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I want to insert this line of code on my site here at Bravenet (, but when I do, I do not see anything show up after I hit the "save" icon. The page appears the same. What do I need to do or is PHP code not supported on Bravenet?

This is the line of code:

Do I need some program installed on my computer and can I get it free anywhere or at least a free trial to see how this code works?

Thank you.

You may email me if you prefer.


If you use <> around your tags your code willnot show as text in bravenet forums.

You need use the special charactors for < >

Simple html can posted.
I donot know about php or javasripts coding.


PHP is supported by Bravenet premium hosting but not with basic or "free" hosting.

To test PHP on your own computer you need to install a web server and a copy of PHP. There are various sites offering these as free downloads.