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19 questions Part 3

Obviously there are questions that need to be addressed and it is with your assistance we ask that the following issues be addressed.

1. We request a copy of the State of Environmental Effects for the proposed development.

2. We request a copy of the Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy for the proposed development.

3. How does Landcom intend to concur with the Water Sensitive Urban Policy if draining and filling our lakes.

4. We request copies of a master plan clarifying the new State Development and its Public Area Facilities.

5. In reference to the two lakes adjacent to Lascelles St Cecil Hills, what are their origins, i.e. where they part of the farming community, are they man made and if so for what purpose, what was to be achieved from the lakes.

6. What investigations have Landcom taken to source what is the extent of wildlife both in and around the lakes in questions.

7. What is Landcom understanding of the communities’ affinity to the lakes in Cecil Hills.

8. Why is it that only 140 residents where advised of the proposed development despite the fact that the lakes are enjoyed by all residents.