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Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

please provide a link to the page having the problems and let us know what editor you are using for your page.

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

that is the website and as editor i use the explorer

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

No, that's not your address.

And when we find the correct address and look at the page, that image does not show up in any of the code.

That is, you are not telling us the truth!

In know, we can't handle the truth...

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

pff im sorry i made a fold in the link it can happend everyone this is the good one ..

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

Even so, you say you're trying to use an image named:


and that name does not show up in the HTML code for your page.

So, what is it you want to do, how are you trying to do it, etc.....

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

i uploaded a picture to my photoalbum from bravenet ..
and used the link from that picture in the tag
body background="images/bg101.gif"
i do that in file manager and than index.html

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

The page you told us to check is this one:

You said you placed a body tag on the page with this coding:

body background="images/bg101.gif"

But the body tag you have on that page is just:


We can't help you if we can't see the page with the problem. And we have to understand what the problem is.

Currently, no problem!

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

By the way, if you place that tag on your page, it will not work the way things are now because the image you are asking our browsers to display as your background does not exist where you said:

No such file, no such directory as far as I can tell.

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

i put the pictures in the photoalbum you can make her

this is the link from that picture

i think i use the wrong photoalbum for that picture i didnt get it anymore ;)

Re: someone help me!!!!!!!!!

I can see that English is not your first language so I'll try to keep it simple;

1. You need to create a folder on your website named "images" (without the quotes). Simply naming a photo album "images" is not going to work.

2. After the folder is created, open the folder and place the photo in the folder.

3. The HTML provided by Sherlock will now work correctly.