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Many people have had twisted thoughts and opinions concerning superiority. Some have even believed they were a race all there own and have proclaimed themselves to be physical incarnations of abstract ideas such as Justice, Liberty or Evolution. But honestly speaking, does someone that possesses a superior genetic structure and intellect, superior? Example, a human possesses a more efficient metabolism, heightened natural muscle mass, an immune system that could keep Mongolians out of China and is quite intelligent as well. Can this person be considered "Superior"?

Re: Superiority

Where does the feeling/thought of superiority come from?

Do you feel power is taken from you? Do you feel less important?

Is the warrior superior to the farmer in battle? Should the peasent.. envy this?

You instigate provoking topics but then fail to follow through with replies of substance.

All psychopaths are subject to their enviornmental influences. Imagine understanding people but never really being one of them. I can converse with you but we are never really the same. Where you have limitations.. I am without restraint. The only safety being my own objectivity. Something you do not understand nor trust. So you fear. You and your emotional instability.

I've seen your kind and how you suffer from fears.. Your terrified reactions only making bad situations worse. Your nations use fear tactics to trick you. Well in truth everyone does. But it's a cheap tactic. A willing victim is more fun than a fearful one. But I shouldn't speak of people in such a way.

I took the bait because I want to converse with you.

Re: Superiority

You simply gave me a long intellectual "Hi.", I don't exactly know how to respond to such a statement.

Re: Superiority

Your question seems utterly redundant to me. You know the answer, but don't want to aknowledge it because that would mean you are inferior. Care to elaborate more on the reason behind posing such a question?

Re: Superiority

Well, many people have argued me that no human being is superior to another and that there is a character balance of some sort, I deem it illogical. All the criteria I mentioned earlier I so happen to possess. I was hoping to avoid hostile remarks and barked commands of elaboration, and sought forthright logic or reasoning for me to study. So, is there anybody out there who can bring an actual sense of to conversation?

Re: Superiority

The Catalyst
Well, many people have argued me that no human being is superior to another and that there is a character balance of some sort, I deem it illogical. All the criteria I mentioned earlier I so happen to possess. I was hoping to avoid hostile remarks and barked commands of elaboration, and sought forthright logic or reasoning for me to study. So, is there anybody out there who can bring an actual sense of to conversation?

Thank you, i got what i wanted from that little prodding.

Anyways, to actually adress the question. First you need to be precise in what type of superiority you want to evaluate. A person can be born with many things like appearance (height, body type and facial features). Superior capacity for intelligence and mental capacity. A big... well, thing and that kind of attributes. In my opinion these are what defines a superior specimen of the human race, the things we are born with.

Apart from health problems passed on by genes, health and good immunity is the result of your childhood enviroment and the way you live later in life, external. Muscles can be trained, to a degree. Personality is affected by events in our life, or lack of thereof. These are all external influeces to us as specimen and should not be considered when measuring ones superiority.

That said, arguing that everyone is equal is illogical and stupid. We are born the way we are, some are better than others. People that wallow in thier shortcomings (pun intended) are pitiful and deserve the scorn of others.

You asked for an opinion and this is mine, take it as you want.

Re: Superiority

Well, it seems you share the viewpoint of I, how unfortunate.