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Searching for info on actor is film....

I hope someone on this forum can help me. My Great Grandfather was Pat McKee. He was a stunt man/Boxer/actor. He starred in at least one Vincent Price movie as a Taxi cab driver. I can't remember the name of the movie nor can I find anything about him (my Great Grandfather) on the internet. A few years back I had found a still frame on the internet with my relative standing opposite Vincent on the set of a scary movie.

Does anyone here know who I am talking about? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Searching for info on actor is film....

Hi Stephanie,

is this your grandfather?

with picture:

Re: Searching for info on actor in film....

Yes!! This is my Great Grandfather. I thought for sure that Voodoo Man was a Vincent Price movie. I was wrong. Thank you so much for taking the time to look this up. I don't know why I was unable to find it. This time I will print everything out AND save the pages :-)

You probably already guessed it but he is the balding man in the white shirt.

Thanks again!!