The Queen doesn't take focous away from God.
I have attended church every sunday, almost without fail for 11 years, we're united under the Queen. She is not, and never will be an enemy of God.
She worships God herself, she blesses our soldiers.
I luuurve the way you believe in Hell...
Got a bible? Find the passage that explicitly mentions sinners dying and being sent to hell?
On the day of Armageddon the supporters of the Anti-Christ are sent to hell.
If you sinned for your entire life and refused to repent, when the day of judgement comes you wouldn't be sent into the Kingdom of God, you would simply be dead, 'Second Death' as the bible calls it.
Continue to hate me, go on, explicity disobey the commands of God. Fill yourself with hatred, I'll sit back and watch your soul burn.
You know? I did play World or Warfare Online, but my Xbox 360 got the red ring of death and I haven't bothered to buy a new one.
When I get another XBOX 360, and get some online credit, I'll let you know. :P I beat the game once. I just can't do it again. It's hard!
Catholics? They anger me. They talk of worshipping false idols yet they have their "saints" that they worship. Saints were just people.
You can't be serious. You are no better than a catholic. Thats why we beat you out of America. Cause you people.. are pretty much like I see Mormons. You have good intentions but you're just not right in the head.
I don't think I can sin. Not the way you see it.
Hate you? Why would you say that?
Swimming is fun.
You can sin. No-one is exempt of the ability to sin.
A true Christian wouldn't say the things you say about our country, or the things you say about our 'kind'.
I know I've said things too, but I try not to.
Why would I say that I think you hate me?
When talking of Empaths you said "And they wonder why we hate them." If you don't hate me you at least dislike me. I don't have time to hate people or even dislike them. I love everyone.
You can't get to me, stop trying to. It's wasting your precious (LOL!) time, if you want to do something dial it down a bit, If you're capable, which I think you are.
I suppose hate was the wrong word, but you don't exactly like me so, dislike.
It's like talking to a door! :)
Anyway Hexi, I am older than you - I have more wisdom. :D
This is where it gets confusing. - The bible mentions this while mentioning
"Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death."
And many more verses mentioning death if you're rejected and refuse to repent when your judged after death from this world.
It's called - The Second Death.
Another translation of said verse -
"You have to blind your right eye the moment you catch it in a lustful leer. You have to choose to live one-eyed or else be dumped on a moral trash pile. And you have to chop off your right hand the moment you notice it raised threateningly. Better a bloody stump than your entire being discarded for good in the dump."
This isn't from the Bible, btw.
There are many a metaphor in the Bible, I think by hell it doesn't mean our image of fire, demons, and the like.
But dump, would be a more accurate translation.
'Hell' in the bible is translated from 'Hades' which many people interpret as hell, when In fact it's the second death, the final death. :)
Where did I say that? I must try and find that.
I was 16 and I set myself the challenge to read the Bible in 2 days, but read it in 3.
At the age of 17 about 3 weeks after I had read the Bible I converted to Christianity.
If I wanted to lie, I would tell you something more interesting than in exactly how many days I read the Bible, or what age I was...
I would say something like... I won the lottery... :)
You're wrong.
I have morality and I am not lying.
Morals are real, and I still have them when 'no one is watching'.
Plenty of people thought slavery was wrong, even when the majority of people didn't.
You create your own morals, and your conscience inforces them. What's terrible about that? Oh that's right, I am "not free" because I have a mechanism that enforces what I believe in, what I desegnate as 'right' or 'wrong'.
I know where most of my morals come from, The Bible.
Divine Command.
So to me the phrase "charity is good" means exactly the same thing as phrases such as "God commands charity".
Go ahead, tell me I am brainwashed, that I have delegated the core part of how I live my life, but In the end, it's made me a better person, and only I know that.
It does, however, leave me with the Euthyphro dilemma - "Is an action morally good because God commands it, or does God command it because it is morally good?"
When did I find my faith?
I was bored. I decided to set myself the challenge of reading the entire Bible in two days, I did. And I admired it's teaching so much I decided to follow them; to convert to Christianity.
At age 16.
I know (Or At least I think I do) what you're going to say... "You must of had morals before then..."
I did, and I can only guess where they came from...
Whitewolf - Again, you're thinking in the mind of a Psychopath.
I don't know how it 'feels' but I can comprehend how your mind works. But you cannot do the same with us.
We have different opinions, they're both valuable. Done.
If I had to choose between killing the Queen Of England or killing two homeless people I would choose the Queen.
I respect her, and have great pride in her, but I don't give anymore value to here life than I do yours.
I said I would kill the 10,000 because my wife was dying, and my children's lives were in danger.
What does that tell you? I love my wife and kids more than I respect the Queen.
That's it though, I respect her, and I have pride in her, I don't worship her.
Ever picked up a bible and had a read?
Idolotry is defined as the worship of any image, idea or object as opposed to God.
How many times do it need say it? I DON'T WORSHIP THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND
Tell me, besides baseless arguments, why do you dislike our Queen?
You're doubling back on statements you've already made.
Toby, the mere fact that I could get you to commit genocide to save your own family... is sad, unwise and dangerous. A person of such mentality should never be given power over the lives of others.
It's just my proof that your kind are all ugly inside. You'd all feed on eachother given enough emotional disturbance. Really not that much at all. How can I trust such a creature? Such a conditional creature. You really can't. Well not fully.
Thats why no matter how dissapointed I am in people.. it's not the end of the world for me. Like it is for you. Oh my family is away and I am alone. Sympathy please..
Pride is ignorant. Monarchys are relics of the midevil world. What purpose does your monad by serve besides national pride/looking stupid to the rest of the world? Do you think we are impressed?! We've never been impressed.
Also it's funny to ask an American why they don't like anything at all about England. We live a.. different way than you. We aren't loyal fools. Thats what makes us... US.
Btw. LOL @ u getting angry. I don't care about your queen... but you do. Don't you pride boy.
You've obviously never experience true love if you wouldn't do anything to save the one you love with all your heart.
No matter what you do, no matter what you say, I refuse to drop to your level.
I am not going to argue with you, it's not enjoyable, and doesn't get anyone anywhere.
I don't think I've ever met an American who doesn't like Britain... And I've met alot of Americans...
I don't have anything bad to say about them, we secretly mock some of them when they leave the office, but that's not because they're American, it's because they're stupid.
It's funny how you talk for your entire nation.
Our 'kind' live in harmony, look at the lives of your average psychopath, alone, unloved, uncared for and then look at ours, or even mine.
I never would've dreamed of becoming what I am today, and of having two wonderful children with my equally wonderful wife. :)
Mock me, argue with me, whatever, you can't penetrate my British Charm... ;)
And you'll never take down my pride, try as you may.
Sympathy for you? No.
Empathic Concern*? Yes! (*You might need a dictionary)
LOL :-)
Was it the first Rob Zombie Halloween or the Second one? Micheal Myers as a child is my sons best friends clone. No lie.. He sort of gave us the creeps for awhile. :)
I live in a state where they "use" the death penalty. The first time I knew that some one was going to be executed I couldn't sleep. They used to do them a minute after midnight. It honestly made me physically sick knowing this was going to happen. So many what if's?
Now if I were to personally witness a person doing these horrid things to an innocent person. I would have to agree they should be taken out. In some instances lethal injection is to easy for the pain they have inflicted. Lethal injection is morally correct supposedly and humane.
So I think I just contradicted myself in this post!! lol Hey man, I'm a women!! lol
Beheading, hanging, lethal injection, they can all go wrong. And they can all be used on innocent people - and they have been before, many times. For people who support the death penalty, that one fact should be what puts them off the idea. Innocent people losing their lives for the crimes they didn't commit.
Saudi Arabia - It still uses crucifixion. In the 21st century. Makes you sick doesn't it?
The Death Penalty is a barbaric act which has somehow managed to survive well into the 21st century.
I know how you must of felt, I made sure I was awake at 03:04 in the morning, much to the annoyance of my wife, so I could be up at the same time a British man with Bipolar Disorder was being beheaded in China because two men told him if he smuggled drugs into China, he would "save the world".
I am willing to bet my opinions would change if someone killed or tried to kill my wife, family or children.