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A Call for intensified prayers

From: james elder
Sent: Jul 15, 2006 9:53 AM
Subject: A Call for intensified prayers

Dear brother and sisters:

This is a message from David. As you can see from the
email he is intent on continuing with us, but doesn't
want to be included in the email broadcasts as a
whole. I will forward articles of interest from you
all, and likewise will forward things he sends me.

This word is very good with the exception of the two
witnesses and his interpretation of who there are. I
have ceased to correspond with a servant in Alaska who
claimed the two witnesses would be one woman and one
man. The reason I don't email her anymore is over
other issues that are deemed by me to be almost
heretical. Some of her writing doesn't bear witness.
However David suggesting that one of the witnesses is
God himself doesn't comport to what John scribed in
his revelation chapter 11:

7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the
beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them,
and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie
in the street of the great city, which is figuratively
called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was
crucified. 9 For three and a half days men from every
people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their
bodies and refuse them burial.

Please give your opinion in you feel inclined to
comment on it, and I will forward to him our response
to this. Much of what he writes is very good, and I
don't want to lose his fellowship over a minor point
of misinterpreting scripture that pertains to others-
the two - and will not harm us one way or the other.
Unless, that is, one of you are of the two. However he
is suggesting that God will be here in the flesh
again, and that seems a bit dangerous to say if no
other scripture can be found to support it other than
the ambigious one he cites as support.


About the two witnesses....

July 17, 2006

Dear Jaime,

Please consider this carefully. Part of my ministry has had alot to do with refuting the many alleged claims of individuals claiming to be the Elijah or one of the two witnesses. In the first point I'd like to make, our glorious Lord and Saviour does not return until He does so with His many hosts (coming in the clouds of glory) to finally put an end to all the evil ones on the planet and all the evil they have committed. I tell you truly it will be a time of "Hell on Earth" and none who are faithful and sanctified at that time should have to undergo this appointed suffering and recompense. Scripture makes clear that some of us will be spared this in the first resurrection. Those who are among or like unto those of the Church of Philedelphia will be spared this extriodinary time. They are the ones deemed by God to be "most faithful." Now, just before the appointed time of Christ's return, there will be two witnesses appear for a short span of time to bring strong recompense upon all who have disbelieved and all those who have rejected and mocked God. They will have been given the power to affect the natural and many will be in awe of their witness. They will also be "most hated and feared" and will be killed because of the power they wield. Only after this time, after the two witnesses will be resurrected, will Jesus return in the same fashion that He departed... "the clouds of glory." Scripture is clear and direct on these main points.

Now consider carefully who appeared in a transfigured form with Jesus on the mountain as witnessed by three of His closest disciples? Was it not Moses and Elijah? In other passages of Scripture, did not Jesus specifically indicate to us that He would send Elijah once again? Was John the Baptist not already said to be Elijah once before according to Jesus? Was His mission as John not the same as the appointed mission of the two witnesses yet to come? Will anyone recognize their visitation when these two men arrive and be compelled to truly repent with sincerity before the "great and terrible day" of the Lord? Again, for the discerning ones, Scripture spells this out but one must not speculate anything beyond what signs God has already given us to recognize the time of our visitation. The answer is already provided for us and requires us only to accept the fore-telling indicators.

Some speculate that the second witness will be Enoch as he too, was caught up in a transfiguration similar to Elijah the first time but I believe the key is not in the Old Testament but the "New" simply because Jesus came to fulfill the "Law and Prophecies." Therefore, it stands to reason that our understanding should be gauged by the signs and testimonies of Jesus - the Son of God as given us in the New Testament witness. The appearing of Jesus on the mountain in a transfigured form as seen by three disciple witnesses standing there with Moses and Elijah was very similar to Moses' experience on the mountain when the Ten Commandments were scribed on stone tablets. The one thing that bears a direct similarity is what God commanded Moses after His Ten Commands were written. Remember, God said to Moses to "Make no other pattern than that which I have shown you on the mountain." Now, fast forward to the scene of Christ's transfiguration and remember that God rebuked the three disciples who wanted to build three tabernacles in honor of Elijah, Moses and Jesus and from a thundering cloud formation God spoke, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him!"

The similarities bear witness that God's expectation of us was simple and also that we were to become the living and holy temples that God so desired to habitate. From that point on, the old temple system of worship was supposed to be replaced and we were to become the living witnesses hereafter to bear witness of the indwelling Holy Spirit as so did the Son of God. A true disciple of Christ today is one that bears witness of Christ in flesh. Everything else is but a poor copy of the real sanctified believer.

Scripture bears this out. Does your Spirit not agree?

With all sincerity and Godfearing love,

Nicholas - a living witness, scribe and messenger