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Question for Psychopaths...?

My idiocy aside...
I have a question for Psychopaths, or poeople who know or are around them...
Do you/they experience Fear, Sympathy or Empathic Anger? (Look it up)..

Re: Question for Psychopaths...?

Very simply, no. I get concerned and my feelings are aroused only when something affects (or is going to affect) me. A billion people could perish in front of my eyes and I wouldn't raise a finger even if it were in my power to save them.

Narcissism, in my opinion, is the bedrock of sociopathy. Besides that, deep down, there's a feeling of betrayal, leading to hatred of all but yourself, that makes a man a sociopath. One can always argue that some people are just born that way. Maybe, I don't know.