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They've done it before & they'll do it again.

Hi all,

Being a resident of Cecil Hills since 1996-97 I have seen what they have done so in the past. I chose to buy into this suburb because they marketed it to have ammenities, which some do not even exist.

On the grand model you would see in their sales office back then (1996) there was to be a public school, which opened not so long ago (3 yrs) it took them to put one in place. There was also to be tennis courts which were never built as well.

For those that have lived here long enough they would know that the open space across from the BP servo, along side Frederick RD & Helena RD on that very corner. Around some time during 1996-1997 they covered up a dam/pond. I was pretty shocked to see that after buying into the suburb they would go ahead & take away natural habitats for wildlife.

With the lack of rain that open space barely catches any water. Even if it served its purpose it would then flow under Frederick RD towards a grated drain.

All I can say is that it is a wasted green/brown space, no one uses it & it collects debris & rubbish from Cowpasture RD. The dam/pond that was originally there should have been left in place & it would have been part of our community pride to have such natural basic dam/ponds to admire.

On another note it has been almost a year now that council workers have dumped mulch onto the park on Helena RD. I will be writing to them about this since their workers should have spread it around the trees rather than dump truck loads onto the park & just leave it sitting there.

Re: They've done it before & they'll do it again.

How nice would it have been to drive in and see a lake/dam/pond instead of grass. Or if for whatever reason it had to go then facilities which could be used by the school as well.

Where were the tennis courts meant to go? What other facilities were planned? Did they say they were going to provide tree lined streets?

Do you have any brochures packed away?

I'd love to know what else was planned that they didn't do. It would be really interesting to know if the pond that you refer to was used in their advertising.

Re: They've done it before & they'll do it again.

Yes, the original Landcom "Elizabeth Park - Cecil Hills" Brochure advertises :

"The superb landscaping of the estate provides for two feature entrances, extensive streetscape tree-plantings, and an ornamental lake"

"You'll enjoy your Elizabeth Park lifestyle, with provision for six parks. It is proposed to develop within the estate facilities for football, cricket, tennis and netball, plus cycleways and childrens playgrounds, two schools, and neighbourhood shopping".

Unfortunately, if the area diagonally across from the BP Service Sation, is the "wet area" you were referring to.....it is clearly shown on the same brochure as a "Major Park".

Perhaps this is where the tennis courts, netball courts and cricket pitch are supposed to be

Re: They've done it before & they'll do it again.

I would love to get my hands on the brochure. Would it be possible to have it scanned and emailed to me? I know this is a lot of trouble but I would greatly appreciate it.

Alternatively, I can give you my address (I'll email to you if you give me an address.)

Or you can leave a copy at the real estate agent for me to pick up. If you tell them it is for Michael about the lakes they will be ok. If you do this then just email to let me know so I can go and pick it up.



Re: Re: They've done it before & they'll do it again.

Hello to all. It the first time i've been on and it great to see people who are worried about our community.
The family and i moved in, in 2003.
Fristly, is there some kind of patition
Second is there anything we can do about it
and third where exactly are the changes?

I've noticed that there used to be basketball courts on the entrance from elizabeth DR before too!

Rate payers concern

True Tony, and I never saw any patitions against removing of some of our sport recreation facilities for our kids in our beloved Cecil Hills, maybe because it didn't effect the value or de-value of the L.A.K.E. members backyards. I am in support of saving the lakes as I also pay high rates, not to give people a view from their back windows, but because the lakes, the ducks and the wild life are Cecil Hills. If any one is going to voice a concern in the name of the rate payers of Cecil Hills, have big lungs and address all our community concern not just what affect private backyards, remember Cecil Hills is our backyard. I'm not knocking any one and Michael should be applauded in what he achieved in one week, website, meeting with the LCC, community awareness, elected to be our reprecentative, etc... I'm glad. The positive in the negative is, part of the community have chosen Michael to be the Cecil Hills voice, and I'm sure when other concern arises, within the Cecil Hills estate, you Michael, will put your boxing gloves on and fight vigorously as you are doing for the Lakes. Who knows you might be the estate's voice in parliament one day.
Keep the good work, the rate payers of Cecil Hills are counting on you.

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Replying to:

Hello to all. It the first time i've been on and it great to see people who are worried about our community.
The family and i moved in, in 2003.
Fristly, is there some kind of patition
Second is there anything we can do about it
and third where exactly are the changes?

I've noticed that there used to be basketball courts on the entrance from elizabeth DR before too!

Re: They've done it before & they'll do it again.


You wrote:

"True Tony, and I never saw any patitions against removing of some of our sport recreation facilities for our kids in our beloved Cecil Hills, maybe because it didn't effect the value or de-value of the L.A.K.E. members backyards."

R.P That's really unfair! You don't know anything about the LAKES group.

Firstly, I do see the Lakes from my back window. However, I do not see the lake that they are talking about removing. The work could be done and my land value would not be effected. I received the development applicaton and believed that our lakes were under threat. I knocked on doors to alert people of the information session because I was concerned that they didn't get the letters.

The LAKES group was born.

4 out of the 5 families involved would not have their views changed by the proposed work.

We have spent countless hours planning and fighting. I work full time and have lost many hours of sleep. I don't mind doing it because I believe in it. It is really upsetting to have someone who doesn't know us make accusations.

Regarding petitions about the basketball courts. I moved here in 2000. Why people didn't react and set up petitions at that time, I don't know. Why didn't you start them?

The groups efforts have not stopped. I have sent letters to everyone asking for answers to very specific questions.

I have not been elected as the commuity spokesperson. I was elected as the spokesperson for 5 families. These five families got the community together. 1300 signatures on two saturdays. 300+ at a meeting, politicians, thousands of letter box drops.

I am doing something because no-one else was doing anything at the time (and I have a big mouth)

So whilst I thank you for the praise, I am disappointed that my motives were challenged without knowing anything about me or the group.