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Question on the Rapture & Anti-Christ?

From: Nana Addo Dankwa
Subject: Great Rapture?
Date: Jan 8, 2006 12:54 PM

Dear Nicholas A Stivers,

Its indeed great coming your way again rthis time
on the issue of rapture as to when its likely to
occur; are Christians likely to see the antichrist
befor rapture? 2nd thes 2:1...

Thank you.
Addo Dankwa Edward

Revealing the anti-Christ

January 9, 2006

Dear Addo Dankwa Edward,

Indeed, it is great to hear from you again. The question you pose is significant and demands a thourgh response but cannot be adequately answered with any degree of specifics. You may want to read my archived November Scroll on my website. The scroll is at

This will help to identify the actual time we are now in and also indicates how close we are to the tribulation and the revealing of the Anti-Christ. Pay particular attention to the "6000 years" portion of the scroll. To answer your question more directly and using II Thessalonians as evidence, I am under the impression that the revealing of the Anti-Christ will not take place until God has taken His Holy Spirit back because Paul states in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 "let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition..." Paul is speaking of the revealed apostasy when he mentions the words, "falling away." Now in this appropriate context and time we are now in, the apostasy has been revealed. It was first being revealed by a few men in the last century who were not well received when they began to point their fingers at the modern day churches practicing their apostate doctrines. Such men were viewed as a threat to the popular Christian sects and were themselves often considered apostates! It was clearly revealed with great tenacity and conviction when I published my book, "Apostasy Revealed." My book describes more acutely the condition of modern Christianity and pronounces strong rebuke of it while I make an sincere attempt to urge Christians to depart from the mainstream agendas of false doctrines (make a separation from and repent) and return to their first love, being Christ Jesus and follow the very pattern He thus established. Needless to say, I am not well received by the more popular mainstream because the message God speaks through me (another messenger) is designed to lead the believers unto repentance and make a sincere return to God. That, unfortunately is not where most are gravitating these days because people are seeking for the things of selfish gratification rather than pursuing the selfless attributes of Christ and the Fathers Holy Spirit.

Now Paul also indicates a time when the Anti-Christ will appear and that time is after God has taken back His Holy Spirit. It is therefore logical to presume then that if God is going to take back His Holy Spirit, then He will at that time also take up the children of humanity who are presently endowed with the Spirit because God will not abandon His children in a wreckless and hopeless world without our comforter and supporter; the Holy Spirit. The reason why the Anti-Christ therefore has not yet been revealed is because the Holy Spirit of God is still in our midst and dwelling in the children who are obeying the Word of God and worshipping Him in Spirit and truth. For Paul says of the Spirit which holds back the knowledge of the aforementioned "man of lawlessness" says in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-10 "And now ye know that which restraineth, (speaking of the Holy Spirit) to the end that he may be revealed in his own season. For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way (again, speaking of the Holy Spirit). And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming; even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

So Paul revealed to us literally that God is the one who now restrains the revelation of who the final Anti-Christ shall be and only when God removes His protecting Spirit (our comforter) will that lawless one be revealed. This will be a terrible time for anyone left behind on the planet for it will surely be a living hell on earth for a short time. The ones who are left behind are left "because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." and are likewise delivered into a strong deluding spirit which keeps them from the liberating knowledge of God. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 "And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Unfortunately, many among them will be the Jews who had no heart to accept Jesus as their Lord but God also promises that a remnant of Jews totalling 144,000 will be saved from the tribulation after they've been given a new heart to receive and accept Jesus as the true Messiah.

With all sincerity,

In addition...

Dear Edward,

To summarize then where we are at in the current time table...

Here, God exhibits great mercy towards His first Elect. This therefore shows that there are most probably two ressurections; one pre-trib and the other occurring sometime during the middle of the tribulation. But these things are a matter of faith and should not be categorically used to fight and/or argue or necessarily reject those who believe in a slightly different view or outcome. I for one do not engage in such arguments but I am not afraid to share what I believe based on the whole of scripture.

Now going back to the "6000 Years" portion of my Scroll. If you understand the supporting scriptures cited to prove what scripture reveals regarding "when the children will be taken up"then you'll note that as Jesus indicated, it will be on the morning of the third day. This is also confirmed for us in the book of Hosea. I therefore will grant you these prophetic words which the Lord spoke through me and I have published extensively in my book as well as this web ministry... "We are in the last hours, even moments of the second day and soon, the third day will dawn. What happens on the morning of the third day oh son of man?" To answer your question directly, it is by faith that I believe the tribulation will begin in or near the year 2017 but certainly no later than the year 2025. I cannot be more specific than that and do not wish to declare without doubt to the rest of the world because there are a few more signs I am waiting to see revealed before I make such a bold claim to the whole earth. Take that for what it is worth. I hope this helps you in your pursuit of understanding and application of righteousness.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.