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Thanks Frank for this interesting article...

February 23, 2006

Dear Frank,

Thanks Frank for this interesting article. I am amazed at how faith has shifted in almost all our cultures from being - Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" to trusting only science to reveal the things which cannot be seen. What many disregard is that if the eye can see it and science proves/disproves it then trusting or having faith in such a thing is not faith any longer but transcends itself to human knowledge and sometimes wisdom. Man's curiousity compels him to seek out truth wherever he may and when science cannot adequately answer man's quest for truth then man is often relegated to relying once again on a kind of faith, however blind it may be. Darwinists have faith and their science has become not unlike a religion. Mormons too have a religious faith but their faith is without substance because in both cases, neither of the two use the Word of God to prove or disprove their beliefs and/or revelations. Nothing is confirmed in Mormanism by what we know and learn in the historical Hebrew accounts (Old & New Testament) and everything that Darwinists propose is sharply contrasted by what Scripture records and Jesus declares.

Therefore, Mormons live by a faith which cannot be substantiated or confirmed by any other witnesses. Their faith is as dead as a Darwinist faith because neither produces a Christ-like conversion. I call this dead faith and it is not unlike what devils have. A True faith however is one that transforms a believer into a Godfearing person made useful to glorify all the things that are truly of God. That's why we call a Christ-centered faith a "living faith." A living faith is most easily substantiated by historical accounts, many witnesses and also good science but is not dependent on the virtues of science to confirm it's validity. The way that I understand faith... it cannot be measured in a laboratory but is measured by the standards, patterns and testimonies found in the Word of God. Thus, the Word of God remains to be the only measuring rod to determine if one's faith is valid or not.

That being the case... the Word of God disproves all of what the Book of Mormon declares and needs no science to strengthen the case against Mormonism. Mormonism is just simply another occult like all of mankinds other religions have become. Religion therefore is the enemy where faith in Christ became our only salvation. Do we trust (have faith in) the many divided churches? -or- Do we trust (have faith in)Jesus and His example implicitly? Where does one's faith truly dwell?

The very name the Mormons took for their Temple Assembly is an oxymoron of GREAT magnatude! Oh, there are latter day saints that dwell among us and they are surrendered disciples to Christ alone but what they are not is the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church is yet another diseased branch of apostasy. There is NO SALVATION in their doctrines or perverted beliefs.

Thanks again for writing and sharing this article. I will gladly pass this on to Rita and share it with her.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4

God bless you and your family Nick!

From: Frank Fields
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: " Interesting DNA on Mormonism."
Date: Mar 27, 2006 6:23 AM

May God bless you and your family Nick. Thanks for sharing the Good News. Be encouraged and never let the fire of truth be dimmed. The information on the book is timely. Just last week a young pastor tried to get as much details as possible on Mormonism because he saw Mormons inviting friends of his to a social gathering.

Thanks again!