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OCD and Sociopathy

OCD is a disorder of a particularly punitive superego. (conscience). Sociopaths and Psychopaths have only very intermittently functioning super-egos. Therefore, if you're in the midst of an OCD tailspin, it's pretty much impossible for you to be simultaneously becoming a sociopath.

But, as you know on some level, in order to cure yourself of your OCD, you have to loosen up your super-ego. And you know what they say about deconstructing parts of your superego: you can break it down but it won't grow back.

So, baby steps. Use your judgment.

Re: OCD and Sociopathy

Define tye meaningful part for me.

Re: OCD and Sociopathy

I'm sorry, I didn't understand your question. Did you want me to define the word 'meaningful'?