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Cecil Hills - A Lakeside Community Forum
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exhibition period

On Wednesday 9 December, Patrick and I attended a meeting with Liverpool Council in an attempt to have the exhibition period extended from 27 January 2010 to the end of February, so that the whole community would have the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

We stated that the period for the exhibition was a deliberate ploy, so that the community would find it difficult to get to a community meeting together in this period. We also stated that we wanted to have the meeting in the Cecil Hills area as the matter was a community subject. We should be allowed to have the meeting on our own community. However, there were no venues available for us to hold a meeting.

The initial response was unfavorable. However we persisted and asked that the matter be escalated. It was and we were to the understanding that we had an extension until 17 February 2010. It was not until we received a letter from Council stating that the extension was for Patrick and I only. How ridiculous! We went there representing the whole community and we know they knew that!

In the meantime I had written to our Local Member, Paul Lynch asking for assistance. He contacted the General Manger of Liverpool Council Mr. Phil Tolhurst and he extended the submission period until 27 February 2010. Well Done Mr. Tolhurst!!!

You now have until 27 February 2010 to have your submission before Council so please try and make sure you meet the deadline.

We WILL be having a community meeting in Cecil Hills so keep an eye out for the date and venue. This will be your chance to have your say about the contents of the Plan that is now before Council. You can read the Plan on the Councils website at www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au, go to “On Exhibition” tab.

If you have read the Plan please leave your comments for others to see. One of the major issues that we need to tackle is the traffic situation and of course my passion, and many others, the lakes that they propose to fill.

Let’s get the chatter going for all to read and comment on.