [sic] existance of everyone. We are all serving purposes.

While I agree that we all serve a purpose, I fail to see how being used justifies the existence of anything.

Perhaps we all exist. And that, in and of itself, justifies (if there is such a thing) our (collective) existence.

Even if you mean being used as in put to some purpose, I don't get this statement. To whose purpose? The one being purposed or the one being served?

Using another person to accomplish your own ends, regardless of whether you consider how it impacts that person or not, to me, is the basest sort of human behaviour and counter productive to one's own development as well as the poor sod's being used development.

Call it light, call it truth, call it the divine, call it beauty, call it love, but if we are not daily choosing to live up to some universal ideal of "good" human behavior, what is the point of life?

Wake up, you slack-ass teenager, and type something! ;)

The purpose of your life is to serve others. People don't like to hear that. They also hate it when I point out to them that their lives are being controlled. They don't want to hear these truths. Wrap it up and make it look pretty?... No.

Online is a poor example of anyones social activities. Written language often fails to accurately replicate spoken words as languages are not just what is said but how it is said, tone of voice and physical gesturing.

All Hexi told me is he hangs out alone with his brother most of the time... avoiding social interactions. Personally I like playing with people. They are my favorite toys. So when I see anti social personalities and they aren't communicating well... thats not good.

You're closed off like mike myers. I bet a value their lives greater than you just because I believe they have a purpose. But you can't even stand to be around them.

What do you do all day, Hexi? Play with Legos?


Re: basic human interaction

To serve another does not imply that you are being used by the one you serve.

I fold my husband's work clothes in a particular way and place that day's pile by his towel on a shelf in the bathroom (nearly) every day.

I am serving him, but he is not using me. He neither expects nor demands me to do this thing.

It is an easy game to play with people. Any human can do it. Any human with above average intelligence can do it well. Any highly intelligent person can do it phenomenally well. Big deal.

The real game is not to play with them.

Re: basic human interaction

I'm tired of dancing with you wolfie, it's pointless. What do i do all day? Kill time. Wether it's reading, wathing movies/documentaries etc or chatting with people over the net. Things that stimulate the mind. Sorry, "hanging" out with people, spending time with idle chatter is not my idea of fun but more aking to a waste of time. Also, you should up your game if your intention is to taunt me. It's quite obvious.

Re: basic human interaction

As long as you talk with people, your fine. :) (Internet counts) :D
I never foresaw a time when you two would taunt/mock eachother, it's not like I thought it'd be.

Re: basic human interaction

As long as you talk with people, your fine. :) (Internet counts) :D

No, actually the Internet doesn't count. Did you know people who get sucked into online gaming and disconnect from reality are believed to have a mental disorder? Yeah.. I forgot what they call it though.

Some people even claim it will turn you into a sociopath. Taking you away from friends and family... becoming isolated and alone.

Your lifestyle only enhances your suffering. Feed the sickness. Your life seems empty. I used to be like that. But then I expanded my horizons and while there isn't a lot of deep content to friendly conversations there is good content.

Taunt you? You are your own worst enemy. You prevent yourself from being with others simply because you allow your judgememt of them as an excuse to avoid communicating with them. You are alone. Your days spent... alone. Your nights spent... alone. Shutdown and alone.

The best years of your life are being wasted behind a computer and a tv.

And before you say it... I'm on a mobile... outside.

From one to another... you are wasting your potential. Sloth.


Re: basic human interaction

Ok, let me rephrase that.

Talking to folk on the internet is better than talking to no one, being socially isolated.
Talking to someone on the internet is different from gaming etc.

What's the difference between talking on the internet and talking IRL?
I suppose you can see their faces, and you can get out and stuff.
But that's about it.

And before you say it... I'm on a mobile... outside.

You can easily develop an addiction to mobile phones, apparently. Google Mobile phone addiction. :D

Re: basic human interaction

I'm not isolated from friends and family. I talk with friends almost daily, real friends, people that i've known since childhood. I just don't go out phyically to meet them. You are comparing your own life to mine, thinking i'm like you used to be, i'm not. Stop projecting your own miserable failures on to me. Also, i don't even own a tv :P I used to be the "alpha male" of my circle of friends but i just got tired of the charade. Your perception of me is actually helpful, albeit wrong in a fundamental level. You keep saying i avoid people, i don't.

Also Toby, what did you expect it to be?

Re: basic human interaction

What did I expect it to be?
I thought you would be alot more argumentative, and I though he would easily be able to bait you and drag you in.

Re: basic human interaction

The timer to delete/edit posts is too fast. Ignore what i said wolfie, i have no interest to continue this pointless exchange. It wont really accomplish anything apart from derailing the thread.

Re: basic human interaction

I applaud you.

Re: basic human interaction

I'm not isolated from friends and family. I talk with friends almost daily, real friends, people that i've known since childhood. I just don't go out phyically to meet them. You are comparing your own life to mine, thinking i'm like you used to be, i'm not. Stop projecting your own miserable failures on to me. Also, i don't even own a tv :P I used to be the "alpha male" of my circle of friends but i just got tired of the charade. Your perception of me is actually helpful, albeit wrong in a fundamental level. You keep saying i avoid people, i don't.

Also Toby, what did you expect it to be?

Basic human interaction. We are still on subject. I simply put you in the spotlight.

I'm not projecting my life on you. I've always been quite social. I've just had good experience with those antisocials that like to sit at home alone. Your kind are never really happy. I don't need to know you either. You told me everything I need to know.

You don't enjoy the spotlight? Why not? What are you trying to avoid?


Re: basic human interaction


I'm not projecting my life on you. I've always been quite social. I've just had good experience with those antisocials that like to sit at home alone. Your kind are never really happy. I don't need to know you either. You told me everything I need to know.

As noone seems to want to continue this discussion, i'll give you some of that vaunted honesty.

I was very social, up untill 2 or 3 years ago. I got tired of playing with people. I wasn't lying or exaggerating about the alpha male part. I was, for all intents and purposes, the pack leader but i just didn't want to do it anymore and other intersts surfaced, like studying history, for example.

I don't sit alone at home consuming entertainment like a zombie, afraid of human contact because it's unfamiliar. I sit at home because the things that interest me don't require me to go out.

But i see your point and infact will go to my friends house tomorrow as he i having people come over to drink to avoid becoming that which you describe as i think i might be headed that direction if i stay cooped up.

Also, you're a delusional narcissist so ofcourse you get everything you need to know from whatever crumbs i give you. To suggest otherwise would go against your self-image.


You don't enjoy the spotlight? Why not? What are you trying to avoid?

I'm trying to avoid the discussion going from what i think to what i am.

Re: basic human interaction

I'm nothing of the sort. What a funny thing to say.

Is that the persona I'm emiting? To imply I was narcsistic would mean... I care what you think. I assure you... my thoughts of you come and go the moment I'm done with this message.

Really I just see you as a lesser person who wastes his life at home all day. I feel sorry for you in my own way. Potential wasted. And unlike them you do have potential.

I've met other psychopaths. Both highly functional like myself and those clams like you. I never said anything about alpha males in social circles either. I'm sorry if my natural alphamale status somehow presented itself to you in a manner you felt threatened by. Some psychopaths feed off eachothers energy, sharpen our skills by sharing our knowledge and become more efficient people. Plus it's always nice to have someone around who knows how you feel. A person that plays all your same games with people. Someone to have contests with. Life is a game. Who says only one person can win?

I wish I could really care about people. I'd enjoy life that much more... I suppose.

Calling me a narc... thats just dirty.


Re: basic human interaction

Implying (which by the way he did not do - he clearly stated) you are a narcissist doesn't have a thing to do with whether you care about anything or not.

I don't know you well enough to say you're a narcissist or not, but you're certainly quite ego-centric.

Playing with people is not a sign of superiority, intelligence, or skill. It's just childish. Nothing more; nothing less. It's just too easy.

Re: basic human interaction

I think most will agree, since Dr Robert asked people to dial down the psychopathy posts, this forum has got alot better. Infact, it was the best few days this forum has had since I got here, if everyone starts arguing again then it'll send us right back to the beggining. I know I've played my part in things but there really isn't much point arguing, as Dr Robert said, there are no winners.

I still stick by what I said, there is just no way without meeting someone face-to-face you can assess anything about them, besides how they type. Labeling him a 'narcissist' isn't really doing any good, but either is attempting to re-start arguments over, essentially, nothing.

Now let's watch as I get a bucket load of horrible comments, and people telling me where to do. :(

Re: basic human interaction

The fact that you need to tell me 3 times that you're not a narcissist tells me quite enough. Not only are you delusional but also in denial. Quite interesting.

A person who wants to spend their time learning new (to oneself) ideas and facts is a lesser person? Just because it doesn't interest you does not mean the pursuit of knowledge is worthless. You don't care what really happened with the crusades, and why so you waste your potential by playing with toys. To me, playing with people is pointless. There is very few new experiences to be had. I wish i knew some skitzos or bipolars, that would be entertaining.

Please note that i'm not defending my position, i'm trying to explain why i prefer to learn new things. I also quite enjoy this, on some level, but i do not want to shift focus into it so let's just drop it. I declare you the victorius party. I'm beneath you, there, we can stop.

Others reading these, start participating in the original discussion. Just sniping comments like "lol" (figuratively speaking) doesn't help and only makes those of us that want to discuss things drift offtopic because there is only so many times you can state your opinion.

Re: basic human interaction

Alright, someone else pick a topic. I can't think of anything more to say here.

Schizos are entertaining, actually.

Re: basic human interaction

I don't really care what they think and all I've wanted was an explonation but you're very resistant. Always trying to figure things out by the way someone types. What's wrong with you?! You think this is who I am? This is a game. I'm playing a character.

Remember how you claimed to be coming here and replying in different personality types? Something to that effect. Is this the one you're going to stick with? I was going to pull that "bad guy turned good" act. Thats my favorite.

You put too much thought into things. But it's my fault. I hope you can understand.

But yeah... I've had the most interesting conversations with SZ people. Some of them are down to Earth and give a really good conspiracy theory. But they shout and fight with themselves all the time... the ones I observe.


Re: basic human interaction

And now you sound like a bipolar, great. Why can't i play with you? What does it matter what personality i stick with? I'm not even sure myself at times, untill i think about it. Maybe being a psychopath is one of my personalities that i play as, oooh what an enticing though. Oh. and i don't care if you're playing or not, i'm still going to analyze you and everyone else.

I like skitzos because the way they break... it's glorious. It's like putting a puzzle together, pouring gas on it and then setting it on fire.

I know a great new topic. What is your favourite type of people to break?

I keep posting replies because no one else has anything to say and i'm bored. (can't sleep again, bloody insomnia!) The view counter keeps going up so i know people are reading! Participate (not in this pointless exchange though)!

Re: basic human interaction

Yeah... I think they're waiting for an epic finale but really.. you told me what I wanted to hear so..

I want to know why they always think the government is out to get them. Or the hearing voices and arguing with themself. Now that one throws me. "just try to imagine he's talking to someone on xbox live". LOL


Re: basic human interaction

Schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder.

I've known two schizophrenics, neither of whom ever talked or argued with themselves.

They are entertaining because something about that disease disrupts their their logic, and they are incredibly unpredictable as a result. That is also what makes them not so entertaining at times.

Re: basic human interaction

Yes, Unknown.

They're thinking Schizophrenia is Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is a common misconception.
They're two different mental disorders.

"Entertaining"? Explain what you mean by that. Or do just merely mean that they entertain you?

Re: basic human interaction

I mean they entertain me.

Re: basic human interaction


They're thinking Schizophrenia is Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is a common misconception.

Who is "they"? It's only wolfie. Oh, and uknown means entertaining to watch as the things they convince themself of is quite amazing.

Re: basic human interaction

Sorry, Whitewolf then.

Oh, and uknown means entertaining to watch as the things they convince themself of is quite amazing.

Oh right. I though she meant they were more entertaining as people. As in they were more fun or something. :)

Re: basic human interaction


Oh right. I though she meant they were more entertaining as people. As in they were more fun or something. :)

But what i said IS fun! Arrghhh, you're so oblivious at times! :)

Re: basic human interaction

No, I'm pretty sure George is SZ. He used to work for the CIA. Now he's crazy. He's convinced people are watching him. Always shouting... seemingly to himself, about people walking by his apartment harrassing him.

One time he walked in the laundry room shouting that crap. I was outside watching and laughing when I saw this other man walk out of the laundry room while George was still shouting. The poor guy has a low IQ be seemed a little scared but moreconfused. LOL

He also enjoys shouting at cars that drive by him.

The other guy, by my friends place, sits in his apartment and yells at someone who isn't there. They're both old. As in their 50s+

I also know this guy named Docsharp. He's a lot of fun but his mind is fading. Seeing things then they disapear.. only to see them again later. :-(


Re: basic human interaction

Docsharp from MyTherapy you mean?

LOL That was all hilarious! :)

Re: basic human interaction

This is a post to the original thread topic.

People are different. On the one end, you have the super outgoing ones who will feel utterly like crap when left alone. On the other end, you have those who are utterly drained by social interaction. The rest are in between these two personality poles.

So whatever you feel comfortable with is the right amount of social interaction.

For me personally, I was confused about who I was. Introverted, extroverted? somewhere in between? I tried being very extroverted, spending time with people as much as possible; going to a lot of parties etc. I had created an extroverted identity for myself. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I became very tired and just never felt optimal. I realized this was just not me.

On the other hand i also spent a year being a night watch at a hotel. This was probably the most depressive time in my life. All social life goes out of the window. Obviously this was also not me. Through these and other experiences I've come to know the REAL me. I am somewhere in between really introverted and extroverted.

So the question is not wether you should set yourself a standard for how much you should socialize, but rather to respect and cover YOUR personal social needs.

Re: basic human interaction

Thanks, Peter.

Re: basic human interaction

I was at my friends place, to start off, then we headed to the local pub to see friends, then we hitted the clubs and i realised that i'm very disconnected from people, on a basic level. I saw what drove them, where the actions were headed and the intent of it but it was truly like looking out from a glass box, terrifying yet so interesting. I instigated a fight between my step-brother and some annoying asshat and it was fascinating! Mind you, it's fun to watch my step-brother go. He isn't very tall (bit taller than i am) so people always like "Piss off shrimp before i hurt you" but he's been doing MMA for 10 years and he just destroyed this dude twice his size, it was hilarious.

So umm... yeah, this is my imput into human interaction and a realisation that i need to do it more, not to play with people but just watch the hilarity that ensues from a slight nudge.

Re: basic human interaction

I was at my friends place, to start off, then we headed to the local pub to see friends, then we hitted the clubs and i realised that i'm very disconnected from people, on a basic level. I saw what drove them, where the actions were headed and the intent of it but it was truly like looking out from a glass box, terrifying yet so interesting. I instigated a fight between my step-brother and some annoying asshat and it was fascinating! Mind you, it's fun to watch my step-brother go. He isn't very tall (bit taller than i am) so people always like "Piss off shrimp before i hurt you" but he's been doing MMA for 10 years and he just destroyed this dude twice his size, it was hilarious.

So umm... yeah, this is my imput into human interaction and a realisation that i need to do it more, not to play with people but just watch the hilarity that ensues from a slight nudge.

There are days I think I am missing exactly what you describe here, and I want to go stir up some trouble somewhere, and then I remember that no matter how amusing it is for me to nudge them along, the consequences can be ... bad. Rather predictably by now I'm sure, I get the realization that I need to do it less. ;)

Re: basic human interaction

Well the consequences don't affect me so i don't really care to be honest. The key is to be subtle enough that they never reach you. It also brings an added difficulty to it.

I'll use last night as an example. Going to the dude, picking a fight when i know a martial artist is with me would have been obvious. Telling my step-bro that the dude there was saying crap about and how he would kick your ass is also quite obvious. Going to order a drink from the bar next to the guy with my bro so he would hear him talking crap is what i did. Ofcourse i talked to the guy earlier to make sure he would say those things.

Re: basic human interaction

Well the consequences don't affect me so i don't really care to be honest. The key is to be subtle enough that they never reach you. It also brings an added difficulty to it.

The consequences affect me, but only because I choose to assign them some significance. They don't cause guilt or regret or any other "normal" emotion. It's just a habit of mine to punish myself for ******* with people, I suppose.

Re: basic human interaction


The consequences affect me, but only because I choose to assign them some significance. They don't cause guilt or regret or any other "normal" emotion. It's just a habit of mine to punish myself for ******* with people, I suppose.

So because you think you should feel guilt you've conditioned yourself to beat yourself up for certain actions? Why? To better identify what you should feel guilty about in order to fake it more convincingly?

Re: basic human interaction


The consequences affect me, but only because I choose to assign them some significance. They don't cause guilt or regret or any other "normal" emotion. It's just a habit of mine to punish myself for ******* with people, I suppose.

So because you think you should feel guilt you've conditioned yourself to beat yourself up for certain actions? Why? To better identify what you should feel guilty about in order to fake it more convincingly?

Initially, probably, yes. I don't know. Part of it is probably me testing the whole karma theory, but, honestly, it's more likely I'm annoyed with myself for failing to follow the rule. Part of it is avoiding the responsibility of influence. Unless I know I'm making a positive influence, I usually avoid it. And part of it is that even though I can't feel it, I can logically see that there's no benefit to it, and as you know, if there is no benefit, there's no purpose, so why bother. reason, reason, reason - heh

Re: basic human interaction

I was at my friends place, to start off, then we headed to the local pub to see friends, then we hitted the clubs and i realised that i'm very disconnected from people, on a basic level. I saw what drove them, where the actions were headed and the intent of it but it was truly like looking out from a glass box, terrifying yet so interesting. I instigated a fight between my step-brother and some annoying asshat and it was fascinating! Mind you, it's fun to watch my step-brother go. He isn't very tall (bit taller than i am) so people always like "Piss off shrimp before i hurt you" but he's been doing MMA for 10 years and he just destroyed this dude twice his size, it was hilarious.

So umm... yeah, this is my imput into human interaction and a realisation that i need to do it more, not to play with people but just watch the hilarity that ensues from a slight nudge.

Like gravity... madness just takes a little push.


Re: basic human interaction

I embrace Zen. Or rather I live without certain expectations.

Good that you realized you don't embrace Zen. I doubt you really know what that is. You seem to lack the patience to embrace the moment outside the moment.

What expectations do you live without? This is a real question, out of genuine curiosity.

It's important to use people? Using people gives your life meaning?

Using people nauseates me. Vomit holds no meaning for me. So this philosophy would not work in my life ;)

You seem very ego-centric. I could and should have been that way, I suppose, given my personal mental health, but I carefully, methodically, and completely learned not to use people.

What do the people you use get out of the bargain? Do you reciprocate and allow them to use you in return?

If I'm reading through the lines here, you use people with impunity and have no expectations that they will do anything you want them to do because they're all rather small and insignificant and put here to do your bidding, anyhow? Being in their presence from time to time is reward enough for their service?

Re: basic human interaction

Ahh wolfie, you're not stupid enough to seriously make those assumptions. Why are you trying to bait me anyways? Yes, i'm a guy by the way.

EDIT: I think you would pronounce my name as yah-ne or something. The way we pronounce words is very different so don't strain your mind or anything :P

Re: basic human interaction

Actually, i'm bored so i'll pick apart your post.


Your brother. Really?! Thats your excuse for a social outlet? Why don't you consult the family dog while you're at it. Or I have this magic 8 ball you could use. "60% of the time... It's right every time." :-p

You know i only meant it to say that i don't sit alone at home all day but you intentionally took it in a way that would suggest that *i* think it's socializing.


How many days does it take a Fin person to get off their butt, go out to the local -insert social event- and socialize? Do you not care what others think of how you appear? Are you selfconscience? I know I look good to others in public. People enjoy my company. I seem genuine and to some degree am. I've built these great friendships that serve to enhance my existance.

I have no national pride, so thats a miss. Also, i'm not going to boast how i'm good looking, social, etc as it's pointless but you try anyway.


How much should I try to make you bleed before you bite anyway? Are you direct or confrontational? Are you implosive? (I love those people)

You know you can't affect me so you post as if you already did in order to get me to defend myself by rejecting it. You know i'm direct.


Tell me of your IRL social skills. Being antisocial isn't a healthy lifestyle. It's important to use people. Gives meaning to their lives.

You already assessd my social skills, yet you ask in order to taunt me then you try to get me to agree that using people is great.

Re: basic human interaction

I find people fascinating initially when I meet them, but I have no desire to know them once I can predict their behavior accurately. Since I only enjoy them when they amuse me it seems wrong to waste their time and energy developing what they think is a relationship with me.

I have human contact daily. I'm married. I have a husband and children. I have a healthy sex life. I have a very real relationship with my husband built on trust. I trust him implicitly. I guess I just don't see the point in having a relationship that will pale in comparison with anyone else. That one is enough for me.

Video games. Heh. Funny thing ... I've conquered a few virtual realms. I never thought of it as a social thing, though. I certainly interacted with hundreds of people, but it was never a social event to me.

I know part of it is that I don't trust myself. People tend to do what I want them to do. I can't stand not knowing whether they did something because they wanted to do it or because I caused them to do it. One of my rules for me (not that I have a list anywhere or anything) is not to influence people without being asked to do so.

Re: basic human interaction

The better your social skills.. the more likely you can get your way in life.

Is getting your way a good thing?

Re: basic human interaction

Is getting your way a good thing?

I suppose it depends on your way. I would say "it's definitely a good thing for you", but sometimes you want things that aren't any good for you.... I don't know what it would do to other people if you got your way all the time. I guess that would vary, too.

Re: basic human interaction

I don't get my way as much as I accept the way things happen. If I don't like the way some thing happens, I either avoid that thing or I change some thing to make it happen a way I like (change me, the thing, another person, whatever). But, when I say "I don't like," it is a thing that is of monumental importance or a thing that adversely impacts my life or my family's lives. Any lesser thing, I would not like or dislike. I would watch it play it out. If I consciously desire something to happen, it will happen, but I rarely desire a thing to be. I'm not entirely sure I actually have a way to get.

Re: basic human interaction

I don't get my way as much as I accept the way things happen. If I don't like the way some thing happens, I either avoid that thing or I change some thing to make it happen a way I like (change me, the thing, another person, whatever). But, when I say "I don't like," it is a thing that is of monumental importance or a thing that adversely impacts my life or my family's lives. Any lesser thing, I would not like or dislike. I would watch it play it out. If I consciously desire something to happen, it will happen, but I rarely desire a thing to be. I'm not entirely sure I actually have a way to get.

Wow. That's wild. You sound like water; it flows around things, but also has surprising force at times. :)

Re: basic human interaction


Wow. That's wild. You sound like water; it flows around things, but also has surprising force at times. :)

LOL that made me smile. It comes with being a mother, I suspect. ;)

I've not always been calm. At times in my life I've been a whirlwind of destruction. Live and learn.

Re: basic human interaction

Is getting your way a good thing?

I suppose it depends on your way. I would say "it's definitely a good thing for you", but sometimes you want things that aren't any good for you.... I don't know what it would do to other people if you got your way all the time. I guess that would vary, too.

Are you a teenage girl? (You do not have to answer that - I am just curious because I don't like to guess a thing and be wrong).

If so, I'm glad you thought about my question, and I like your answer. Thank you.

Re: basic human interaction

Are you a teenage girl?

Now, how did you guess that?

If so, I'm glad you thought about my question, and I like your answer. Thank you.

:) Would you not be glad if I were not a teenage girl?

Re: basic human interaction


Now, how did you guess that?

Your posts feel young, full of curiosity, and though quickly thought up still carefully considered. I like the feeling I get when I read them because I imagine a bright child stretching her mental wings, and that is a joyous thing to behold.

:) Would you not be glad if I were not a teenage girl?

I would not be anything but bored then. *shrug*

Re: basic human interaction

Your posts feel young, full of curiosity, and though quickly thought up still carefully considered. I like the feeling I get when I read them because I imagine a bright child stretching her mental wings, and that is a joyous thing to behold.

Aw. I think that's the best compliment I've ever gotten online! Thank you. :)

I would not be anything but bored then. *shrug*


Re: basic human interaction

Now i'm curious. Analyze me, please. You seem like you might actually get something right. I'll be honest in my response. (sorry for "borrowing" this thread, i don't want to make a new one just to ask something like this).

Re: basic human interaction

Face to face, I would nail you in a few minutes, but in text it's difficult for obvious reasons. Some people write honestly, as in as they think.

You strike me as intelligent, mature for your age when you want to be, and angry. I think you see your self as other rather than alter and it ****** you off.

Re: basic human interaction

Hmmm, i don't consider myself as angry. The apparent hostility in my posts is most likely due to not considering how what i say comes across, i'm like that in the real world too. I really need to work on that. Maturity came out of nescessity, i wasn't really allowed to be a child and i don't really know where you got the last part from. Maybe i need to add more smileys and stuff to express my mood? :) Anyways, thanks for the observations. Gave me something to think about.

Re: basic human interaction

What do I know, eh?

Conjecturing based on my own life - I grew up fast, too. I wasn't aware that I was angry about that until I was much older than you are now. Maybe I'm reading that in based on my experiences filter, or maybe it's just coming through from you. It's harder to gauge you in a purely textual environment than it is some others. It's probably harder to size you up in person than some others, too ,for that matter.

Due to the peculiar nature of my biological father, I learned, like most children with that sort of parent, to read people very well. It's not a parlor trick or psychic ability or whatever - just a survival skill.

Re: basic human interaction

Have you ever come across some one that was able to equally size you up? If so, what was your reaction to them? Do you avoid them?

Re: basic human interaction

Have you ever come across some one that was able to equally size you up? If so, what was your reaction to them? Do you avoid them?

My husband, whom I've known since I was 15, and my brother's best friend from elementary school, whom I've known since I was around 12, are capable of seeing me. Incidentally, my brother and I are psychologically VERY similar. Or were, twenty years ago, more accurately. My husband and my brother's friend are also VERY similar psychologically speaking.

I positively delight in their company.

No one else has ever read me accurately. It would be quite an impossible trick for most people. I am never me but rather who you think I should be. Not because that is what I want to be, but it is because it is all I know to be. I haven't the first ******* clue who I am.

Re: basic human interaction

I appreciate your honesty. You have certainly given me food for thought. I loved the happiness is clarity answer. Maybe all of us have no clue who we really are. All of it is discovery.

Is it because your husband can see "you" and can accept you for the way that you are inside and out, and his exeptance no matter what is'nt that love in its purest form? Unconditional.

Your brothers best friend is he psychologically similar too?

Re: basic human interaction

I appreciate your honesty. You have certainly given me food for thought. I loved the happiness is clarity answer. Maybe all of us have no clue who we really are. All of it is discovery.
I certainly hope so! With nothing to discover, life would be pointless.

Is it because your husband can see "you" and can accept you for the way that you are inside and out, and his exeptance no matter what is'nt that love in its purest form? Unconditional.

Yes. Exactly.

Your brothers best friend is he psychologically similar too?

Yes, quite.

Re: basic human interaction


No one else has ever read me accurately. It would be quite an impossible trick for most people. I am never me but rather who you think I should be. Not because that is what I want to be, but it is because it is all I know to be. I haven't the first ******* clue who I am.

Deep down you are a blank slate that emulates behaviour that you've seen. Personality traits that others appreciate. You can see things from every perpestive of the egos that you use. It's like multiple personality disorder with the ability to freely use and switch between them and learn new ones. At the end of it all though, there really isn't much of a personality, just fragments.

This is probably just projection though.

Re: basic human interaction


No one else has ever read me accurately. It would be quite an impossible trick for most people. I am never me but rather who you think I should be. Not because that is what I want to be, but it is because it is all I know to be. I haven't the first ******* clue who I am.

Deep down you are a blank slate that emulates behaviour that you've seen. Personality traits that others appreciate. You can see things from every perpestive of the egos that you use. It's like multiple personality disorder with the ability to freely use and switch between them and learn new ones. At the end of it all though, there really isn't much of a personality, just fragments.

This is probably just projection though.

I do not think this is projection. You have done me a real service - thank you. I see something new for me.

If only you could tell me what to do with these fragments to assemble a personality of my own!

Re: basic human interaction


If only you could tell me what to do with these fragments to assemble a personality of my own!

But that IS your personality, fluent, adaptive and ever changing. There is no set personality, that was what i was trying to convey. Is there something wrong with that? Do you need a constant to function? Personally, i'm fine with it, perhaps i wont be later in life but it's just my opinion. :)

Also, the link you provided contained the same philosophical thinking i've done myself. If it came across as if i was trying to "argue", i apologize as it was not my intent. I was trying to explain how i saw it.

Oh, and Karma. Ofcourse not, how do you think uknown would operate in the world if others saw her as a empty shell, void of human traits? It's a learned behaviour, deep in the subconscious.

Re: basic human interaction

Also, the link you provided contained the same philosophical thinking i've done myself. If it came across as if i was trying to "argue", i apologize as it was not my intent. I was trying to explain how i saw it.

You did not come across as argumentative.

Oh, and, I linked it for no other reason than I thought you might find it interesting. I did.

Here is what I think. You and I are very like minded. But we are like opposite sides of the same coin. I look for the good in things first and am sometimes blind-sided by the bad in things, at great pain and shock to my psyche, I might add. You look for the bad things first to protect yourself but miss or reject the good in things. I am not quite an optimist - a positive minded realist is better. You are not quite a pessimist - a pragmatic realist is better. Knowing I am likely to get screwed, I still let the other person make the choice to do so or not. Knowing you will get screwed, you strike first. Well not entirely, obviously. I mean I don't go near people for a reason, after all, and I don't mean to suggest you run around with a chip on your shoulder. What I mean to say is that I think you and I are cut from the same cloth but stitched into different clothes. (and this is an awful lot of conjecture)

Do you like to make people squirm? (This is a yes/no question - a curiosity - no elaboration)

Re: basic human interaction

You are quite right except that i do aknowledge the good in things, but i just don't appreciate it perhaps in the same way you do. As to your question, yes.

Re: basic human interaction

You are quite right except that i do aknowledge the good in things, but i just don't appreciate it perhaps in the same way you do.

Back to my earlier assessment, then. This difference is what I perceive to be anger in you. Maybe it is; maybe it isn't. At any rate, I can relax now. I got you. hee hee (just playin' around)

Re: basic human interaction


But that IS your personality, fluent, adaptive and ever changing. There is no set personality, that was what i was trying to convey. Is there something wrong with that? Do you need a constant to function? Personally, i'm fine with it, perhaps i wont be later in life but it's just my opinion. :)


I don't know if there's anything wrong with that or not. I never considered it. I thought I was supposed to have a me. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have a me. >.>

Do I need a constant to function?

I can't answer. I'm stumped. What is functioning?


Re: basic human interaction

Somehow I don't want to believe that is true. That would make you an empty shell. None of you come across that way to me.

Re: basic human interaction

Somehow I don't want to believe that is true. That would make you an empty shell. None of you come across that way to me.

I am smart enough to conceptualize and verbalize some very esoteric things.

There are many people who describe me as an old soul (whatever the hell that is) and more than a handful who think I'm highly empathic. All of that is ridiculous. I am just perceptive. Nothing more.

I see patterns - whether it's in a differential equation or in human behavior. That is just what I do.

As Hexi says quite rightly, (neither he nor) I would come across that way to anyone.

Unfortunately, just because I see the pattern and can mimic it does not mean I can feel it. To feel, I must work hard to internalize the pattern and, much like a martial art, develop a "muscle memory" that becomes so routine it is ingrained.

And, I think, too, in light of today's new perspective, I'm not an empty shell. There is a bit of confetti there in the bottom of the shell. ;)

Re: basic human interaction

An old soul, I have been told that myself a time or two. Meaning inner wisdom I think.

Even confetti in the beginning began as a whole. Maybe if Hexi is right and this is like a multiple personality disorder maybe this confetti is just a slice of each of these personalities. I'd like to think so.

Sorry for the delay in replies. I do chores in between replies. I'm a bit of a neat freak. I'm a stay at home and everyday there seems to be more and more to do.

Re: basic human interaction

An old soul, I have been told that myself a time or two. Meaning inner wisdom I think.

Even confetti in the beginning began as a whole. Maybe if Hexi is right and this is like a multiple personality disorder maybe this confetti is just a slice of each of these personalities. I'd like to think so.

Sorry for the delay in replies. I do chores in between replies. I'm a bit of a neat freak. I'm a stay at home and everyday there seems to be more and more to do.

I understand chores, all to well - HA! I can't stand clutter.

I don't want many personalities. I just want the one I'm supposed to have. (she says and stomps her foot like a petulant child)

Re: basic human interaction

Can't stand clutter either. Sadly everyone around me seems to like it. Grrr

Isn't this the place you have all been able to be yourselves. I don't see anything, but honesty.

Re: basic human interaction

Can't stand clutter either. Sadly everyone around me seems to like it. Grrr

Isn't this the place you have all been able to be yourselves. I don't see anything, but honesty.

I've always felt that it is a great cosmic joke that my soul mate is a pig. I don't know if I'm supposed to learn to relax or he's supposed to learn to tidy up. haha

There is some real honesty here, but there is a lot that is hidden and rather a large bit of crap sprinkled in here and there. I think that one real discovery is worth however much crap one must wade through, though, so it's all good.

Re: basic human interaction

Is there some minimum level of physical human interaction one needs for proper health?

Not in my experience. Health, like so many other human ideals, is in the eye of the beholder.

My family is concerned. I think I'm fine. Who's right? (I know that's not a right or wrong kind of question.)

You said it. You are. And so are they. But since we're talking to and about you, I'm sticking with you. ;-)

I'm curious. How much time do you spend in the presence of other humans?

I go to work. I go to church. I hang out with friends. I travel. Usually I'm ok with everyone around me. Especially these days.