It was aimed at everyone, really. Also, yes, occasionally. My preference of material varies ALOT. One day it's anime, the next day it's 80s stuff, you know the HORRIBLE stuff. :D
I've already told you my age, 2 times i think. I'm 25.
Actually, i already forgot where i was going with the original question. :( so nevermind i guess.
Yes, I do... High heels and leather? NO. :D
I cannot find anything in the Bible that expressly mentions "relieving yourself". Some psychologists still say its bad for you... LOLOLOL
Why would women have a clitoris if "relieving yourself" was psychologically unhealthy in anyway?
I dont see why anyone is bothered when answering that question, its perfectly normal and 100% psychologically healthy.
Toby, I am not "obsessed" with you, I am just one of those people who is always very curious about everything... You just seemed interesting. I like to know things like your favourite TV show etc...
You never answered that.... =)