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November 14, 2005

Dear Jim,

If truth is corrupted by a lie then there is no truth but only lies. For no lies are of the truth for truth is simply that which is pure and undefiled. Anything less is a matter of man's own perception which is not necessarily the truth. Truth is eternal and forever unchanging.

We know well what the Catholics claim by the presence of the inverted cross. We also know well all their other claims and rights to the Christian assembly and Body of Christ. Just because they may say they believe Jesus is Lord does not make them true Christians. Looking at what one says and what one does often provides deep insight to the paradox of belief vs. works/deeds. If the deeds do not match the word of faith then their exists a paradox. In the case of the long history of the Catholic Church and her long saga of unrepentant crimes against humanity, one is able to more easily conclude that they are in fact not Christian! They neither heard the Shepherds voice nor did they heed His warnings and submit to His example. Therefore they are not part of the true flock! The Catholic Church is the upside down version of Christianity and not the true image of selfless sacrifice and long suffering in the context of love (unwavering committment). Quite the opposite is true in fact, they along with other perversions of Christian faith are the source of mankind's long suffering and the rollmodel of rebellion. The Catholic Church was born out of Rome. The Catholic Church is the seed of a "legalized form of supposed Christianity" not conforming to the image and likeness of our Lord and Saviour who took upon Himself all the sins past, present and future of humanity. The Catholic Church has assumed a position of authority over all maters of morality and purports their dictators (Popes) are from the line of Peter thus making the Pope a Vicar of Christ. Then to worsen the blasphemy, the Catholic Church declares the office of Papacy to be the Order of Melchizedek; an eternal preisthood given only to Christ Jesus. This man who sits upon a throne with the inverted cross is more a perfect example of a pharisee and ultimately shows himself by his deeds and position of authority to be anti-Christ in nature.

Peter was crucified upside down by his own choice not feeling worthy to die in the same manner as his Lord but Peter was crucified nonetheless in Rome and by Romans! Do you see the paradox now? There are many signs and indications given us and seen only by those with discernment that give the enemy away. A man is known by his word and deed and the Church who purports herself to belong to Christ would not have committed such abomination over so many centuries if she were truly part of the Body. She is an apostate Church by its very definition and therfore has never been part of the true body.

#645 Apostasia; from, and histemi (2476), to place, stand. This word occurs in Acts 21:21 translated as "forsake" and in II Thess. 2:3 "falling away." In the majority of cases the the verb is intrans. meaning that person does not depart from where he is to go somewhere else, but stays away, having chosen from the beginning to stay away; not to believe instead of believing in which case the verb, histemi (2476) is to be interpreted not as departing but as standing away or placing oneself away from; with the prep. apo (575), to stay away from.
Proof: In Acts 21:21the new Christian believers among the Jews decided to stand apart from the Jewish practices of Moses for they were in a new dispensation. They were not Judaizing Christians, but Christians standing apart from Moses. Having departed from Moses and comming to Christ Jesus, they decided that they should stay apart from Moses, that is, his Judaistic practices. Therefore, in II Thess. 2:3 the word apostasia does not refer to the Christians who would depart from the faith, but those who would reject Christ.

Listen not to what explanations the Catholic Church may give for what she stands or does but rather listen to that still small voice in your inner being whose utterance will be confirmed by what the Word of God thus establishes and not what the religions of men thus purport. Symbology is but one aspect employed to affirm identity or affiliation with cause and/or pupose. Is it mere coincidence that the upside down cross is used by a number of known occults or is it a clue that directs the mind of man to more carefully consider under whose control he surrenders to? The devil offered Jesus a throne on earth and all the earth's kingdoms but Jesus refused to take that position. Paradoxically, men are more than anxious to assume that authority and right thereby becomming oppressors and dictators over men whom were granted total liberty to worship freely in Spirit and Truth. Surrendering to one religious cult or another is surrendering the very liberty which Christ granted all men to serve Him fully and freely thereby offering up their own will to do the will o