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Lost contact with you

I had to reformat my computor so have not fixed up my main email address yet, so I have now lost contact with you.
I have given up being a Christian. I will never make it. I just wanted to thank you for all your past support.....Berris

Sorry for the long delay and your sad news

January 28, 2007

Shalom Berris,

I'm sorry my reply is so long in coming. I must admit that I was grieving for you because of the message you left on my forum. You were grateful but have given up on trying to be Christian? I am terribly saddened by your decision and don't understand why you didn't see redemption and salvation as being a better option? Truth be known - you don't have to try at anything when you've truly surrendered to God. Surrender means letting go of self and all that self is enslaved to. Feeling the way you do indicates to me that you never really surrendered yourself unto Christ. Did you think somehow that salvation had anything to do with works or effort on your part? If so - that was a lie that is taught in some mainstream circles. Why must you give up so easily? Is the medication Doctors have you on so diminished your spirit that you cannot tell the difference between this false reality and the truth of God's Kingdom? Was reading the scriptures not helpful in guiding you and showing you the better path? I cannot for the life of me understand why you would choose the life of misery and self abasement (cutting) over the promise of faith (trusting God), hope (promise of a better life) and love (an unwavering-unbreakable committment).

Despite my long absence in dialogue - my prayers for you Berris have been unceasing which is why I am so preplexed by your decision. I just don't get it?!

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, disciple, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4

Sorry for the long delay and your sad news

Dear Mr Stivers

Salvation is offered to me as a free gift but I still have to work out my
salvation as Paul says he does with fear and intrepidation. I can't overcome
some sins - what is the point - I am surposed to. It says that if we love
God we will obey Him and His commandments. I can't do that when there are
certain sins I can't overcome. I have lost my passion and I can't get it

I have this little girl that I become in some situations. My therapist says
that when this happens my voice changes and so does my appearance. She talks
to my therapist alot - sometimes the adult me does. Other people notice her
- the last church I was in told me about her otherwise I would not have
known. I am not aware when she is present. That church prayed to cast her
out. They said it was successful, but it was not as she is still there. I
get so embarrassed about this, being an adult, and yet this little girl
presents herself often and I am not aware of it to stop it happening. I
isolate myself because of her.

I have joined a forum for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. They know
what I mean about the little girl as most of them have one. Which I find
very interresting. Some have multiple personalities - which I believe is
further down the spectrum. It does seem to have something to do with trauma
as a child. I feel more comfortable with these people then I do other so
called christians, or at least they are someone that I can be in contact
with that understands what it is all about. I don't know anymore. I would
like to have with God what I once had. I do not know what the constant
barrier is but I can't get back my passion for Him.

Berris Finch

I'm not willing to give up - are you?

February 2, 2007

Dear Berris,

Now that was something you had not shared with me before. I knew that you were dealing with another spirit of some sort but had no idea of the possibility of childhood sexual abuse. It seems that this little girl is trapped or imprisoned and what needs to happen is she needs to be set free. Some will call it "casting out" but that generally relates to demonic posession. What you have may be similar (I don't really know) but is more like a wandering spirit that has somehow attached itself with you. This happens quite frequently with people who have undergone traumatic experiences and often times can be misunderstood as a defensive mechanism of your sub-conscience mind.

Perhaps it is better that this group you are with will somehow help you get to a point where you can release her and let her go. I am still of the strong opinion that this other personality is with you because she in some way provides you company and maybe some degree of comfort. I say that because she is familiar to you and has been with you for along time. I also know without any doubt that when you are ready to let her go and take the necessary steps for departure - she will go. One thing I know about other entities, especially those that come from the fallen realm, they can only habitate people who have allowed them to do so. It's like giving someone permission to live with you in your house. When you no longer want that person abiding with you, you must ask him/her to leave and he/she must abide your request. The other thing I know about such spirits is that each has a name. Have you asked her what her name is?

The first step you must take to be released is stop believing you can't. By your own admission that you can't - you won't. You must believe you can and will be delivered! That is a fundamental truth to achieving healing or recovery in anything. That also happens to be how one's faith becomes real. After hearing the Word - one must then truly believe before any degree of healing can take place. It has to start with your truly believing and in this case, if you really want to rid yourself of this person, you're gonna have to tell her that you hate her and she is no longer welcome in or with your person. If this is what is actually taking place in your life - no amount or type of drugs are going to do anything for you except disipate your own spirit and keep you numb from reality. I would start by being free of the drugs and deal with the reality at hand. By remaining drugged up - you will never get to face the reality of your affliction. You must face it and deal with it. Unfortunately, anti-depressants and drugs like these will never allow your conscience and sub-conscience minds to meet and battle it out.

I know you can but this is likley going to take a great deal more prayer and fasting. I am not sure though how effective my prayer efforts will be long distance if you are first not willing to let go of this little girl. I will continue to hold you up in prayer Berris and hope that you give my advice some serious consideration.

That is where the battle needs to be fought. It's not enough that I believe you can be healed Berris. You must want it more than anything else and believe that you can attain it. If you do believe - keep asking God while you give thanks to Him for His mercy and compassion on your life. It sounds like He has put others in your life that genuinely care for you. Share this with them and see what they have to say about it.

For the love and power of God in Christ Jesus, be free of that which keeps you at enmity with God - AMEN

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4