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Regarding the Pit and the Pendulum DVD: PLEASE READ and RESPOND

Does anyone know if the DVD version has any scenes cut out?

I ran across this comment on Amazon regarding the Pit and the Pendulum DVD:

"Not the full film ... The dvd is missing one of the best scenes from the video version of the same movie: The scene where the woman is being walled up alive by Vincent Price. I really wish the people who make dvd's would put the REAL and COMPLETE VERSION of the film on the dvd and stop cutting out various scenes, whatever their reasons may be."

Does anyone know if this is true? I wanted to know, so I can find out if this version is worth purchasing. Thank you.

Re: Regarding the Pit and the Pendulum DVD: PLEASE READ and RESPOND

Well, the particular scene you mentioned is intact in the MGM "Midnite Movies" DVD (47 minutes and 27 seconds into the picture). This is a short "flashback" scene(lasting only 14 seconds). Which just goes to prove that you can't believe everything you read.

Re: Regarding the Pit and the Pendulum DVD: PLEASE READ and RESPOND

In my earlier response to your email, I failed to mention that I was looking at the "single movie" DVD edition of "Pit and the Pendulum." The scene of VP walling up a woman alive is there! However, MGM later released this film as the second half of a "double feature" DVD (the co-feature being "House of Usher"). I do not have this "double feature" edition. Can someone out there check this out for us?