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Re: Atheism

You say that you are "agnostic" because you don't know if there is a god or not. Yes, nobody knows that, and nobody ever can know. But are you also "agnostic" about a huge, mile-high bat that lives on the dark side of the moon, and eats rock for breakfast? Nobody knows whether or not such a thing exists, and nobody can know. Nevertheless, I am "ahugebatistic," and I see no more reason to believe in a particular god than I do to believe in the mile-high bat.
An atheist is not someone who denies that god exists. An atheist is simply a non-believer. Non belief is not denial, it is simply saying this: "Since I have no particular reason to believe, I do not believe." In other words, an atheist is just someone who finds the entire idea of "god" empty of meaning, probably imaginary, not worth discussing, and certainly not worth all the fuss and waste of time spent on it.

Re: Atheism

Oh, right. Well, I do not function in such a manner. Rather, I will only believe in something or reject it once "the various forms of logic, belief, argument, system, etc. behind it" have been proven or disproven(to a certain degree).

Alas, I see the world as a giant environment full of variable factors and so on, so I rarely believe or disbelieve in anything anymore. Instead, I accept thoughts, ideas, incidents, etc. as things that may or may not have happened and also in terms of degrees of "defining/undefined factors" and so on.

Anyways, since a god or deity can't really be proven or disproven for now, so why believe or disbelieve in it? Therefore to me, these "things" are just a "great big unknown", just one of the mysteries of the universe. I have other things to spend my time and efforts on, after all.

And yes, I'm starting to arrive at a certain train of thought that I might just be crazy.

Edit: So, if I'm not really an agnostic or atheist or even religious, then what am I?

Re: Atheism

Yes. Well, I get that completely, Dee, and certainly do not mean to suggest that there is anything "wrong" with your point of view.

My point is really more general than that. What I mean to say is that so-called "atheism" is not denial or disbelief, just lack of belief which stems from having no real reason to believe.
After all, if I don't believe that unicorns exist (which I don't) no one questions that or argues against it. My "a-unicornism" is simply accepted. Even though unicorns exist in many accounts and stories, I simply have no reason to believe in them, and no one questions that or asks me to be "agnositic" on the question. That is how I feel about so-called "god." I am not a believer, and see to reason to believe, so I am an atheist, not agnostic, by definition.

I find the illogic of self-described believers like Whitewolf to be a kind of support for atheism actually. If proving an idea means that logic must be tortured to such an extent, there must be something wrong with the idea that such a logic seeks to prove.

Anyhow, that's how I see it.