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Cecil Hills - A Lakeside Community Forum
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Response to Gil Freitas

This unfortunate situation has been going since 24 April when LCC wrote to only 140 residents "who they thought would be directly affect" and gave them information by way of a "newsletter" (attached) about the process. A community meeting was held on 6 May when we found that they are going to drain the lakes.

To this date we have had articles in the Liverpool Leader, Champion and the Southwest Rural Advertiser. We have attempted a letter box drop and we are hoping to extend this when we have more people on board after our exposure in the papers. We have the website and word of mouth. We hope to set up at the shopping centre next weekend for people to sign a petition and again get more exposure.

I have attached the documents that LCC sent out to the 140 residents and the timetable for the different procedures that need to take place. We still have the exibihition phase to go as yet.

The best way for us to react at the moment is to write to Tanya O'Brien at LCC t.o'brien@liverpool.nsw.gov.au and Michael Burt at Landcom mburt@landcom.nsw.gov.au .

As would have seen on the web we have made representations to the State Member Mr. Lynch and we have the North Ward Councilors taking interest as well.

Pleas keep and eye on the web site and we will try and keep everybody up to date as is physically possible. And yes, please tell all your neighbours and their neighbours.

Kind regards

Michael Botfield

Re: Response to Gil Freitas

First of all thank you very much for this forum and thank you for the people of Cecil Hills who care.

I wanted to take a look at the (attached) documents for a better view and clarification of what was handed out to the 140 residents but I cannot seem to find the attachments. Is anyone else having the same problem?

Thank you