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Replying to your questions & observations...

Dear Nicholas,

Yes, this concerns me too and has others. A man in Texas said this put him at 2% doubt because he has not heard of these conclusions before. Your range of emotions seem appropriate and similar to mine. Every day I anaylze my conclusions for verification, because it does concern me as well.

The Long Day of Joshua is important, but I did not see a connection--yet. I had understood that the calendar shifted from 360 day years to 365.2422 day years around 700 BC. What caught my attention was that the 10 degrees on the sundial occured at roughly this time. So I dug deeper and was amazed how everything went together with what I had written to this point (this chapter was added a year later). The difference I believe is that the Long Day of Joshua did not seem to alter the calendar year in length. This also seems to solve the reasoning why God still uses 360 days in the Bible, but also that our current year is used as well.

The assumptions were that I needed to stay within a biblical (using the Bible and not wavering from its information) chronology and not shift dates as is apparent in some other works. I had a firm chronology and then did the mathematical comparisions. This is what blew me away is when I would stick with biblical preciseness and allow no creative wiggle room to then see if it would work against all odds of it doing so. The 2521 year issue is because to make it work to 2520 one would have to apparently fudge the numbers somewhere else and I don't want to do that. There is probably a solution, but the problem is probably my lack of understanding at this point. My biggest concern is the modern dates since we know when they occured (very accurately) and how they seem to point very accurately to the near future. My chronology is on pages 163 and 164. The only jump is from Shem to Abraham since I didn't have room to list those patriarches.

Any new discoveries? I am working on an article and diagrams concerning the Great Pyramid. I resisted because of the baggage to this subject, but I believe there is biblical support to the study. I am going to write a short as possible article to show how I believe the Great Pyramid points to the time of the return of the Lord at the Second Coming. I will post it soon on the website, I was hoping to last weekend. I realize there have been many attempts with this subject, but this is a different approach and something I started thinking on about 10 years ago, but after the book, it narrowed my focus to enable to find out a solid conclusion with some surprises.

Regarding your explanation of apostasia, For me Paul is pointing to an identifiable event before the man of sin can be revealed, though I agree that the condition of the church and world will get worse.

Keep testing it because I don't want to be wrong either!

Thanks for all of this, Dan.