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We're sorry you were offended... but...

From: Cephas Ministry
Subject: Im Shocked

Dear One,

We are sorry if we offended you in any way. These discernment ministries came into existence some 10 to 20 years ago. No one had ever heard of them before, the reason being that the churches were going haywire and members were wondering what was going on. We have watched wave after wave of false doctrines penetrating just about all denominations. And all of them were heresies. I never once did I hear you mention the Word of God. That was supposed to be the focal point of the teachings of Christ Jesus. We are to focus on the death and resurrection of Christ which rarely gets mentioned. Now the Purpose Driven Movement is permeating the whole system. Mega churches are taking away from denominations and again we have another heresy. Rick Warren admits he is not a fundamental Christian which means he does not adhere to Biblical teachings.
We are in the final stretch no doubt. God wrote in Revelation 3 that He will spew lukewarm Christians out of His mouth. That is what we are about. God wants us to separate from the world and be sanctified. What happened to that? We have been involved since 1992 and what we have learned since is mind boggling. Satan has the power to deceive the world, that should be a red flag. It is not about unity with every denomination but unity in the Holy Spirit which is unity in the Word of God. It says that all else are lies. That is what we have experienced. We wish to walk the Bible (kjv) just as it is written without laughing spirits and all the games to keep people entertained. We desire to go to heaven not be left behind. Believe me, there are only few who are heeding the warning. Jesus stated that His flock is small. That should be a red flag that you have work to do.
We do apologize that you were offended and hope you will forgive us.
We say these things in the name of Christ Jesus, and pray to Heavenly Father that He will forgive us and keep us free from heresies,. May he bless you abundantly,

Rita at Cephas Ministry