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Thank you highly for your reply...

Thank you highly for your reply. Most would not have
the spine to reply in such a non violent way. Although
i dont think you truly got what i was saying, i was in
fact fairly man, and ranting recklessly. I just ask
for you to take this down. I respect you highly in
your beliefs, it is your opinion, or even fact for i
do not know. I just wish for you to respect our
religion. Wicca is a non violent religion, although
our ancestory religions such as druids and roman pagan
were. We do not wish to offend anyone for practicing
our religion, we do it with the faith for mother
nature. if you truly think about it, wicca is not that
different then Christianity. We both believe in a
higher diety and that they have a deep love for us.
Wicca though is not a evil religion, our brotheren
religion satanism, which is a mix of pagan and
antichrist is though. I just want a decent respect by
you and your fellow brothers. This world is a free
world, for us to do as we will .If God is real, and
created us in a way where we learn by trial and error.
In that way he created us to think freely. I beg for
you to take this down, for it puts in the minds of
people to shun us in ways. Please dont add to the
hatred of fellow man.