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His GRACE will empower you to overcome Pt I

March 16, 2006

Dear Berris,

Well now, it appears that what little I did discern in your case was relevant.You indeed had become a victim of a religious order. Most of my peers in the arena of discernment ministry simply call these religious orders - "cults" because that is essentially what they are. All cults have different appearances but they also have similar objective and generally produce the same result on people; that is to lead it's members away from God and draw them into a deeper delusion making its members somehow co-dependants on the occult leaders making them believe that without them, there is no God or salvation. I am not a bit surprised that this was a Pentecostal church. Among modern churches, the Pentecostal churches are the best example of "demon filled houses." My first piece of advice is to "stay far and away from them!"

It might comfort you somewhat that my worst religious experiences were from a Four-Square Church with strong Pentecostal affiliations. Though the Pastor of that Church had different issues, the members practices, the churches rules and the Associate Pastors rituals and teachings were all very suspect when one simply contrasted the Church with the view of Scripture and the teachings of Christ Jesus. I tell you with great emphasis, there is alot of demonic activity that goes on inside those particular churches and you are very fortunate to have gotten out of there with your life intact. The problem that exists in these "forsaken" places is much worse than most people understand or are willing to accept.

Now as to some other effective remedy and moral support... I am sorry to hear that you had to leave what sounds like a terribly abusive situation from your ex-husband. I too am left single and struggled at first with being left alone to raise my three children but I want you to consider carefully what I have learned and applied. When I finally left the "church of man," I still loved God immensly and could not let go of His Word. I refused to believe that God's Word had no power to those who truly believed and accepted its judgments. By the time I was in an all-out war with the demon possesed realm of contemporary religion - falsely labeled christianity, I began to dig deeper and deeper into the Word of God seeking answers to what I was witnessing and my prayer life took on a whole new meaning. I began to hear the Shepherd's voice and tested what I was hearing with what the Word prescribed, especially where the teachings and patterns of Christ were revealed in scripture. I essentially put all my trust (faith) in Christ and His Word and whenever a contrast was revealed, I chose to abstain or avoid falling into traps and/or lies practiced by the contemporary churches of man. Instead, I simply chose to obey the life and teachings of Jesus and understood that the Apostles and their epistles were wonderful examples to study of men who chose to do the same. My relationship with God continued to grow and that was in itself a revelation of sorts... one does not need to go to church to find or seek God but one must understand that he/she is called to be the church; all who are truly gathered unto Christ to follow and disciple after Him.

I too lost many friends in this process of becoming a "new creature" but there were a few who also made the necessary separation from false religion and "so-called" brethren and we maintained fellowship over the years. God used me as a powerful witness in these other men's lives and I cannot tell you that it was easy because people in general are so conditioned to believe in the "church" of men over and above the call to discipleship after Christ. I started growing rapidly and became unwanted in some circles and rejected in others. What I struggled with the most was the degree of "unbelief" people have towards what scripture clearly indicates. I soon realized that millions have been brainwashed by man's religion and then God showed me clearly how and why this happened. Even His Word confirms that it has always been Satan sitting himself upon the thrones of man's religion to exalt himself as being God. So as revelation increased and continued, I became a soldier for Christ in a spiritual sense and His Word is the Sword which I carry and employ in everyday life. In a very real sense, my life began to look more and more like the lives of His first disciples and then I began to understand the Word was fulfilling itself in my life as it would anyone who would heed it and follow the examples we've been given. The degree of suffering and persecution I was receiving from the religious orders and religious minded men became a confirmation that I was well on track to discipling properly and effectively after Christ Jesus. After all, Jesus said these things would be so, therefore, who was I to question the validity of God's living Word?

Con't Pt II

His GRACE will empower you to overcome Pt II


This is not to say that the devil hasn't tried to lay out traps for me because he does with God's permission. This is what you must understand about avoiding those traps... remain faithful and do not open the doors of sin which allows the devil to come in and wreck havoc in your life. The Word says, "resist the devil [his temptations] and he will flee from you." This is VERY true and you must heed this advice in order to remain effectively protected. In your case, this most especially means to keep the doors of sensulaity and sexual appetite slammed shut. Lock the door and throw away the key - don't give the enemy any occassion for reproach. If you need God's help to maintain purity and "peace of mind" regarding the common struggles of being single and unmarried, God will assist you and even deliver you from certain spiritual and physical torment if you pray and believe with your whole heart that He will do this. You cannot under any circumstances let doubt stand in your way because faith and trust are the same thing. You either really do trust God or you don't. Anything middle-ground will not produce effective results for you. It will be your faith that opens the door to healing and see genuine miracles start taking place again.

One last bit of concern I have was your mention of a "manic-depressive" disorder. I suppose this means that you are being medicated, right? Not so good for you in my opinion but I don't want you going off any medication "cold turkey" just yet because I said it was bad for you. Just consider this and pray about it... I lost my wife because of a similar related disorder and I know beyond a reasonable doubt that it was the "medications" that led her to commit suicide and not the "so-called" "severe pyschotic depression" the doctors had diagnosed. I strongly believe that my wife was a victim of a demonic depression and it was simply not treated properly as it should have been. But there is a problem with effective treatment... there is no room for medicine and faith to co-exist here where this is concerned. The truth is that Doctors everywhere are treating poor spiritual health conditions with pharacuticals thereby replacing the faith issues that really need to be addressed. In essense, people's faith are now more towards medicine than in what it should be directed towards; medicine has replaced faith in GOD! This is a very dangerous and difficult dilemma that society has gotten into.

The problem is that the "medicated" person typically has difficulty connecting with God's Holy Spirit. It essentially works the same way that drunkeness works and scripture declares that "drunkeness leads to a dissipation of Spirit." This is true with most all "strong drugs" that react chemically with our brains and other organs. A person must be "sober" to effectively hear and respond to God's Spirit. Now I simply ask you to pray about this matter because your difficulty in feeling secure with God may have something to do with chemical treatments you may be undergoing. If this is the case, please, please, please seek God out on this matter and pray deliverance from what ever the doctors claim you have or need. I for one do not trust the medical establishment and never have. Most of the time, we humans are experimental lab rats for them and when a number of people die with adverse effects to the medicine they were receiving... they simply add that note to the cautionary statement on the bottle. If you are taking medicine for your labeled disorder, I beg you, please find a way to get weened off any psyhco-active medicines that you may be on.

I hope that I haven't over-stepped my bounds here in supplying advice. There are a number of particulars in your case that hit close to home with me and I was really moved to speak out and council you based on what I have experienced with like matters. I will continue to hold you up in prayer and will solicit the same from my faithful ministry partner who is quite a prayer warrior. We are with you in Spirit and prayer Berris and hope that you find and receive the necessary resolve to "overcome" what is attempting to over-take your life. May our Lord's empowering grace be with you and your faith increase. AMEN

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Thank you for your word on CULTS

Dear Mr. Stivers,

Thank you for explaining about the religious orders -"cults" - as being a Pentecostal Church I wasn't sure about what had happened. I also have begun to realise like yourself and as you said that these places are much worse than most people understand or are willing to accept. Even though at the moment I still feel dead inside I feel that there may be hope for the first time in sixteen years. Thinking that God would not forgive me and or wasn't with me took away all earnest effort to overcome, read the Word or pray. I had times when I just hoped that it might not be as I thought it was, but these times never lasted long. At the end of 2004 I remember becoming so frustrated at being told that what I read in the Word was my opinion and interpretation and that I had to respect others opinion and interpretation as well, but as I would tell them that any quotes from the Word were not my opinion or interpretation but were God's Words. I told them that if this was the case then the Bible had no meaning what so ever, and what was the purpose in me reading it. I sobbed before God for a week so distressed by this that I told Him that I had to know one way or the other what was His truth. As my son had given me his old computor and I was learning how to use it I was lead to all these sites on Christian apologetics and started to realise for the first time that there were others that understood the Word in the same way as I did. I kept hoping that this was a real answer to prayer and that God may be with me, but the other issues still won out. I found it hard to believe that these same Christians (who thought that they were so "spiritual") would openly defend all TV Evangelists every time I told them truths about these men and women, and yet not one stood for the defence of God's word in any way. As four years ago a new church started up in town ( I am back in country NSW where my family are) so I decided to go and try and get my life back together with God. Sadly that didn't happen as I was not able to overcome the idea that God had not forgiven me and was not with me. This church was a Four Square Church like you mentioned you went to. Their emphases was not with the written Word but with hearing from God. In the end there was no bible study at all and all meetings consisted of each of us taking turn in sharing what we had heard from God during the week and or during that service. This left open for the glory seekers to strut their stuff and fake words were consistently given as they all competed with each other to hear the biggest and best from "God", and with their so called new moves of the spirit with their groaning, screaming and trembling as a few practiced. The more I spoke the Word and spoke against some of there beliefs the more distant they became. I was expected to have the same beliefs as the Pastor so he tried to change my mind to his way of thinking. They were friendly up to this point. The hard part was that I was still dead inside and struggled terribly with my emotions going up and down. I was put on drugs by my GP (General Practitioner - Doctor, I don't know what term you use in America ) - only anti-depressants this time - I am a cutter so I used this to help keep things together to ease the emotional strain inside that I felt. I know that this is a sin against God. I am trying to overcome this. I have not cut since last September but have thought about it often especially last night. Because of this I was classed as not being "Spiritual" and therefore not to be taken seriously, which is fair enough. Unless I can overcome these and other strongholds I am useless to God. I am aware of this, but am loosing the battle to overcome these sins that have over taken me.

Con't Pt II

Thank you for your word on CULTS Pt II

I have realised for some time that we humans are experimental lab rats as you put it, to the medical people and pharmaceutical companies. In the late 70's I went through Deep Sleep Treatment at Chelmsford Private Hospital which made world headlines because of the deaths that happened at the hands of this Doctor's treatment. A Royal Commission was called for, to find out the truth. I was hospitalised for a period of six months and went through this treatment 3 times in that period of time. They would put their patients into a comma for 17 days of more with large doses of barbiturates and feed them intravenously. Patients were also given electrovulsive treatment ECT. without their knowledge on a daily bases. When they would bring patients out of the comma they were unable to move limbs, muscles at all and nurses would have to feed, bath and toilet them. The hallucinations that we experienced straight after were horrific. After the 3rd time of this my brain did not function real well at all and took me 10 years to get my brain function back to normal in most areas, but I was never the same as I was before the treatment. Praise God though that these things are miner (not like some others who suffered permanent brain damage or died) and probably I would be the only one that would know the difference. I was on 60 tablets a day when I was discharged and this was gradually tapered down to a lot lesser amount but still left me functioning as a zombie. Eventually a few years later when I moved to a new district I found a new Psychiatrist who refused to put me on any more psychotic drugs and took me off everything as she said that I was put on far too high dosages for far too long. I loved the freedom away from the medication and the clear mind. Since that time I have refused to go on anything until three years ago I gave into going on anti-depressants as I had suicidal thoughts and had a good go at cutting and needed eighteen stitches. I didn't want to run the risk of ever being admitted to a psyche hospital ever again, so chose to co-operate. I am very sensitive and nervous about any reaction to medication and these affected my mental alertness, co-ordination and balance, so I took myself off them about 18 months ago, but I struggle daily with the torture of my mind and with bringing my emotions under control, and so much wanted to give in this week and go back on medication.
I have read the web sites about the effects of these kind of drugs which only confirmed what I had thought about them and had never confirmed. These Doctors don't seam to know what they are doing. I was interested in what you had to say on the matter. Thank you for your honesty, and I am saddened by what you had to endure with the sad lose of your wife to all this. I was also interested in your statements that "there is no room for medicine and faith to co-exist here where this is concerned" "and that Doctors are treating poor spiritual health conditions with pharmaceuticals thereby replacing the faith issues that really need to be addressed. In essence, people's faith are now more towards medicine than in what it should be directed towards; medicine has replaced faith in God." I guess your saying God can heal this and or help me overcome this or both. That would be great. You have not over-stepped the mark and I really am grateful for your advise - thank you.
I am aware of the common struggles associated with being single and unmarried, and this was my greatest weakness when my faith was sorely tested in Western Australia, followed closely by the need for approval. Both these sins brought me down, as being a new Christian I had not yet recognised either. When I was 8 and 9, and then 13 my father abused me sexually. He taught me how to do certain things which I still use as a form of comfort, and cutting to cope with stress and a fantasy world to cope with the reality of life. Sorry I hope I am now not over stepping the mark as I need prayer to help overcome these things and the word says we are to share these so as to pray for each other to overcome. I need prayer for these issues and I suppose it is allot easier by email rather than face to face. Sorry I guess this is wrong to share this. What my father did affected me to my very inner most being, it destroyed me and affected my whole behaviour. I developed unhealthy ways of coping with this which I took into my adult life and still struggle to give these coping mechanisms up. When I first became a Christian it appeared that I had given these things up, but when I went through these trials they all arose again,so I used them to cope and have been doing so ever since.
Because I isolate myself frequently I have asked God over the last couple of years to reveal the brick walls I have put up in being around people. Writing all this I can now realise just how many prayers God has actually answered that I never put together as a whole.

Sincerely - Berris Finch

Some practical advice for you...Pt I

March 18, 2006

Dear Berris,

Yes, I am saying that God can heal you and also deliver you from what doctors term as psychotic delusions and your apparant depressive state of mind. You are for whatever reason under attack but I don't believe you are lost or forsaken by God. Neither do I believe that you are past that point of no return that some enter into. The very fact that you are aware of the struggle you are experiencing is a positive sign that you are not a "nut case." A real "nut case" is most often a person who is not aware of their struggle and believes that they are normal but everyone else is quite possibly "crazy." You are most certainly aware that there is a problem and you are attempting to find resolve and the strength to overcome it.

This will take a great deal of concerted effort on your part dear, starting with some healthy prayer and fasting but also reading scriptures like you have never read them before. Perhaps reading them aloud and praying aloud in the privacy of your own abode will help you to realize God's presence and the power made available to you to overcome. I am reminded of a particularly difficult demonic posession that Jesus' disciples had encountered where it took our Lord to show and speak something significant that perhaps relates to your personal situation.

Matthew 17:15-21 "Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him. Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me. And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting."

Please keep in mind that I do not view your current situation to be a medical condition but see it as a very spiritual reality. You are going to need some help with this and also some intercessory prayer by others who are aware of your situation and can pray directly to God for these fallen entities to depart from you. You will also need to remain clear minded and sober and be willing to pray without ceasing for an effective deliverance and over an "undetermined" amount of time. Whenever you feel dark thoughts and urges arise to cut yourself or take drugs or alchohol, this would be a good time to stop whatever you are doing at that moment and immediately go into intercessory prayer beseeching our Lord for His help asking Him to cast away these demons and not regain access to your being. Remember that you must beseech (ask) God to do this for you because you nor I have any power apart from God to accomplish anything. Anything accomplished is done so by God's powerful Holy Spirit working in us and through us and it starts by our asking in the name of God's Son, Jesus the Christ. This will require discipline and committment on your part and a sincere desire to be delivered as well as a profound belief and understanding that God will faithfully attend to your need directly. Your level of faith is paramount here and so is the degree of faith of all who are praying on your behalf.

Where ever possible, avoid all supposed tongues that you cannot discern or understand. There are many "so-called" tongues out there that are angelic but in the demonic sense. Most tongues you have probably heard in your religious experience were either demonic in nature or just plain stupid babble. Don't take the risk if you cannot understand what is being uttered. Our God is not a God of confusion and He won't lead you into delusion as long as you are truly "accepting the love of His truth" and "Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior." There have been times in the past when under attack, I only had enough strength to utter these words aloud over and over until I felt the enmity depart from me; "I will call upon no other Name but the Name of Jesus, my only Lord and Savour." [Repeat] as often as needed until you feel the presence of "peace" surround you and then go into intercessory prayer again.

Con't Pt II

Practical Advice for you Pt II

While in prayer, it also helps to offer up prayer for others who come to mind as God may be giving you rememberance of the ones who are also in need of prayer and supplication. God may also give you rememberance of past things which you have said or done that still require your repentance. Once repented of, you should no longer need to repent again unless you have "re-comitted" the sin for which you last repented of. Once your repentance is sincere and genuine, God no longer remembers the offense so there is no point in re-living it again in your thoughts or your prayers. Remember also that you should confess your forgiveness of others (there are many) who have brought you harm and have violated you. If they are guilty and condemned in God's eyes, He will deal with them appropriately for "vengence is mine!" If anything else comes to mind for/or on behalf of others, pray it and always, always, always qualify your prayer and supplication with, "not my will Lord but yours." It should always be God's will that you should be seeking when praying for others and self. That takes courage and faith to trust that God knows what is best for you and others.

Faith (Trust) and fasting will be the only other mindset and discipline you need to be an overcomer. Remember that it will take discipline on your part to fast but do not get carried away with your fasting. Fasting is literally laying aside anything that you might wish to do, eat or drink for the purposes of effective prayer. Give all your attention to God in your prayer and supplication and do not allow for distractions like phones, pagers, visitors etc. This is what is also termed in some circles as a "devotional;" a time set aside only for the purpose of deep prayer, thanksgiving and supplication unto God. Always remember to be thankful in your heart and your utterance to God for all that He has done and supplied you with, even the adversity that many of us must undergo to become stronger. It helps to remember that it is in our weaknesses when we are made stronger in our faith towards Christ. Remember that His suffering was greater than anything anyone of us undergo today. But Jesus was the perfect example for us to see what it looks like to be fully surrendered unto the Father's will. That is what you must be... fully surrendered and willing to go with and where God wants to take you. Right now, you are walking through the valley of shadow and death so remember that there is nowhere that God cannot hear your cries and pleas for help for He promises to the faithful, "I am always with you."

Please agree with me in prayer...

All who pray in agreement - say AMEN

Dear Berris,

Be faithful in these things I have prescribed to you for they will have a more positive effect in your life than any drugs or treatments the medical establishment would prescribe. Read the NT Scriptures diligently and continue to pray to God daily for understanding, discernment, increased faith and wisdom. Take courage dear one for you are not alone and we are with you in Spirit and Prayer...

Heavenly Father, we pray on behalf of Berris Finch who has reached out seeking Your guidance and direction, strength and courage, grace and mercy. We beseech thee oh Lord in the name of Your Son Jesus to grant her strength and empower her with Your grace to overcome that which seeks to make her useless. She has undergone horrible attrocities Lord and we ask that You rebuke the enmities which surround her and afflict her thoughts and weaken her faith. We ask on her behalf Lord that she be forgiven of her past transgressions Lord as we also seek forgiveness of our past transgressions. We ask Lord according to Your will that Berris be given the courage, strength and grace to forgive many who have violated her and used her against her will which has caused a feeling of being "forsaken" and "unforgiven" thereby fertilizing seeds of doubt. We beg You Lord to wash away all the doubt and crush the seeds of contempt that are attempting to take root in her destroying her faith. Let only the seeds of faith and righteousness take hold and overcome the weeds that are choking out the faith she once had. Master, we also pray with thankful hearts and acknowledge that You know what is best for us and we are hopeful that this season of adversity will soon pass for Berris allowing the dark clouds to abade letting the warmth of Your Son shine forth and embrace her fully that she may regain the necessary confidence that she is still loved and truly forgiven as she also forgives others who have done so much damage. Glorify Yourself in this dear child oh Lord and let it be a powerful witness and testimony to others that You live and Your Word is alive in the hearts and minds of Your children who are struggling to overcome all that is opposed to Your kingdom and righteousness. This we do pray according to Your will Lord and not our own that Your faithful promises help to see a full recovery and deliverance for Berris Finch that she may live out the rest of her days giving You praise and glory and serving Your will till that day when we shall be called up to meet You in the air. May all the glory, honor and dominion be Yours Lord in the name of Jesus the Christ, He who was and is and shall always be the only Savour of humanity. AMEN

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.