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Guestbook Images

I sure would appreciate someone helping me with this..I have loaded my pics here at Bravenet because I thought I could use them in the guestbook..Then I loaded them at Photobucket..It gives me the html and the image code..However I still can not get it to work..Would someone please tell me exactly how to write this out so I can use the images in the guestbook as it is a Memorial for a loved one..

many thanks

Re: Guestbook Images

are you trying to design a bravenet guestbook or what

if you are trying to design a bravenet guestbook then you can login to bravenet

click on the guestbook link in your webtools section and design it the way you like by clicking on the look and feel.

You can add your own background, divider lines to go in between the guestbook signings and even your own guestbook header/banner if like

but you have to provide the URL's for where the images are etc

if that is what you are wanting to do.

Otherwise need a little more info.

But the previous about putting images at photobucket will work if you want to sign the guestbook etc.

But other than this may have to give more information

Re: Guestbook Images

Candy, I am trying to insert graphics into a message that I want to leave in Memory of someone..I went back and tried to use the html that I was taught many years ago and could not get it to work..This is what it looks like..

I got the IMG and the html from photobucket. I tried using just the photobucket without the IMG . I have reversed it several times and tried everything..i will want to add graphics to the header of the guestbook but FIRST I have to get it down how to add graphics to the messages that people leave..Any help would be greatly appreciated....Kaye

Re: Guestbook Images

Well, after reviewing this..It seems part of this will work..I am so confused now...


Re: Guestbook Images

some guest books don't recognize the [img] code. It has a specific name I think it is UBBC or something like that. Anyway try the below code but remove the *
at the beginning to make the html code work

Try using <*img src="">

Re: Guestbook Images

There is a space between the img and the src. Didn't realise it didn't show the space until after posting.

Re: Guestbook Images

Many Many thanks...I finally got it and will guard this information for safe keeping...Have a great weekend..Kaye