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From: Mary Clayton
Sent: Nov 12, 2005 12:34 PM
Subject: Question


I have been praying and seeking the Lord about this. I know this site is not about health, doctors, etc..... but they have failed. Now I am seeking the Lord for a possible spiritual solution. Thus, I write to you:

I have been encouraging in the Lord and praying alot for a friend with a very serious problem. She is plagued with some sort of pestilent infestation in/on her body. Nothing she has used has been able to cleanse her body from this. She has been to several (half a dozen or more) different doctors who tell her there is nothing physical there; that it is a psychiatric problem. She also frequents health food stores seeking help. She has been spending much money she and her husband do not have.

I believe her because I have known her for 30 years. She is not nuts. Also, her husband now is dealing with it as well. Her family is being affected by this too as she keeps a distance from them because she doesn't want them to get it; especially her 2 year old grandaughter who is now starting to "act out". I'm sure the little one feels rejected by her grandmother who used to hold her, rock her and sing Jesus songs with her but now hardly touches her. This breaks my heart for the little one as well as for my friend.

She herself is dealing with shame and, even though she is the one who warns us (her friends) to not be in physical contact with her, the rejection from withdrawing from her family and friends is wearing on her. Through all this, however, she is clinging to the Lord Jesus Christ asking Him to cover her, heal her, deliver her, -- whatever it takes.

Have you ever heard of anything like this? Something real and manifesting in the flesh, but seemingly absent and non-existent to doctors? I have been searching the internet for a key of knowledge for this woman, since she does not have a computer. I've been asking the Lord to bring across my path wisdom / information / knowledge that will help my friend. Anyway, it occurred to me to write and ask you this question. I heard of your site from another friend of mine whom you helped understand something they were going through.

Thank you so much for any prayers and/or spiritual insight, information, comments, etc. you may have for me to give to my friend.

Thank you so much.



More Questions....?

November 13, 2005

Dear Mary,

Thank you for writing me of your deep concerns regarding your long time friend. I gather by what information you have provided that your friend is past or near middle aged? It would be helpful if you could tell me what part of the country she lives in; i.e. City, State. If she lives outside the US, what country? There are many strange things manifesting themselves in our society today. One such mystery is the deadly, "flesh eating bacteria" which has been the cause of some recent deaths in the Northwest. Doctors don't have any answers here and it is still a mystery. One of the first places I would investigate for possible source is the water supply and then look to see if her home surroundings have any creeping mold in the walls. It could very likely be an allergic reaction to something she is ingesting or breathing. The other area of concern is her proximity to strategic military bases where experiments could be taking place or older Nuclear facilities like the Hanford plant in Eastern Washington which we now know to be polluting the States water supply and one of the Northwest's major rivers. Take a good look at all these things when trying to pin point a source for the infection.

Your letter did not indicate the extent of the manifestation nor did you clarify that you have seen it with your own eyes. Can it be seen with the naked eye? What does it look like and what extent of her body is covered? Does it come and go and move around like some forms of exema? Is it like a rash or scaly skin or more like boils and sores that fester? Lastly, if the doctors claimed that there was nothing and that her problem was pschyological, why would they say as much if there was physical evidence to prove that she indeed has a problem? Has she tried changing the laundry detergent she uses to wash her clothes?

If there exists no physical evidence of such then I am one to look at the spiritual aspect. Being afflicted spiritually does not mean that one is crazy but it often times is summed up by doctors to be pschycological. Doctors deny the spiritual realm and put faith in only that which can be seen by the naked eye. These are some simple questions for you to look into and get answers for. Before I could address the real problem, I need further insight to pray effectively and provide possible assistance elsewhere. Please keep in mind that I am no doctor and I don't consider myself a healer but I do know without any doubt whatsoever that a properly aligned faith in Christ Jesus and trust in God the Father can and will provide immediate remedy. Jesus often said that it was your faith that healed you. Faith is still the most powerful and effective medicine known to man but it is not worth any money in the market world and realm of medicine and pharmecuticals. Therefore, I would first recommend that your friend save her money and stop wasting it on vain remedies. She could also look at her diet and also her surroundings to determine if there is a simple answer. Quite often the truth is starring right at us but we are so blinded by supposed knowledge that we easily get side-tracked from where we should put forth our energies and beliefs.

Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened up to you, ask and it shall be granted. I will pray this for you both and hopefully with your agreement for effective prayer and healing, you will see God glorify Himself and stump the medical community which is already choking on their vast knowledge and tripping over their own ignorance and indifference.

For comfort and insight, I recommend a slow reading of the Book of Job who underwent a tremendous trial and testing of his faith. It is very inspirational and humbling. Please let me know what your findings are and if I can be of any further service.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.
Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4

Thank You for your quick response...

From: Mary Clayton
Sent: Nov 15, 2005 6:53 PM
To: Nicholas A Stivers
Subject: It will be a proper FAITH that brings genuine healing.


I thank you for your quick, kind, interested response to my email. I gave a copy to my friend.

You are right, this is a middle-aged woman. We both live in Southeastern Pennsylvania. She took some samples of these parasites to a skin doctor -- the analysis came back "unidentified parasites"... but they later told her they were just lint. Her husband has seen them, as well as her daughter. I have not seen them personally since I have not been in physical contact with her since she has known about these, but talk with her, encourage her, pray with her every couple of days by phone. My friend's condition is severe and the things she described to me were like those written about on the morgellons site. She is infested all over her body with more than one type of parasite.... or maybe just many stages. Larva, worms, eggs. There is shame connected to this and a "dirty" feeling for her, even though she is a very clean woman who keeps a very clean and orderly home.

I too thought of Job and recommended the book to her. She read it and received comfort from it. I know this is pressing her into the Lord. We keep asking the Lord to cleanse and purify her body, soul and spirit from all infestation physically, mentally and spiritually.

She has been to about eight different doctors in our area, all of which do not want to touch her, but tell her it is in her mind. She begged for an appointment at the University of PA in Philadelphia until she got one, but they also told her there is nothing and wanted to put her on medication for dilusions. So after all this leg work on the internet, going to several doctors and the Univ.of PA, I wrote to you wondering if you ever heard of any demonic activity like this. Sometimes when I am praying with her, I "feel" manifestations like she describes to me (itching, bites or pinching, sensation in scalp). It makes me feel like running.

Well, I took that information and started doing searches on the internet and came across the following site: It seems there are other people with this problem out there; mostly Texas, Calif. and Florida - but in many other states too. If you would want to read a little about this, go to the Morgellons site and click on "Media / P.R." which will take you to magazine articles, pictures, and newspaper articles about this problem. There is a message board on this site where others who are struggling with this problem write and share stories / information. To find the message board, go to the bottom of the page and look under "Support Group".

I also found a site for the National Unidentifiabile Skin Parasite Assn. (NUSAP) on There is some of the same information on this site. Here you can click on the "Discussion Forums". When you go in here, you can click on the "prayer requests". Here you find some very desperate people asking for prayer. There is a 53 year-old woman asking for prayer who reminds me very much of my friend (but it is not her).

Thank you again for any prayer or spiritual guidance for me and my friend. I know both the Holy Spirit and Jesus are pleading her case and interceeding for her to the Father. I believe Jesus is praying for her, that her faith will not fail.


It will be a proper faith that heals...

November 18, 2005

Dear Mary,

Thank you for the additional information you provided from your research. I must confess that of all the various emails I answer internationally dealing with hard corps faith issues, yours intreigued me on a more personal level. You see, I too have had for about four years a "skin condition" in the area of my scalp. I simply deal with it and it is un-nerving to say the least but it appears to be as untreatable as some of the posts on those recommended forums you indicated. I was surprised to actually see the same description and pictures of these nasty familiar little buggars posted on the site. In my case, the infected area of my scalp never seems to leave my scalp but does move around my scalp from different positions. I control it by using strong scalp treatments which soften the affected areas and I scrape through them with a fine comb while in the shower. My comb lifts an extroidinary amount of "dead tissue" from the infected area but after 2 or three days, another small area of my scalp will start building with these fiberous, seed-like critters. It does appear that we have a minor skin disease growing among the populous and they're are probably as many mis-diagnosis' of these skin conditions as they're are numbers of un-registered complaints. I tend to agree with some of the forum posts at that this is yet another related illness of society and most probably is connected to something beastly or at the very least, connected with the dark realm and authority of Lucifer. For this reason I am offering up the following prayer for your friend and will likely also post a similar prayer for those other infected people on the other forums. We need to take a stand and be in agreement in order for the prayer to truly have effective results. "Where there are two or three in my name..." In the name of Christ Jesus, I beseech the oh Lord, hear our prayer...

Everbody... Read on to the next prayer and agree with us!


Prayers of a Righteous Man Avails Much...

If the Prayers of a Righteous Man Avails Much… I beseech thee oh Lord,

Hearken your ears unto me oh Lord of hosts. Hear my prayers and cries from the wilderness of America that she is oppressing us from the liberties, which you granted us through your Son’s selfless sacrifice. How much longer must we endure the pain and the bloodshed oh Lord? How much longer must we suffer our infirmities, disease and various illnesses oh Lord? How must we accomplish the same selfless service to your Kingdom without falling into the divisive and vain traps of our oppressor? The medical community wants to lable our infimities as delusional and give us pills to replace our faith. The establishment wants to cleanse our water with chemicles and purify our air with even more unnatural solutions all the while we continue to fill our city skylines with the smog and heat of industrialization and automobiles because gas and oil are money and money is the objective having become the very power that corrupts. The workers of society and all the common people suffer to greater degrees by the works of poiticians, beaureacrats and the elite. The same holds true for the medical and phamacutical industry being driven by the profits derived by mass production of man-made remedies when in fact the sins of society and mankind are what is at fault here. When will men see and understand that the walls of your ancient city must fall in order for the New Jerusalem to take its rightful place? When will the people agree that the divisive religions of men are in part to blame when all you asked of us is to have faith and committment? When will men give up the vain battle for power and riches and let us worship you in Spirit and truth, in dignity and peace? How long must we endure oh Lord? My brother’s house is divided and his lands are separated. Foreigners occupy the very place that you gave as an inheritance to the faithful and the shed blood runs deep already polluting the very lands we were to occupy. When will we see again the peace that was afforded both Jew and Gentile in the first council at Jerusalem? When will the aggressors of Islam and Zion be silenced and made to understand that your Son’s sacrifice was sufficient for all humanity to inherit eternal salvation? Why must men strive for the temporal when they should be seeking the eternal? Why is the value of oil and gold more than human life by contemporary standards? Who has listened to thee oh Lord, who has understood the great price already paid for the redemption of our souls? Who will stand forth with me oh Lord and honor the saving grace, which you afforded us on the cross? I beseech thee oh Lord in the name of Christ Jesus, come Lord Jesus come and save us from our enemy and oppressor. Extinguish the flames of his fiery missiles and put asunder all his vain precepts and corrupted dogma. Heal us Lord of our illness and infirmities especially those who are among the faithful and the poor. Deliver us oh Lord who worship you in Spirit and truth and let not thine enemy strike us down but let us be the right and just example of truth and justice, of faith and hope, of love and endurance in the long suffering which we must undergo. Help us to stem the tide of increasing darkness oh Lord and let us be a witness and example to all the Nations of earth. Let all the Nations see we worship you through the one and only true Son who bore our sins upon the cross redeeming us and purchasing us from the wicked world in which we live. Help us Lord to be your faithful servants of justice, righteousness, purveyors of peace, hope and love. May you be glorified in our healing oh Lord. And if we must die the first death which is once appointed to all men then let not our death be a vain glory but one of honor and ever lasting testimony to our love and faith that we hold in you. Grant as I pray oh Lord for the people and for my children too. Hear our prayer oh Lord in the name of Christ Jesus. Come Lord Jesus come! AMEN

Perhaps we should be tickling the ears of some college research department and see what they could do with our offerings of skin specimens? What does anybody think about that? Colleges and young researchers are often a good place to start because they have not yet been indoctrinated with the ills of corporate institution and political theology.

With all sincerity and love for the truth and our scattered brethren abroad,

Nicholas A. Stivers, humbled God fearing man, scribe and messenger.

Author; Apostasy Revealed published 2003 by Mountainview Publishing ISBN: 1-928602-92-4