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Poetry and more

From: Roger W Hancock - the PoetPatriot
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: Poetry and more
Date: Jan 6, 2006 4:30 AM


Yes and I too see that many subscribe to your position. I do not fully agree, however your position is surely not without merit. Especially where one is without a spiritual direction. God directs people in different paths, but they must occasionally stop, reexamine where they are with God, then proceed in obedience. In Mid 1999 it was my belief that I could not write. Early in 2000 I wrote my first serious poem, "Life Abounds In Nature's Sound." If indeed I have the talent and people are not just simply being nice and patronizing me, then it is a gift of God. I can now look back and see I may been able to write but did not know I knew, subsequently did not have the confidence. Whether given long ago or more recently it is a gift I credit God. I did not apply myself well back in school. My writings, I believe, are led (I omitted "inspired", it sounded too strong) by God for they pretty much write themselves.
Your position is the spiritually safe position for sure. Among the political scene there is a "spirit" that so many unknowingly succumb. Once accused by a local State Representative who is Mormon that I was in it for the power (She was and is. She votes well though) I took as an opportunity for one of the self-reflections, my actions since has reinforced that power is not my motive. It appears, though, I may have obtained some influence locally. Anyway, my political activities, seem to be guided spiritually but must not supersede my church attendance and activities. I trust that my pastors will comment should they begin to see a problem. During times of increased absence due to illness they have been faithful to inquiringly comment.
I hope I am simply explaining rather then justifying.
Anyway, the political path is certainly not for everyone, one must be directed by the Holy Spirit in whatever their "ministry" or activities. I have long since felt that it may well be the Christians involved who just being involved may be the catalyst that brings persecution on the American Church. The American Church has not seen the persecutions that others around the globe have. The Bride of Christ will be made without spot and wrinkle, so surely the American church has some trying times ahead.
Where would we be today if America's founding fathers had simply abided allowing the oppression of England's king? Surely God guides people differently, sometimes where it make no logical sense.
The Christian must vote; a right and responsibility where the individual is allowed a say in government; Give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar. It may well be that my political objectives will fail but I must press on doing that which the Spirit directs. We are to be witnesses of righteousness. As with so many other situations, in the political scene where righteousness exists, it shines bright. I must, though, be vigilant to not allow that brightness in me to dim.
Our government is certainly a far cry from what the founding fathers gave us.
Two masters is a condition that exists on many levels. Some have two masters in allowing their family to come before God. (My wife has a problem there but hers is a much closer family than mine.) To others their collections and hobbies. What ever the path, the underbrush that snares must not entangle us away from our First Love.
It is my hope that many who would come to my site for the various reasons would perhaps out of curiosity or perhaps a leading of the Holy Sprit to check out the "religious" writings. A quick mental review, just now tells me I need a writing on how to come to Jesus. ..... thanks !

It's getting much too late. I've got my day job in the morning.

Have a Grand and Glorious Day,
Roger W Hancock

"Liberty is maintained by responsible freedom." - Roger W Hancock