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Answering Who are the Nicolaitanes?

December 12, 2005

Dear Dave,

Sorry that there is a delay in my timely response. I got alot of fires burning and
no one seems to exhibit much patience... including myself. I've had a security problem
with my virus protector and then my emails got really backed up.

I see that Rita was able to respond to some of your inquiry. Did that help? What
I do know is that the Nicolaitanes were essentially "conquerors over peoples."
That is precisely what God hates. God intended for us to have dominion over all
things beneath our feet.... not dominion over one another. Yet, the history of man
shows that man is not settled with his own abode but lusts for so much more. Every
nation except Israel has been guilty of conquering others for the acquisition of
lands, resources, and power over peoples. In that context, much of the world falls
under that category. But there is also a religious significance and one that the
Catholic Church also fits well into.

The best way to avoid it all is to answer daily the question, "whom do I wish
to serve today?" Remember that we cannot effectively serve two Masters so if
you are willing to remain surrendered unto Christ's authority and His pattern, stray
not from it. That literally means to abide His teachings and examples and let the
Word of God judge all things as it has been given to do. If you accept all the judgments
that the Word of God hands down and work to conform yourself to the godliness that
Scripture exhorts, you allow yourself to be under the authority of Christ and no
other. When we try to adopt certain religious affiliations and memberships, we quickly
become divided and will stumble or fall as a result. When we attempt to ally ourselves
with certain political organizations, we again divide our alliances with God and
will fall.

Choosing to remain free from the curse of the Nicolaitanes is to be free indeed
from the encumbrance of man's divisive religion and corrupted politics. Serve God
through Christ Jesus alone and be free from all such worldliness. Rather than trying
to fit the world into the scriptural paradigm. Let scripture establish the boundaries
of what is acceptable and tolerable and follow that instead. You are set free in
Christ so remain free from the evil subjugation of deluded men who know not the
difference between right and wrong.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4

A more comprehensive answer about the Nicolaitians

From: Nicholas A Stivers
Cc: Rita Williams
Subject: A more comprehensive answer about the Nicolaitians
Date: Dec 30, 2005 5:10 PM

Dear Dave,

You recently posted a question on my forum about Nicolaitians and though I answered
what I understood, I recently received a better article on the subject matter that
I think you will find very edifying.

Someone sent me a wonderful gift recently. It was a series of lectures done by FW
Grant in 1902. Among the lectures (all written) was one that more aptly answers
your question on what it was about the Nicolaitians that God hates. It also reveals
who the contemporary Nicolaitians are and discusses their evolution. I was overjoyed
to read that this man received the same revelation and understanding about modern
day clergy and the system which they serve. I hope this attached document helps
you to better understand what to avoid and steer away from regarding a "practicing
faith" in Christ Jesus.

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4


From: Just Me
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: A more comprehensive answer about the Nicolaitians
Date: Jan 9, 2006 7:50 PM

Hey Brother,
Wow, that is a really good article and there were some attention getters in it for me. Thanks for being so faithful and following up on this thing. The article is a blessing. I just need to get my printer to work right so I can have a hard copy. God Bless you for obedience to His Word.

Signed, Dave Storm