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Re: Looking for other fans

Hellow there Abigail, nice to here from you.
Being 28, you must think your one of the younger Price fans...hell no, Im 17
What you said about talking about Vincent i reconize a friends have become excperts at topics they don;t give a **** about (while ofcourse they should, how can you not like Vincent Price!?)

Hope hearing from you soon, and if your e-mail is also your msn, pherhaps we will

Re: Looking for other fans

Hey all, I guess that I am kind of new at this stuff, but I am a huge Vincent Price fan as well and would love to chat about the man myself as I find his films, especially his horror movies (I know, it seems that you guys try to stay away from that stuff), to be just amazing. He is just one of those actors that I would say is in the tiop ten for me, if not, my favorite. Funny thing is, the first time I remember seeing him as a kid is as Egg Head on the 60's Batman show! Sorry, a huge Batman fan as well.

Well, if you wanna' talk