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Prosperity Doctrine

From: James West
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: Prosperity Doctrine

The problem with the Prosperity doctrine as preached by WOF and others is that they do not make it clear as to how one can be blessed by God. Tithing has nothing to do with God's blessing for you. There are millions of carnal Christians who tithe generously. But, God will not bless a carnal believer. God does indeed want to bless us all, and what he has for us, "Eyes can not see, ears can not hear, minds can not perceive". Why" Because when you are carnal, you can not even see what God has for you, let alone walk in it. God wants to bless all of us, but in order for him to do that, he must have a believer who is mature in spirit. He must have a believer whom he can trust that that blessing will not turn that believer away from God, but instead that believer will use his blessing to glorify the Kingdom. Spiritual growth and maturity is the key to receiving all that God has for you. In order for you to mature spiritually, you MUST rebuke your flesh so that you are only hearing from the Holy Spirit. A carnal believer is a believer who is living by his animalistic instincts. That is what his flesh or carnality is. A spiritual believer is only hearing what the Holy Spirit is telling him.
Please visit www.gth-ministries and learn how one can grow and mature spiritually.

God Bless You

Jimmy West

A Word from Kelsey

Here is a word from "Kelsey" servant of the Lord.

"Your heart can only be broken if you keep it. Give of yourself everyday and expectations will be no more. No heart that has been given away can be broken."

My friends, God wants you to come to Him with a broken heart so that he can heal you. Then, and only then, the more of your heart can be given away as He can only fill and replace it.

Everyday is the season. Give your heart away.
