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The Sinners Prayer

Sent: Jul 16, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: sinners prayer

For years I too have preached the apostacy of this age. I have just done a very short skip thru your website. (not much yet due to time) However, I have 1 question; one that has seriously bothered me about many seemingly good ministries: that of this so-called "Sinners Prayer". Do we truly believe someone can get saved by repeating a ready made prayer and where in t he scriptures is anything even remotely resembling this to be found? In my observations, a person under conviction by the Holy Spirit has absolutely no need for a human to help them pray, if anything it is a hindrance and leads to many "false conversions". Please, please look into this matter.
Charles Windom
Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You are Correct about the Sinners Prayer!

July 17, 2006

Dear Charles Windom,

You are absolutely correct. We stand in agreement with you and have so established this on our website. Please click on the following link... Here, it is well defined that one must "Repent and be baptized" in order to be saved. Of course, one must first believe with his whole heart that this leads him unto a genuine salvation and in order for it to be truly effective... the Holy Spirit must be part of this process as evidenced on the day of Pentecost. The natural habitation of God's Spirit is what leads believers unto right and just patterns of behavior (righteousness) and faithful confession (witnessing to others openly without fear). It also is evident that during a baptism, one calls out unto the Lord for we can achieve nothing apart from beseeching God. We cry out and God responds if our cry is ernest and sincere. The sinners prayer was probably at one time one person's genuine prayer who later marketed it as a bottled formula. As there is no one precise formula that works for each person to be saved - there is no one kind of suffering and pain that generally leads each to repentance. Humanity must be motivated to repent (turn away from self and transgression and turn towards God) and I can find no better motivation than what God generally employs which is allowing us to wander aimlessly until we at somepoint in our lives reach a state of hopelessness and total despair. It is usually then when one has the best chance to offer up a sincere cry for help and willingness to repent and be baptized. This of course lends creedance to why "fear of the Lord" is still very necessary in leading one to a healthy relationship with our Lord and Creator.

Thank you for taking time and participating with us at Cephas Ministry. With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4