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Cry Of The Banshee

Im confused. I recently rented the Banshee dvd(with
Murders In The Rue Morgue) and this seems somewhat
different(the Banshee, that is) from what I remember
at the movies in 1970.Suposedly,this is the "directors cut" version.Am I imagining things,or
is there a difference?If so,is the original cut
available?Any info would be appreciated!

Re: Cry Of The Banshee

Yes, the "director's cut" (you could also call it the British version) is on the DVD and it's quite different to the theatrical US version. The US cut was edited completely in a different order and used the Les Baxter music. If I remember it correctly it also deleted the Terry Gilliam title sequence. The US version is not available at the moment, the Orion VHS (now OOP) also used the director's cut. Strangely enough the US version appeard on video in the UK, but this tape is very rare now.

Re: Cry Of The Banshee

Thats too bad.I saw the american version as a kid,and to me this version had a lot more "oomph" than the
overlong and tedious "directors" cut.Even the banshees
wail isnt as spooky!