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All who pray in agreement - say AMEN

Dear Berris,

Be faithful in these things I have prescribed to you for they will have a more positive effect in your life than any drugs or treatments the medical establishment would prescribe. Read the NT Scriptures diligently and continue to pray to God daily for understanding, discernment, increased faith and wisdom. Take courage dear one for you are not alone and we are with you in Spirit and Prayer...

Heavenly Father, we pray on behalf of Berris Finch who has reached out seeking Your guidance and direction, strength and courage, grace and mercy. We beseech thee oh Lord in the name of Your Son Jesus to grant her strength and empower her with Your grace to overcome that which seeks to make her useless. She has undergone horrible attrocities Lord and we ask that You rebuke the enmities which surround her and afflict her thoughts and weaken her faith. We ask on her behalf Lord that she be forgiven of her past transgressions Lord as we also seek forgiveness of our past transgressions. We ask Lord according to Your will that Berris be given the courage, strength and grace to forgive many who have violated her and used her against her will which has caused a feeling of being "forsaken" and "unforgiven" thereby fertilizing seeds of doubt. We beg You Lord to wash away all the doubt and crush the seeds of contempt that are attempting to take root in her destroying her faith. Let only the seeds of faith and righteousness take hold and overcome the weeds that are choking out the faith she once had. Master, we also pray with thankful hearts and acknowledge that You know what is best for us and we are hopeful that this season of adversity will soon pass for Berris allowing the dark clouds to abade letting the warmth of Your Son shine forth and embrace her fully that she may regain the necessary confidence that she is still loved and truly forgiven as she also forgives others who have done so much damage. Glorify Yourself in this dear child oh Lord and let it be a powerful witness and testimony to others that You live and Your Word is alive in the hearts and minds of Your children who are struggling to overcome all that is opposed to Your kingdom and righteousness. This we do pray according to Your will Lord and not our own that Your faithful promises help to see a full recovery and deliverance for Berris Finch that she may live out the rest of her days giving You praise and glory and serving Your will till that day when we shall be called up to meet You in the air. May all the glory, honor and dominion be Yours Lord in the name of Jesus the Christ, He who was and is and shall always be the only Savour of humanity. AMEN

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.