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No Lie is of the TRUTH

December 26, 2005

Shalom Steve,

Perhaps I will but I think that might become a very long phone call. Just how much reading of William Branham have you done anyway? We investigate a great deal before we publish and expose heresy but we are not heritic hunters. That is only one part of a larger function Cephas Ministry provides to the rest of humanity that hungers for truth. Before you take the position that we publish lies about preachers, evengelists and men like W. Branham, you should probably try as we do to let the "Word of God" judge the matter and then re-evaluate your position based on that divine judgment. You see, people have made William Branham out to be more than he was. This is all too common for deaf and dumb sheep who hear not the true shepherd's voice. I don't mean to insult you, please forgive me but I am attempting to encourage you to compare and contrast the "words of Branham" with the sound biblical teachings and statements of Christ and His Apostles. Men like Branham have the same effect on people in every generation. Look at Benny Hinn. Do you really think he is a true prophet of God? Benny Hinn is a contempory version of William Branham and I gotta tell you by first hand witness that these men utter only lies.Though their lies are seasoned with twisted, half-baked truths, they are still lies because Jesus declared that "no lie is of the truth." Please take a closer look at what we have discovered and substantiated. The references to source are provided along the way so that you can check them out yourself. By all mean, don't take my word for it, but let God's Word be the final judge.

William Branham was a FALSE prophet and his teachings are still to this day leading many souls astray. Please, by all means necessary, forward this email to your pastor friend in Florida. Lets look at the facts. As provided by another Brother in Christ Zenith Harris Merrill, according to W. Branhams own words and testimonies...

What did the False Prophet, William Branham,
"really" believe - in his Own Blasphemous Words?

"We're identified with him in Acts 2. We're identified with them, with the same baptism, same thing.
"All he (Jesus) was then, and all he is, all he was, and all he is, we are. That's exactly."
"Same thing by being a true Christian. You have to be identified with it.
" I preached with Moses and war-with Noah and warned the people of the oncoming judgment, to be a real Christian.
I was with Moses at the burning bush; I saw the Pillar of Fire; I saw His glory. I was with Moses up there in the wilderness.
To be a Christian, I have to be identified with everything God was, to be a Christian. I seen His glory; I heard His voice. Don't try to explain it away from me now, 'cause I was there. I know what I'm talking about. I seen what happened. Yes, sir!"
"I was at the Red Sea when I seen the Spirit of God move down and part the water from one side, … through about a ninety foot sea.
I seen the Spirit of God. I walked with Moses through that dry ground, across that Red Sea. I stood by Mount Sinai and seen the thunder and lightning falling.
I eat manna with them out there. I drank from that Rock; I'm still doing it tonight. I was identified with the manna-eaters. I was identified with them that drunk from the rock."
"I was with John the Baptist and before them critics. I seen the Spirit of God descending; I heard the voice of God say, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." Yes, sir! I sure was Identified with him. That's exactly right."
"I was with the 120 in the Upper Room. I was identified up there with them. Oh, I - I feel religious. Amen! I was identified there. I'm one of them. I was identified; I got the same experience they had. I was there when it happened, to be a true Christian." ( The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us).

William Branham was completely deluded, for the bible does not teach this! Not at all! Now let us look at what the perfect and undefiled WORD of GOD has to judge about this falseprophet's claims....

On the contrary, God's Word tells us in Col.2:18:

"Let no one cheat you out of your reward, taking delight in FALSE humility, and the worship, intruding in those things which he has seen, vainly puffed up by his carnal mind."

Branham said in Seven Church Ages that the Church is built on "The Rock of Revelation."

Jesus, however, taught in Matthew 7:24, that He was the sure foundation, and that there is no other. Paul said "The Rock is Christ" who was in the wilderness (I Cor.10:4). Peter says the foundation Rock is Christ (1 Peter.2:5-8).

As God's Word clearly tells us, there is no other foundation but Christ and there can never be any other foundation than Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, W. Branham had what is nowadays called an "Elijah syndrome." W. Branham was clearly self deluded and thourghly deceived by other spirits of a demonic nature.

In Christ's love, Nicholas

Re: No Lie is of the TRUTH

From: Steve Hart
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: No lie is of the TRUTH
Date: Jan 4, 2006 12:10 AM

Hello Nick,

I will print out your e-mail and run it by my pastor. I will get back to you. John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you."
Did He lie? Did He really send another person? I appreciate your trying to help poor dumb sheep like me.

Stephen Hart