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Re: Re:Please I need help on this form

i tried to copy yor code and changed the "output =self"
to "output=blank". when i ran it, it opened on a blank page.

Re: Re:Please I need help on this form

please send me the link and I will cheak it because I tried several time and it didn't work for me.
Please just send me the you have with this script runing.

Re: Re:Please I need help on this form

i am opening now
and it is opening on a new page when i hit search

maybe your browser is not accpeting javascript?

Re: Re:Please I need help on this form

OO!!! I got what you mean I do open the page the problem is the script doesn't work if you change it. It does work if you don't change it and use it as it is for example, write the word kamal, elemo or some others and cheak for the result.
But when you make change self to _blank it doesn't work that is my problem.