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My zealot friend,

I believe the message was to point out to everyone in America and to the judicial system that this is what needs to be reflected to all media and muffled sarcasms of hypocrites that profess to hold up the truth, justice and liberty yet live under a blanket of hidden discontent for lack of will and character to be the citizens that outwardly they profess to be yet inwardly they are living sewage pools of corruptions and debauchery. I'm with you on that. However, it goes without saying that we as Americans should bless God. The term God bless America is used as a term of gratitude for what God has already done. Back in those days when our forefathers created the constitution. The term God bless America was in fact just that. What they were inferring was that God has Blessed America and may His ever lasting mercy continue to flow freely for this undeserving Nation.

it does'nt mean" Hey God, we are so great of a nation, why don't you bless us some more because we deserve your blessings." That's not what's happening here.

That's what I get out of it.

Love ya man,



Chuckles.... If I was considered a "prosecutor" in the King's court (lol) you would make a worthy "defender" my lovable friend.

Touche' That was a hard one to overcome.
