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Wouldn't surprise me in the least...

March 12, 2006

Dear Child of God,

That wouldn't surprise me in the least. The Cabalist Jews own the banking system and hold Strategic positions of Political Office and Corporate Enterprise. Hollywood is split between Scientology and Cabalism and most of America's Industrial Jobs were sold out long ago to many other International Foreign Interests. The Music Industry is under heavy spiritual influence from the darkpowers and principalities and the best of our farmland crops go overseas to help balance the so-called trade deficit. Bush tried to justify the sale of more American Ports to the UAE who openly confess to being enemies of Israel and then we learn that 70% of American Ports are already owned and ran by Asian Enterprise, namely China and Japan. Mainstream religion has really defiled itself with the Acceptance and or Tolerance of Homosexuality within the church and the political powers have decided that Gay-Rights legislation is a necessary measure to ensure Freedom while sacrificing what little moral fabric remains in this country. The fight against Terrorism is a front to pave the way for and restructure world political powers so that our declining country can be part of a larger World Power and Governance and anyone who stands opposed to the goals of the forthcoming New World Order will likely be put of of the way. Now-a-days, the standard is if you don't like it - you can stick it up your a**! In today's society, Freedom is more important than Moral Preservation, Long life is more important than the Quality of life and Personal Gains made at the expense of the weak are considered Acceptable Sacrifices. While the US Dollar has no value other than the cost of the paper it is printed on, Lands and Oil are a far greater commodity than the value of Human life and the Education our children receive is designed to Brainwash them into Accepting the Way things are becoming. Building Pride is more important than preserving Humility and learning Selfless Love.

With all of that in mind... worrying about who owns and runs the Internet Service I pay for and use is hardly worth mentioning since we are all surrounded by the enemy and to a certain extent... we all feed the system of the beast in one way or the other whether we like to admit it or not. I hate the system, I hate the beast, I hate it's money and it's perversion of religion. I hate the divisive politics and Market System it thrives on and most of all... I HATE what this world has become and what man has done to usurp God's authority and deny His Lordship.

The enemies of my God will pay a terrible price for what they have done against humanity and all God's children! Come Lord Jesus come!

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, a humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4

Thanx for wonderful defense!!

Thanx for wonderful defense!!