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God doesn't **** us for our vices...

Amanda Oldick wrote:

I stubmled onto your site by accident today. I didn't have time to read anything
depth, but was quite horrified by what I did. I consider myself a well rounded
individual. I hold a good, steady job and am saving to complete my education.
I am always willing to help someone in need and will go above and beyond to do so.
I am close to my family and friends and overall I consider myself a good Christian.
I don't fear for my soul or feel I am beyond redemption. That said I would like
point out a few things. I have seen Manson in concert twice and still listen to
I enjoy nine inch nails, nirvana and so many other bands/musicians that range from
highly offensive to Christian rock. I have read every Harry Potter book numerous
and eagerly await the seventh book. I enjoy Anime, and Magic-the card game. I,
with the majority of the literate world saw nothing of what you have pointed out
in the
majority of your articles.

Most of us don't care. After leading buisy lives we want to be entertained,
to enjoy ourselves. God doesn't **** us for our vices...He gave us his only begoten
Son for that reason. Lack of Faith is what God will **** you for. We need to look
within ourselves to discover the source of societys decline, not at the TV,Radio
or even bestseller list. You spread lies about God, and that is part of the problem,
not pokemon. When I have children I will tell them the truth about God, that all
he askes is your love and faith, that he dosn't **** those who read novels about
witches and wizards. My child will be intelligent enought to understand that Grand
Theft Auto is a game, not reality, they will understand playing the game doesn't
mean they should steal cars and run people over. If someones child doesn't understand
this then perhaps the parents should be taken to task for not teaching their kids
the difference from day one. I do really hope some one was at least open
minded enough to read all that I had to say. If so, then I thank you for your


I do care and respect what you say, but... Pt. I

March 22, 2006

Dear Amanda,

I do care and did respect what you had to say... enough that I read and replied
to your letter. I can only hope that you will give me the same respect and consideration.

Thank you for your sincere and thoughtful reply. In one view, you are likely correct
that there is no condemnation to those who simply find it entertaining to read a
particular book, watch a movie or listen to certain music or play certain video
games. What you likely do not understand is that many who are not "well-grounded"
in a "Christ-centered" faith will do all these things and without realizing
it, be seduced by their often hyponotic qualities. The fantasy of Harry Potter (Books
and Movies) has very alluring and hypnotic qualities and encourages large followings
not unlike STAR TREK developing generations of "Trekies." Some Rock Music,
not all, is also fashioned after worship of things which are perverted or down right
evil (Manson). Now I say this because I am near your generation (most probably)
but I was a great fan of Star Trek and I have also seen every Harry Potter Movie.
I do understand the alluring qualities of such story writing and the escape it offers.

I am able to understand the effects these programs have on people who are looking
for something to identify with and follow after. Our human psyche longs for escape
and also hope in something better than our current reality. The need for contemporary
heroes today is stronger now than ever before and Hollywood is delivering on what
the majority of people are seeking. That is why it is so easy to get drawn into
these different forms of entertainment thereby developing a passion for them. Just
look at the extroidinary number of Comic Book Heroes that have gotten the Hollywood
Movie spotlight over the last 20 years! As for your taste of Music, we probably
differ because my Spirit cannot handle listening to anything that offends the truth
which dwells in me so I quite naturally avoid anything that grieves my heart and

Your confession actually is quite revealing Amanda and exposes the very thing we
are trying to protect you from. You wrote, "Most of us don't care... God doesn't
**** us for our vices...He gave us his only begoten
Son for that reason." Well dear, without you knowing it, what is keeping you
from accepting the truth we expose in our Ministry was revealed when you said you
[and most] "don't care." That's a HUGE problem for you and countless millions
because... YOU DON'T CARE! Your apathy and indifference contrasts your statements
that you are a "good Christian." Being good doesn't cut it babe and a
mere confession without the evidence of witness won't get you into heaven. You have
missed the point entirely Amanda.
What we are literally saying is that all these things are mere symptoms of poor
spiritual health. Most people don't understand or accept that they need redemption
and are denying Christ's sacrifice when they follow after all their "God-forsaken
idols." Society has been drawn into heavy idolatry without even realizing it
yet their idolatry is not a pagan worship like it once was in ancient times but
is a symptom exposing a much LARGER problem with people in general (both Christian
& non-Christian). Your need and desire for something to entertain you and perhaps
find a place of escape shows clearly that you are more content with membership to
the world and all its empty works and vices than you are with TAKING ON THE SELFLESS
literally to DISCIPLE and that requires you to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND BE SEPARATE
from the world and FALSE RELIGION. A religious person can be ok with accepting double
standards but a GOD-FEARING MAN OR WOMAN (TRUE CHRISTIAN) would not dare divide
his or her time, devotion and alliances with un-Godly men of vice and perversion.
To be "Christian" literally is defined as "Disciple of Christ"
in the Greek. You cannot be a double agent for the Devil and Christ at the same
time. You must choose one or the other or you are deluding yourself and others by
defending the very thing that is weakening our society and has utterly destroyed

Con't Pt II

I do care and respect what you say, but...Pt. II

Part II

Because of this, every form of contemporary Christianity is a "divided house"
and our Ministry is devoted to ministering to the lost to educate and warn "anyone
with ears to hear and eyes to see" (understand and percieve) that "one-ness"
with Christ can only be achieved by FOLLOWING HIS PATTERN, ACCEPTING HIS JUDGMENTS
AND HEEDING HIS TEACHINGS AND WARNINGS. But in order to do that, you must accept
ALL that Christ died for. That is how one actually begins to experience the salvation
that awaits them. You can't carry in your baggage through the "narrow gate"
because there is only room for each to enter, one by one, without unnecessary justification,
argument or excuse. Consider yourself WARNED dear child and repent from the delusion
which you have been under. You, like the masses, have been hypmotized by the spell
and delusion that Satan has created and he is leading MILLIONS into dark pits out
of which very few will escape unless they repent (turn away) and return to God and
follow His Son's example. That is the only way to go through the heavenly gates...
through Christ alone!

Before Jesus came in the flesh, men an women justified what was actually sin in
God's eyes. Then Jesus told His disciples and others gathered around Him that they
would not have known sin unless He clarified what was sin. Now that He has shown
us what constitutes REAL sin (denying God the Father and His Son), don't you thing
that your deeds and daily example to others is every bit as important as your confession
that Jesus is Lord? Well then, if Jesus is YOUR LORD, live your life like He is
you LORD indeed so that no one may hold anything against you on the final day of
judgment. Be like Christ and live a selfless life allowing Him to indwell you so
that you too can be counted among the redeemed who suffer with Him because they
are so hated by the world.

The question you must now answer is do you hate me? Consider this carefully because
I could easily say if you hated me, then you hate me without cause and if you do
not know or understand the things which I have explained to you truthfully, then
there remains the liklihood that you don't know the One who sent me either. Do you
understand Amanda? I am dutybound to reprove you and exhort the truth so that you
may know your sin and abstain from it. Be seperate from the world and false religion
- Return to the Lord your God and become a daughter of His household so that He
may truly be a Father to you.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4