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Boomer Travel Buddies Forum

Welcome To The BoomerTravel Buddies Forum

This BTB site is designed for all you Women out there that need a partner to travel with. Someone to share hot flashes with, to travel to places you could not go before, because you were taking care of all "those people". You know who I mean..... Well, now maybe they have left the nest, or you kicked him to the curb, or you are just alone. Meet other Women who are also looking for someone to travel with. Bon Voyage !  Return to Boomer Women Traveling Home Page @ BoomerTravelBuddies

Boomer Travel Buddies Forum
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Buddies from the southeast

I am new to the forum and also new to menopause.
On Feb. 15, 2006 I had a total hysterectomy.
So now I am in total menopause dealing with all the fun things associated with no harmones.

I need someone who knows what I am going thru and someone who wants to travel - the southeast- maybe the mountains, coast, any type os site seeing.

Would like to find a boomer buddy (peer).

I like to do crafts, hiking, read, and dance.

Email: kat3605471@yahoo.com